A brief summary of key elements of the PC meeting on 27th November 2024. At this meeting, as well as routine matters, they:
- Co-opted two new Parish Councillors,
- Agreed to submit a grant application to Enovert Community Trust,
- Approved a quote for an inclusive roundabout,
- Agreed to bury a Time Capsule under the new Community Hub building,
- Noted an update on the National Grid Pylons Project.
Read the official draft minutes below.
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held on Wednesday 27th November 2024 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall, CO6 3BW
Chair: | Cllr Brian Butcher |
Parish Councillors: | Cllrs Manya Barrow, Katie Pulford, Andrew Savage, David Short, Harry Stone, John Gili-Ross and Bob Tyrell |
Also in attendance: | Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) |
City & County Cllrs: | None |
Members of the public: | 1 member of the public and 1 prospective new Councillor attended |
24/173 Receive /accept apologies and welcome to the public.
Apologies were received from Cllr Paul Chamberlain, City Cllrs Sara Naylor & Dennis Willetts, County Cllr Lewis Barber
24/174 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
24/175 Parish Councillor Vacancies
a) To approve the co-option of a new Parish Councillor for vacancy 1
West Bergholt Parish Council (WBPC) currently has two vacant positions for parish councillors and following confirmation from Colchester City Council (CCC) that no election has been called by residents, the council can now co-opt new members by councillor voting. Three candidates have shown an interest in the positions, and they have in turns attended a variety of WBPC Committee and full council meetings over the past couple of months. They have all supplied their personal statements in advance of the meeting and confirmed that they are eligible to be co-opted onto the parish council. Two candidates provided their apologies in advance of the meeting; however, the procedure will continue in their absence in the usual manner as if they were in attendance.
The one candidate in attendance was asked to leave the room whilst the vote for vacancy 1 was taken, in the form of a show of hands by parish councillors.
RESOLVED – William Pigeon was therein co-opted to West Bergholt Parish Council to fill vacant Councillor position 1 by an absolute majority.
b) To approve the co-option of a new Parish Councillor for vacancy 2
The vote for vacancy 2 then took place, again by a show of hands.
RESOLVED – Veronique Tyler was co-opted to West Bergholt Parish Council to fill vacant Councillor position 2 by an absolute majority.
New Councillor, Veronique Tyler, was then asked to return to the room to be informed of the council’s decision by Cllr Butcher. She then signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office form, was presented with her new Councillor Handbook and took her seat with other members for the rest of the meeting.
ACTION – Clerk to inform the other two candidates of the outcome of the co-option and to arrange for the induction of both new Councillors.
24/176 Previous Minutes & Actions
To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wed 23rd October 2024 and note any outstanding actions.
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wed 23rd October 2024 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (See link to PC Minutes P7 Oct 2024)
24/177 Questions from registered electors
There were no questions from registered electors.
24/178 Report from Colchester City & Essex County Councillors
There were no County or City Councillors in attendance at the meeting, having sent their apologies to the Clerk.
The Parish Council had several items that it wished to address with the City & County Councillors, including:
- Email update from Cllr Naylor on the issues surrounding Uncle Kams Fish & Chip shop
ACTION – Clerk to circulate Cllr Naylor’s update to all parish council members and relevant residents.
- Broken streetlights along the Chapel Rd/Erle Havard alleyway – an email had been sent to Colchester Borough Homes by the Clerk, following the matter being raised by a resident
ACTION – Clerk to circulate to all the City Councillors
- Flooding between 122-124 Colchester Road as the Essex Highways pipe under the front of those properties has still not been fixed.
- Status of the repainting of the Chapel Rd/Colchester Rd mini roundabout
- Feedback on the Colchester Road Safe Crossing petition
- Status of the City Councillors’ Locality Budget, especially regarding the applications made by Hillhouse Woods and the Youth Drop-in Centre.
- Support from the City & County Councillors for the Orpen Memorial Hall Trust’s application for the removal of old and the installation of new cavity wall insulation
ACTION – Clerk to check status of all the items above with County Cllr Barber and the City Councillors, along with the speed cables that have appeared near the WB Pharmacy, that the parish council knows nothing about.
