Minutes of Parish Council Meeting – 23rd October 2024

AI generated image to represent a Parish Council Meeting on 23rd October 2024

A brief summary of key elements of the PC meeting on 23rd October 2024.  At this meeting, as well as routine matters, they:

  • Received detailed reports from City & County Councillors,
  • Heard about the outcome of an environmental survey of the Heath,
  • Discussed the upcoming 80th Anniversary of VE Day and potential participation,
  • Agreed plans in principle for 2 Christmas Trees,
  • Approved changes to two policy documents, and
  • Agreed to acquire an inclusive roundabout for the Lorkin Daniell Playground.

Read the official draft minutes below. 

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held on Wed 23rd October 2024 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall, CO6 3BW

Chair:Cllr Brian Butcher
Parish Councillors:Cllrs Paul Chamberlain, Katie Pulford, Andrew Savage, David Short, Harry Stone, John Gili-Ross and Bob Tyrell
Also in attendance:Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk)
City & County Cllrs:None present
Members of the public:2 members of the public attended

24/151    Receive /accept apologies and welcome to the public.

Apologies were received from Cllr Manya Barrow and the City/County Councillors

24/152    Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

24/153    Previous Minutes & Actions

To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wed 25th September 2024 and note any outstanding actions.

RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wed 25th September 2024 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (See link to PC Minutes P6 Sept 2024)

24/154    Questions from registered electors

There were no questions from registered electors.

24/155    Report from Colchester City & Essex County Councillors

The Parish Council received the following written report from City Cllr Sara Naylor:

“WBPC requested a report on the Uncle Kam’s odour nuisance. The Environmental Protection Team reports that it has attended the area where residents live who reported odour nuisance and filled out diary sheets. An officer attended in the summer on a Friday evening when it was said the majority of residents found the nuisance to occur. The conclusion is that there is no odour nuisance. This will be frustrating for affected residents who do indeed find the odour to be a significant nuisance.

There has also been yet another change of lead officer for this case. The new lead officer is Clodagh McLoughlin, Environmental Protection Officer. I am in further correspondence with Clodagh to understand the methodology and policy that governs such determinations, which seem to be more subjective than I would expect. I have not received these at the time of writing. When I do, I shall review and raise questions about the policy and the previous officer’s decisions accordingly with the new lead officer and escalate where indicated.

Separately the Planning Enforcement Team says it has concluded its work as the owner of Uncle Kam’s has submitted a planning application for a filtration system. I have contacted the planning officer in charge of the application for an update. At the time of writing, I have not received the information.

Although this is not the progress that I would like to see at this point or what I had hoped to be able to share at this time, your ward councillors, and on this occasion me, will continue to pursue the issue with Environmental Protection with regard to how they reach their determinations and appropriately challenge, and secondly, with the Planning Officer to understand the latest position with regards to air filtration. The Planning Portal still shows ‘application valid’ for the application 240499 that was lodged last March that relates to Uncle Kam’s.

There was a request at the last meeting that we update residents, which we plan to do as soon as there is clarity on all points above. We will continue to press for answers and action on this issue”.

The Parish Council received the following written report from County Cllr Lewis Barber:

“Petition – delivered at the last full council and Cllr Cunningham said he would like at the matter with fresh eyes. Once 10 working days has elapsed, I will chase up. This includes the road safety aspect.

Lexden Road – do you want me to try and restart anything down here? We’ve tried without much luck in the past, but we could see what calming measures, such as build outs, or mini roundabouts can be considered.

Fairfields Farm appeal took place, and a site visit occurred today I understand. An outcome will then be issued by the inspectorate in due course.

Argents Lane – application still going through verification at LHP, and site visit with officers being planned to discuss safety around this area. Flooding matter also being progressed too, and I will update once I hear further.

Bus idling on Chapel Road- waiting on highways and bus company to provide dates.

Chapel Road flooding – you hopefully got my last update, and I am following up to hear more about next steps.

Pavement by pharmacy – I am progressing an update as I told works had been done when they hadn’t been.

Coach Road/Nayland Road crossroads – the casualty reduction team had identified it as an issue to be addressed by the cost of other schemes and the period of time since accidents meant it fell back to the LHP to deal with. The recent accidents mean that the casualty reduction team are picking it up again. It is frustrating that such a reactive not proactive stance is being taken, but I am continuing to work with officers to get safety improvements here”.

ACTION – Clerk to email the City/County Cllrs on the current position of the Locality Budget and the damaged dog bin at the Old Church.

24/156    Safe crossing of Colchester Road (B1508)

To receive a verbal update on the petition for a safe crossing on Colchester Road.

The Council referred back to Cllr Barber’s report in relation to this item.

