Meeting on 15th January 2024. the Planning & Development Committee reviewed progress on the previous meeting’s decision re S106 monies.
Two planning applications were then discussed and both were supported. These applications were for properties in Mumford Road and Chapel Lane.
Read the official minutes below:
Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Meeting held on Monday 15th January 2024 at 7.00pm in the John Lampon Hall
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.
The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.
Planning Committee Members:
Cllrs Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Sara Cullis (Vice Chair), Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher, Paul Chamberlain
Also in attendance:
Julie Gillott (Asst Clerk).
Agenda items:
1. Welcome & Apologies for absence:
Apologies from Cllr Sara Cullis.
2. Declarations of interest:
3. Minutes & actions from previous meeting
Previous minutes were agreed, and as requested the Clerk contacted Mark Healy of CCC and Karen Syrett (joint Head of CCC Planning) regarding the decision made by the WB Planning Committee that any section 106 monies from PA 232751 should go towards the construction and establishment of the West Bergholt Community Hub project.
4. Public participation and to receive any pre-application representations.
One member of the public attended, and no pre-application representations were received.
5. Planning applications:
232716 49 Mumford Road, West Bergholt CO6 3BL
Removal of existing timber / UPVC conservatory and replace with new conservatory with Aluminium frames and a glazed roof. Although the conservatory is within normal permitted size, the re-location of the front door following previous works means that the conservatory is now technically at the front.
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to not to comment
Decision: Support
240018 Twain, Chapel Lane, West Bergholt Colchester CO6 3EF
Demolish 1no. bay window, section of wall removed and a new single storey front extension added, demolish the other bay window and rebuild 1no. bay window, various alterations and modifications to existing window and doors, rear roof lights inserted into existing roof, existing chimney stacks removed, section of brickwork changed to render, porch area modified to create a new front door and side window with feature timber cladding surround, integral garage conversion to create an additional bedroom and ensuite bathroom, new raised terrace to rear garden, various internal alterations.
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to not to comment
Decision: Support
5. Planning Decisions:
232194 | Hill House Farm, 157 Colchester Rd, West Bergholt, CO63JX | 16/10/23 | Support | Demolition of existing ancillary building/stables with the construction of a single storey annex | 20/12/23 | Approved |
232569 | 21 Lexden Road, West Bergholt CO6 3BT | 22/11/23 | Support | Single storey front extension with attached front porch, addition of first floor window and remodel with respray of existing roof tiles. Single storey flat roof rear extension and addition of side door to utility room, associated changes to the landscaping | 5/1/24 | Approved |
232446 | 44 Lexden Road, West Bergholt CO6 3BX | 22/11/23 | Support | Demolition of single storey rear extensions and construction of new single storey Orangery. | 9/1/24 | Approved |
Date of next meeting:
The next Planning Committee meeting will be held at 7.00pm on Monday 19th February in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.
The meeting closed at: 7.15pm