24/179 Planning
To note the comments on the following planning applications made at the 11th November 2024 meeting of the WBPC Planning Committee (See link to Planning Minutes P8 Nov 2024):
- 241873 – Kinckhams, Bures Road, CO6 3DN
To convert a double garage into a 1 bed, shower room, kitchen, lounge annex
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application subject to approval being conditional on the converted garage only being used solely by people associated with, and users of, the main dwelling, and that it is not sold or let separately to the applicant’s main property.
Decision: Support
- 242062 – Four Seasons, 29c Mumford Close, CO6 3HY
Extension to existing garage to form an annex for a purpose ancillary to the existing dwellinghouse.
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application subject to approval being conditional on the extended garage only being used solely by people associated with, and users of, the main dwelling, and that it is not sold or let separately to the applicant’s main property.
Decision: Support
- 242045 – 149 Chapel Road, CO6 3EZ
Proposed orangery to side elevation
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment.
Decision: Support
- 242182 – Chase House, Scarletts Chase, CO6 3DH
Side & front extension to existing dwelling & erection of car port. Alterations to finishes of existing dwelling.
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment.
Decision: Support
24/180 Environment & Highways
a) To note the minutes of the WBPC Environment Committee from their meeting of 14th Novemeber 2024. (See link to Environment Mins P8 Nov 24)
The minutes of the 14th Nov 24 meeting were noted. Cllr Gili-Ross added that the replacement hedging trees have now been ordered by Cllr Pulford and are awaiting delivery.
b) To receive an update on the plans for the 2024 Christmas Tree
Both trees have been purchased and will be put up over the coming weekend, however Cllr Chamberlain was not at the meeting and so could not update members any further. Cllr Gili-Ross stated that the lights for the tree were kept in the Environment garage, and he would liaise with Cllr Chamberlain to hand them over to him.
ACTION – Clerk to pass email details of Debra Hornigold to Cllr Chamberlain in regard to the decorating of the tree.
24/181 Finance
a) Statement of accounts for Oct 24
The final accounts for Oct 24 (50% through the financial year) were presented as follows: (See link to PC Accounts P7 Oct 2024)
Receipts at 101%, General Expenditure 51%, Environment Expenditure 55%, Overall Expenditure 51%
Bank Rec at £ 172,455.40.
Reserves and Projects sheet reflects the £199.40 paid by Eight Ash Green PC towards the purchase of signage, shared between the parishes (from item line Ringfenced Neigh Plan implementation projects).
b) Payments
RESOLVED – to approve the Nov 24 payments lists in accordance with the 2024-25 budget as detailed below. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Stone. All in favour.
November Payments List:
PC24119 | St Mary’s PPC | Charity Allotment Stall grant to flowers team (trfd) | 50.00 |
DD | Barclays | Bank charges – loyalty reward (21.37-2.58) | 18.79 |
DD | PWLB | Public Works Loan Board – Nov | 2,684.13 |
DD | ICO | Information Commissioners Office – annual fee | 35.00 |
SO | J & M Payroll Services | Nov – wages, tax & NI | 6,000.00 |
PC24120 | J & M Payroll Services | Nov – wages tax & NI – backpay inc. Nigel | 3,775.53 |
PC24121 | J & M Payroll Services | Payroll services – Nov | 48.00 |
PC24122 | WBFC | Grass cutting Nov – LD Field | 50.00 |
PC24123 | Countrywide | Grass cutting Nov – Poor’s Land | 209.00 |
PC24124 | Laura Walkingshaw | Web mthly, wreath, No Dogs signs, Hoover, capsule, litter pickers | 555.34 |
PC24125 | Petty Cash | Tote bag, tie sets, pliers set, hex key set, stamps | 51.04 |
PC24126 | Colchester CC | Road sweep x 3 hours | 284.04 |
PC24127 | Colchester Methodist CB | Annual rental of bus shelter land – Chapel Road | 129.00 |
PC24128 | R J Playle Services | Hedge cutting and flailing | 924.00 |