ACTION – Clerk/Chair to chase up a more detailed report on the outcome of the Safe Crossing petition with Cllr Barber.

24/157    Planning

a)    To note the new Vice Chair of the Planning Committee

Following the resignation of Sara Cullis, Cllr Chamberlain has now been elected as Vice Chair of the WB Planning Committee.

  • 241914        26 Mumford Road, West Bergholt CO6 3HU

Extension of dwelling to attain a single storey garden room and modest water closet.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment

Decision: Support

  • 240964        Blackheath Bulb Company, Nayland Road, West Bergholt CO6 3DE

Replacement of 3 agricultural buildings with 3 dwellings

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to submit a letter to The Planning Inspectorate outlining their objection to the appeal

Decision: Object 

24/158    Environment & Highways

The minutes of the 10th Oct 24 meeting were noted. Cllr Gili-Ross added:

  • That Cllr Short had done a super job in his absence.
  • The flagpole was planned for today, but will instead be erected on Monday, once the hedge cutting contractor has been for safety reasons.
  • Update from Kerry (Env. Student), she has done a quick report on the Heath’s heather and removed some seeds to help encourage more plants. The Handymen were also tasked with cutting the neighbouring ferns back to give the plants some more room.
  • The entrance sign to the village has gone up and the Argents Lane signs look clean and bright. The handymen will be checking the bottom of Newbridge Hill shortly to ensure the ditch is in the best position for winter.
  • No new salt has been ordered this year as the PC has plenty of stock already, but Cllr Stone will be organising the Snow Patrol volunteers between now and December.
  • VE Day – Cllrs Short and Stone have contacted almost everyone that could be involved with the 80-year commemoration including lighting the beacon. The clerk will keep an eye out for any official flags issued for the event. The Orpen Players will be contacted by Cllr Stone to ask if they wish to be involved.
    ACTION – Clerk to add VE Day as an agenda item to next Environment Committee meeting.

Cllr Butcher asked the Committee if more saplings were going to be purchased for the Armoury hedging as several have been destroyed by uncareful drivers.

ACTION – Cllr Pulford will be ordering replacements in another mixed pack shortly.

b)    To discuss and agree the plans for the 2024 Christmas Tree

Cllr Chamberlain previously stated that he would like to donate two Christmas trees to the Parish in the name of his company. He will purchase a real tree from Brick Kiln Farm, which he will collect from the farm around the 1st December and coordinate its fixing with Cllr Gili-Ross and the Handymen. A timber frame will be created by Paul’s company to keep it upright and Cllr Butcher will speak to the neighbour in regard to the electricity costs again. More lights will also need to be purchased.

A second, artificial, tree will be purchased for erection in the grounds of the Orpen Memorial Hall (position to be decided). Clerk to research the company many councils use for this kind of tree and report back to Cllr Chamberlain.

Cllr Chamberlain will discuss decorating with Bluebells and Debra Hornigold (Clerk to supply contact details). A possibly tree lighting ceremony may be held early one evening with the local Choir and mulled wine/mince pies supplied.

ACTION – All of the above, purchases and event to be confirmed at next PC meeting on Nov 27th.

RESOLVED – to approve the plans for the 2024 Parish Christmas Tree as detailed above or similar. Proposed by Cllr Butcher, seconded by Cllr Savage. All in favour.

24/159    Finance

a)    Statement of accounts for Sept 24

The final accounts for Sept 24 (50% through the financial year) were presented as follows: (See link to PC Accounts P6 Sept 2024)

Receipts at 101%, General Expenditure 44%, Environment Expenditure 45%, Overall Expenditure 44%. Bank Rec at £178,589.38.

Have received second half of the precept. Reserves and projects sheet reflects the money spent on the pathway to the MUGA side of the hall (Hall Projects 2024-25) and the £500 grant to the 1st WB Scouts. Spending from Reserves also includes the legal fees (Ringfenced William Sims Sports Field), cement for the new flagpole (Ringfenced replacement flagpole) and for the fitting of the defibrillator and purchase of new signage (Ringfenced Neigh Plan implementation projects).

b)    Payments

RESOLVED – to approve the Oct 24 payments lists in accordance with the 2024-25 budget as detailed below. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Chamberlain. All in favour.

