St Mary’s Easing Out of Lockdown Edition


Gathered Services & Zoom Plus Other News Coming Out of Lockdown

As we await news of when & how we might be coming out of lockdown, this update starts with an update on Gathered Services and then continues with:

… and the usual listings of services and contacts but first:

Gathered Services Update

It’s wonderful that we have been able to return to gathered services in May and June, but of course restrictions remain for the time being, including social distancing, wearing face masks, and no congregational singing. We are now awaiting Boris’s announcement on how the planned easing of further restrictions on 21 June (or later) will affect church services going forward into the summer. If you would like to attend any of the gathered services, please book your place by emailing [email protected]. Please note that Messy Church and Praise on 4 Services  will continue on Zoom for June.

Murray Harlow – Sadly Missed

It was with huge sadness that we learned of Murray’s death on 21 May following a short illness. Murray was a much loved member of St Mary’s Church. He was particularly active in helping to run the 5T’s fellowship group which, prior to the pandemic, met every Thursday in the church hall.

Our condolences and our love and prayers go to his daughters Amber and Ciara and their young families.

A Blessing

The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.

The Lord turn His face towards you and give you peace. Amen

Numbers 6:24

Christian Aid Week – Thank You!

Christian Aid

A huge thank you to everyone who donated online to our e-envelope fund raiser for Christian Aid Week. We raised £468, including gift aid! Your donations will help communities in places like Kenya to deal with the devastating effects of climate change.

Children’s Society Boxes – Thank You!

Thank you too to everyone who supports the Children’s Society by taking part in our box holder scheme by collecting their small change. Liz Dixon is very grateful to Nicole Long for taking over as box holder coordinator and we are delighted to let   everyone know that this year’s collection has so far raised £334.66, with some money still to be counted. If you would like to support this very worthwhile charity by becoming a box holder, please contact Nicole Long on 01206 240443.

Update on Finding a New Priest

Diocese of Chelmsford shield and logo

The six parishes of West Bergholt, Great Horkesley, Langham with Boxted, Wormingford, Mount Bures and Little Horkesley have worked hard to produce a joint Parish Profile and the vacancy is now out to advertisement with a closing date of 13 June. You can view the advert and Parish Profile on the Diocesan website:

Services & Other Dates

6th June9:30 amMorning Prayer at St Peter’s, Boxted
10:00 amGathered Communion service in St Mary’s Church, also streamed on Zoom & recorded
3:00 pmI Gen service—Intergenerational worship with a focus on exploring God’s love together through a variety of activities at St John’s, Great Horkesley
13th June9:30 amMorning Prayer at St Mary’s, Langham
10:00 amMessy Church on Zoom (not recorded)
11:15 amCommunion at All Saints’, Great Horkesley
20th June9:30 amCommunion at St Peter’s, Boxted
10:00 amMorning Praise at St John’s, Great Horkesley
11:15 amFather’s Day – Gathered Communion service in St Mary’s Church, also streamed on Zoom and recorded
4:00 pmD.E.E.P service—all age worship with a focus on exploring God’s love together through a variety of activities at St Peter’s, Boxted 
27th June8:00 amBCP Communion at All Saints’, Great Horkesley
9:30 amCommunion at St Mary’s, Langham
10:00 amPraise on 4 service on Zoom (not recorded)
11:15 am‘Breathing Space’ Celtic Service at St John’s, Great Horkesley 

Please email [email protected] to book a place at any of the above services.

All events are on Zoom unless stated otherwise.  Kids’ Church is our new form of Sunday school for children.  Note, no Evening Prayer Service during winter months.

Our Team at St Mary’s

  • Assistant Curate:Revd Anne Mason
    email: [email protected].
    tel: 07895 970834 (Sunday & Tuesday – Thursdays).
  • Church Wardens:
    Peter & Caroline Finlay, — [email protected] or 07926 387551 and
    Kate & Stephen Penrose, — 07973 421306
  • Lay Readers:
    Richard Chadborn—01206 240541;
    Michael Foster—01206 241022;
    Joy Budden—01206 241871.
  • 3 Parish Families’ Worker:
    Jo Jeffery—07853 586683.
  • Parish Evangelist
    Ron Seymour—01206 272579.
  • Pastoral Assistant:
    Dorothy Chadborn – 01206 240541
  • Church Administrator:
    Jo Rassell — 01206 243683,
    email: [email protected].
    Church Office Hours — Monday 9 am—12 pm, Tuesday – Friday 9 am – 1 pm.
  • Hall Bookings:
    Nicole Long—01206 240443.
  • Newsletter Editor:
    email: [email protected].
  • Website:
  • Follow us on Facebook:
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