PC24129 | Cadent | Quote for work at Lexden Road (Community Hub) | 661.20 |
PC24130 | TLC Environmental Serv. | Removal & disposal of asbestos shed | 1,194.00 |
PC24131 | TBS Hygiene | Litter & dog bin emptying 26/10/24 – 29/11/24 | 270.00 |
PC24132 | Oliva Construction Ltd | Invoice 1 – Community Hub project | 3,695.22 |
PC24133 | Julie Gillott | Annual subscription to Canva | 100.00 |
PC24134 | Lynda Robinson | Thank you gifts from WBAA (to be tfrd) | 40.00 |
PC24135 | I M Beckwith | PC Projects – Hall – 2nd stage of pathway | 250.00 |
PC24136 | Brian Butcher | Travel expenses to training at EALC | 26.10 |
PC24137 | EALC | PROW & local councils course – BTB & DS | 192.00 |
PC24138 | Jacqui Kibby | Editor remuneration – Winter 24 Village Bulletin | 180.00 |
PC24139 | EALC | Cllr Refresher course – BTB, Quality Gold award (£200) | 336.00 |
PC24140 | EALC | Committees & Delegated Powers – BTB | 96.00 |
Tfr | PC to Hall account | VAT Return (Sept 23 to Jan 24) | 1,285.45 |
Tfr | PC to Hall account | Inv. 237 Drop-in Centre hire of SC: Oct 24 | 68.00 |
c) To note the NJC for Local Government Services pay agreement 2024
The latest NJC for Local Government Services pay agreement for 2024 has been announced this month and was noted by the Parish Council. They will come into effect immediately and will be back paid from April 1st, 2024.
d) To receive a verbal update on the preparation work of the 2025-26 budgets.
Cllr Savage has attended both November Environment and Hall meetings in preparation for next year’s budgets. A balanced PC Budget for 2025-26 has been drafted, although the housing & Band D numbers remain unknown until CCC informs the parish council in mid-December. Once all the figures are in place, the usual three options will be put before the full council in January for a final decision.
Both MUGA (tennis) and Village Bulletin magazine meetings will be taking place in January to discuss advertising/hire charges and likely production/running costs for 2025-26.
e) To approve the Finance Committee’s recommendation for the submission of a grant application to Enovert Trust for cavity wall replacement of the insulation, in its role as sole trustee of the Orpen Memorial Hall
Cllr Savage has drafted an application for a grant from the Enovert Trust for the cavity wall replacement of the 1970’s previous insulation needed at the Orpen Memorial Hall. He is currently waiting for the third and final quote to attach to the proposed application and confirmed that the maximum the Parish Council, as the third party, would be required to contribute would be 10% of the grant or up to £1,500. The money would come from the PC’s Projects 2024-25: Climate Change Initiative budget item. Applications for this round of funding must be in by the 30th November, with a decision likely in mid-January.
RESOLVED – to approve the Finance Committee’s recommendation for the submission of a grant application to Enovert Trust for replacement cavity wall insulation, in its role as sole trustee of the Orpen Memorial Hall. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Gili-Ross. All in favour.
f) To approve the £12,347 quote from Playquip for an inclusive roundabout in the LD Field playground as recommended by the Finance Committee
The parish council previously agreed to the inclusive roundabout and where the money was coming from at its last meeting in October. Cllr Butcher has now supplied an updated report to members based on a recent Playground Advisory Group discussion on the quotes received, for fitting an inclusive roundabout. Concerns had been raised about the rutting that might be caused in the surfacing where children run in circles, however Playquip updated its quote with an additional subbase, making it now £11897 + £450 (additional subbase). Although one of Sovereign’s quote was very similar to Playquip’s, and offered a free inspection for 5 years, Playquip have a proved track record of good service to WBPC, by coming out as soon as possible whenever any issues are reported and often making minor repairs for free.