October Payments List:

PC241011st WB ScoutsWBPC Grant award500.00
DDBarclaysBank charges – loyalty reward (19.44 – 2.19)17.25
SOJ & M Payroll ServicesOct – wages, tax & NI5,500.00
PC24102J & M Payroll ServicesOct – wages tax & NI1598.52
PC24103J & M Payroll ServicesPayroll services – Oct48.00
PC24104WBFCGrass cutting Oct – LD Field50.00
PC24105CountrywideGrass cutting Oct – Poor’s Land209.00
PC24106Laura WalkingshawWeb mthly, annual .org, stationery, Octopus deposit357.70
PC24107Petty CashDiesel, refreshments for Drop-in Centre68.50
PC24108E.T.C Sports SurfacesAnnual maintenance work (Year 3/5)960.00
PC24109Cox LandscapesWood for village entrance sign29.22
PC24110SLCCExcel – Intermediate Level training – LW – Nov 24144.00
PC24111TBS HygieneDog/litter bin emptying 28/09/24 – 25/10/24216.00
PC24112KingServWebsite support services Nov 24 – Jan 25450.00
PC24113SLCCMarketing Your Parish training- JG – Nov 2442.00
PC24114SLCCAgendas & Minutes (2-part) – JG Feb 2584.00
PC24115NALCLocal Council Award Scheme registration fee60.00
100863Eight Ash Green PC50% payment of signage-199.40
PC24116St Mary’s PPCCharity Allotment Stall grant to 5Ts (to be transferred)250.00
PC24117Heathlands PTACharity Allotment Stall grant for Forest School (tfr)260.00
PC24118WB Toddler GroupCharity Allotment Stall grant for new equipment (tfr)230.00
TfrPC to Hall account2 boxes A4 paper33.98
TfrPC to Hall accountColchester Skip Hire – skip of 9th Sept240.00
TfrPC to Hall accountInv. 214 Drop-in Centre hire of SC: 18/9, 25/0934.00

c)     To approve an increase in the Barclays Bank standing order to J & M Payroll from £5,500 to £6,000 per month.

RESOLVED – to increase the standing order to J & M Payroll from £5,500 to £6,000 per month as requested by payroll company. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Gili-Ross. All in favour.

ACTION – Clerk to send off the signed letter to Barclays Bank as soon as possible.

d)    To receive a verbal update on the preparation work of the 2025-26 budgets.

Cllr Savage has attended both October Environment and Hall meetings in preparation for next year’s budgets. There have been some good initial discussions and by attending the November Committee meetings he should be able to have a ballpark figure ready for the end of November PC meeting.

24/160    Parish Councillor Vacancies

To receive an update on the two West Bergholt Parish Council Councillor vacancies

The council has now heard back from Colchester City Council (CCC) since passing the 10th Oct deadline and they have confirmed that no election has been called, so the PC can now co-opt two new members of the council.

The Clerk’s assistant has created some posters to advertise the vacancy, which will be put up on the noticeboards and published on the socials over the coming week.

The aim is to co-opt two new members at the 27th November full council meeting.

24/161    Governance

To review and agree the following WBPC policies:

  • MUGA Working Party Terms of Reference – no change
  • Playground Advisory Group Terms of Reference – slightly modified with amendments to introduction
  • Accessibility Statement – minor changes to text following website test

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree to both reviewed terms of reference and the minor changes to the Accessibility Statement as per the amendments circulated to members. Cllr Stone seconded. All in favour.

ACTION – Clerk to send amended both terms of reference to the webmaster as soon as possible.

24/162    Communications

To receive the monthly website and Publicity Officer’s report

Both the monthly website report and the latest social media updates were circulated to members in advance of the meeting. It was noted in the website report that additional time was spent on the LCAS application but that has now calmed down.

24/163    Joint Parishes Working Party

To discuss and nominate a representative to the new Joint Parishes WP, looking at the impact of HGV movements through the local villages.

The council received an email from the Deputy Chair of Fordham Parish Council, inviting participation in a Joint Parishes Working Group looking at the impact of HGVs travelling through the villages. However, the parish council members discussed this proposal and decided that this was already being dealt with via the conditions already imposed by Essex Highways on the local companies and Speed Watch. Overall, the council considered the aims of the Working Group not specific enough and no volunteer could be found to attend the meetings.

ACTION – Cllr Butcher proposed the PC responds politely to Fordham PC, but declines the offer to join the Joint Parishes Working Party. All in favour

24/164    Lorkin Daniell Playground

To agree to the Playground Advisory Group’s recommendation of an inclusive roundabout for the LD Playground and the funding thereof.

A report on the latest piece of new equipment for the Lorkin Daniell Playground, an inclusive roundabout, was circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

The report explains how approximately half of the money for the roundabout will come from section 106 money (development money) and approx. half from sources that the PC already has. Two companies are going to provide a quote for the installation and those quotes will be brought back to the council for a final decision on the preferred installer shortly.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to install an inclusive roundabout in the LD Playground with funding as laid out in the report. Cllr Gili-Ross seconded. All in favour

24/165    West Bergholt Community Hub

To receive a verbal update on the WB Community Hub project.

