Safer Colchester Partnership – Survey

Safer Colchester Partnership – Survey

The Safer Colchester Partnership (SCP) is conducting a survey to ask local residents for their views on crime and anti-social behaviour in the Borough.  The SCP produces a yearly Annual Partnership Plan which contains actions to help lessen crime and the fear of crime in Colchester.  The results from this survey will inform future priorities and actions for the Safer Colchester Partnership.

The five key priorities for the partnership currently include:

  • protecting vulnerable people,
  • reducing re-offending,
  • addressing alcohol & drug misuse,
  • reducing crime and the fear of crime, and
  • addressing evening and night time economy crime.

Respond by 17th February

The survey which covers a number of crime and public safety concerns, both real and perceived is now live and runs until Friday 17th February 2017.  The survey can be found at (scroll down for the link).

The views of residents are incredibly important for the partnership especially around crime and anti-social behaviour and whether or not fear of crime is increasing across the Borough. We would therefore be extremely grateful if you could complete this survey and also distribute / publicise as you feel fit.

Recent Crimes Locally

It isn’t often West Bergholt features in crime reports we receive from the Essex Police Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator but 3 in one night!

Three in one night!

Overnight 6th January 2017

Properties in New Church, Mumford & Lexden Roads were all targeted for burglary.  In each case an unknown suspect broke in.  In two cases, they were successful in stealing items including laptops and other valuables.

9th November 2016

Early evening an unknown suspect smashed the rear window of a van parked in Erle Havard Road causing damage.


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