RESOLVED – to approve the £12,347 quote from Playquip for an inclusive roundabout in the LD Field playground as recommended by the Finance Committee. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Stone. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to inform Playquip and Sovereign of the council’s decision as soon as possible.
ACTION – Clerk to also arrange for Playquip to quote on other surface repairs to the playground whilst in the area. Simon, the Handyman, to meet with Playquip when they visit.
24/182 Governance
To review and agree the following WBPC policies:
- Equality Policy – no change
- William Sims Sports Field Working Party Terms of Reference – no change
- Diary Dates for 2025
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the reviewed Terms of Reference and Equality Policy, as well as the WBPC Diary Dates for 2025, Cllr Short seconded. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to confirm these documents with the webmaster and Hall Administrator as soon as possible.
ACTION – Clerk to notify Hopkins Homes that someone is using a set of temporary goals over at the new William Sims Sports Field and remind that that the parish council still hasn’t heard anything about the finalising of the land transfer as yet.
24/183 Communications
To receive the monthly website and Publicity Officer’s report
Both the monthly website report and the latest social media updates were circulated to members in advance of the meeting and noted.
24/184 West Bergholt Community Hub
To receive a verbal update on the WB Community Hub project, following a visit from Cadent Gas to the site.
Cllr Savage updated the council on the WB Community Hub project, which unfortunately has been suspended since the 30th September following the digger accidently hitting an unknown gas pipe.
A £1,521.58 quote had been received on Monday from Cadent, the gas network, for the diversion work required to re-route the gas pipe around the new extension. This follows the £661.20 paid previously to them for undertaking the quote itself. Also awaiting an additional quote from Oliva Contracts, who has been contracted to build the WB Community Hub, for the part that they will need to play in the diversion work.
It is likely to be a couple of weeks before the diversion takes place, and work begins in earnest on the WB Community Hub project.
24/185 Time Capsule 2025
To agree to the Parish Council’s intention to bury a 2025-time capsule under the new WB Community Hub
Cllr Butcher has proposed that West Bergholt Parish Council buries a time capsule under the new extension to the Orpen Memorial Hall for prosperity. It has been suggested that a 16.5-inch time capsule be purchased that will last 250 years and a plaque be put on the wall of the WB Hub where it is buried. The Parish Council will work with Heathlands School and other organisations to decide what will be suitable for inclusion inside the capsule.
Possible suggestions:
- War stock certificate from 1937
- WB Neighbourhood Plan
- Photo of WBPC Councillors & staff with Quality Gold Award
- Heathlands Primary School entire school photo
- Stamped and franked letter to Parish Council office from Chair
- Current map/satellite images of West Bergholt
- Menu from White Hart/Queens Head/Uncle Kams
- Something from Pharmacy/Co Op/Scissorhands/Doctors
- Something from Guides/Scouts/Church/Other Village Organisations
- A recent programme of events from the WI and Colne Valley Flower Club
- Something from the West Bergholt Toddler Group
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the Parish Council’s intention to bury a 2025-time capsule under the new WB Community Hub, Cllr Tyrrell seconded. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to co-ordinate items and circulate final list to all members before burial.
24/186 Consultation on remote attendance & proxy voting
To approve the WBPC response to the government’s consultation on enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings (including parish councils).
The consultation response, as drafted by Cllrs Gili-Ross & Butcher, was circulated to members of the parish council in advance of the meeting and any additional comments added.
In summary, West Bergholt Parish Council was in agreement with the broad principle of remote attendance at formal meetings, but with limitations, set to a quorate physical attendance, but was against the introduction of proxy voting, as it was considered a form of predetermination and could result in a reduction of attendance.
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree West Bergholt Parish Council’s response to the Consultation, Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to submit WBPC’s response as soon as possible.
24/187 Training & Networking Events
To note & receive feedback from the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk:
- Meeting with Myland Community Council – 29th Oct 24 – Cllr Butcher, Cllr Savage & Clerk – part of a series of meetings to begin a dialogue with neighbouring parishes. Good meeting and very interesting how they divide up their area as so large.