Cllr Savage updated the council on the WB Community Hub project, which unfortunately has been suspended following a 2.5-inch gas pipeline being hit by a digger on the first day. No one, not even Cadent the gas network company, knew it was there and there was no protection above it or any warning tape. The contractor has removed all their plant from the site, along with the second compound which had covered a couple of car park spaces and we wait to hear from Cadent as to when they can send a team to divert the pipe, as it is not permissible to build over it.

24/166    Cycling Working Party

To receive a verbal update on the Cycling Working Party

Cllr Butcher updated the council on the latest from the Cycling Working Party and that unfortunately the organised Cycle Ride planned for early October was cancelled. Hopefully this event has only been postponed until after Christmas and the working party is organising a get together in November for those interested in joining it.

24/167    Youth Engagement

To receive a verbal update on the Drop-in Centre and Bergholt Youth Group.

Cllr Stone updated the council on the Drop-in Centre and BYG.

The Drop-In Centre is now picking up, with 14 in attendance today, along with a YMCA representative who did some excellent work with the young people. It will definitely continue until Christmas but following which a review will need to take place dependant on attendance numbers as post-Christmas there is an issue with funding. There are several regular volunteers, including Cllr Stone, Rachel Hopkins and Sara Cullis, and support in regard to safeguarding from the YMCA, but possibly something similar could be put in place with Essex Youth Services at a cheaper cost.

Bergholt Youth Group (BYG) started back up following the summer break 3 weeks ago with a whole new team and appear to be doing really well. Cllr Stone dropped in during last Friday’s session when they had 85 young people in attendance and so many volunteers, with at least 10 parents and the support of Essex Youth Services, he was very impressed.

24/168    Training & Networking Events

To note & receive feedback from the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk:

  • EALC AGM – 26th Sept 24 – Cllrs Butcher & Stone – during which Cllr Stone was presented with the Essex Councillor of the Year award and although he insists that the honour was for the village as a whole, it is most definitely for him and well deserved. During the event Cllr Stone brought up the cancelling of the Coffee with Cops programme with the Deputy Chief Constable to ask him to look into its reinstatement.
  • Crisis Communications for Local Councils Webinar – 30th Sept 24 – Cllr Butcher – WBPC is pretty much covered by its existing policies, but may need to look into where we are covered for both physical and reputational damage in those policies.
  • Grass Pitch Improvement Webinar – 14th Oct 24 – Cllr Short – much better presented than previously and more informative. Cllr Short advised that the PC keep in contact with Essex FA, for their advice at a later date once the William Sims Sports Field has been transferred to the PC. Budget-wise, money will be needed for equipment etc., to do the job properly.
  • Essex Fire & Rescue Service Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) Consultation – Cllr Gili-Ross – The consultation on the document, which outlines how fire and rescue services plan to manage risks and improve public safety, has been running for some time and Cllr Gili-Ross has attended all but one, with the last consultation due to be held next week.

24/169    Items of Note

  • Crime Statistics – (23rd Sept – 20th Oct 2024) 1 crime recorded, robbery.
  • Highways Priority Repairs – Cllr Barber has asked for the latest list of priorities by the 27th Oct, although it wasn’t clear whether these were just road or footpath priorities. Cllr Short suggested the potholes at either side of Chitts Hill between the bottom of Newbridge Hill and the level crossing need looking at. Clerk to be notified of any others the Councillors are aware of.
  • The Friday Club – Cllr Stone informed the council that a specialist was coming from CCC on energy efficiency to the 15th November meeting of this friendship group.
  • Asbestos Shed – a shed has been discovered on the allotments which is possibly made from asbestos and very old. The Clerk has spoken to the WB Allotment Committee and the plotholder and hopes to hear from the asbestos removal company shortly on a plan for its safe removal.
  • Practice Goal artificial turf replacement on LD Field – although the PC agreed to match fund this project with a £6,000 grant application to the Essex Community Initiative Fund (CIF), unfortunately the Clerk missed the deadline of the 18th Oct but has managed to find another suitable source in Sport England for the money and will instead be applying there for exactly the same amount. The council was content with this alternative approach.

24/170    Items for Next Agenda (27 Nov 24)

  • Budgets
  • MUGA update following a meeting of the Working Group.
  • Report back from Myland CC meeting.
  • Documents for review:
    • William Sims Working Party Terms of Reference
    • Equality Policy

24/171    In Committee

Nothing was discussed in committee.

24/172    Date of Next Meeting

The next full council meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wed 27th November at 7.30pm, in the John Lampon Hall, Orpen Memorial Hall, Lexden Rd, CO6 3BW.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

Signed:                                                                                Date:

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