- Bespoke Councillor Refresher course at Stanway PC – 4th Nov 24 – Cllr Butcher – excellent course that Cllr Short previously attended at Tendring. They both agreed that it was a course that all parish councillors should attend, and he will ask the Clerk’s Assistant to talk to the EALC about running one in West Bergholt.
- SLCC Market your Parish – 5th Nov 24 – Clerk’s Assistant – good session, although she found West Bergholt PC already do many of the things advised in this course.
- SLCC Microsoft Excel Intermediate – PC Users: Module – 7th Nov 24 – Clerk – great course on using various charts, graphs and conditional formatting in MS Excel.
- Public Rights of Way & roles of local councils’ course – 13th Nov 24 – Cllr Butcher & Cllr Short – Cllr Short has written a useful document, which was circulated to members and will be kept on file, on all that he learned on this course.
- Function of Committees & Delegated Powers Course – 14th Nov 2024 – Cllr Butcher – good course, but re-affirmed that WBPC had nothing to worry about in this regard.
- Colne Valley Community Energy Project Showcase Day – 16th Nov 2024 – Cllr Savage – Climate Initiative WP were looking at holding a similar showcase event in West Bergholt. Cllr Savage and the Clerk have a Zoom meeting with the organiser on the 9th December to find out more.
- Cllr Gili-Ross also attended the following police events: Violence against Women & Girls at Colchester FC Stadium and the Policing Summit in London – both of which were very interesting, especially around the future use of AI in the police force and the rise in knife crime.
24/188 Items of Note
- Crime Statistics – (21st Oct – 24th Nov 2024) 1 crime recorded, damage to CCTV.
ACTION – In regard to the lack of action from the police on this incident at the Orpen Memorial Hall, even though the PC does not want to criminalise young people, Cllr Butcher is to send his email onto the District Commander so that he is aware of the council’s frustrations the PC has experienced in dealing with the police channels.
- Letter to PC from WB Local History Group – request to the PC asking if it could transfer the remaining £1600 in its bank account whilst its signatories are still in good health and if the PC could look after their archive of documents. The council has asked for more information on how many documents are involved in this request and then will pass onto the OHMC for discussion about storage. The member of the public attending the meeting named Patrick Denny of Colchester Museum as a possible contact if needed. Essex Records Office was also mentioned as well as the establishment of a Working Party to look through the documents, however the Clerk will inform the council once it has been clarified how many documents are involved.
- ECC 2025-26 budget consultation – closes Mon 9th Dec 2024. Councillors and residents were advised to return any comments they had.
- National Grid Pylons update paper – Cllr Short summarised the paper by saying that the paper entitled Leaders not Laggards was published by the Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Pylons Action Group. The paper is fairly lengthy, but is easy to read and he would suggest that everyone on the parish council reads it, but a very brief summary of some of the main points is:
- The paper recommends optimising the existing grid by installing new technologies which can increase carrying capacity by up to three times present levels. All these technologies have already been installed and proven to work in both the USA and Germany.
- If the grid is converted from AC to DC current, undergrounding of the cabling would be much cheaper and less intrusive than the overhead cabling scheme as currently proposed.
- The offshore scheme as designed at present should be re-designed to be fully integrated rather than the piecemeal scheme as proposed at present. Integration would affect a saving of £2bn. over the scheme as advocated by National Grid.
ACTION – Clerk to put a link in the minutes and pass to the webmaster for the [email protected] website Pylons page.
24/189 Items for Next Agenda (22nd Jan 25)
- Budgets, Precept and Three-Year Plan for 2025-26
- MUGA update and hire charges for 2025 following a meeting of the Working Group.
- Bulletin charges for 2025
- Action Plan updates and 2025-26 draft plan to be approved
- No other council documents to review in January
24/190 In Committee
Nothing was discussed in committee.
24/191 Date of Next Meeting
The next full council meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wed 22nd January 2025 at 7.30pm, in the John Lampon Hall, Orpen Memorial Hall, Lexden Rd, CO6 3BW.
The meeting closed at 9.00 pm.
Signed: Date: