Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the John Lampon Hall on 24th July 2013 at 7.30p.m.
Chair | John Gili-Ross |
Parish Councillors Present | Murray Harlow, Andrew Savage, Chris Stevenson, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell, Phil Walby, Rachel Young |
Parish Clerk | Val Walsom |
Borough Councillors | Councillor Harrington, Councillor Willetts |
Present: | 30 members of the publicPCSO Dave Jones |
Part I – Public
1. Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from Jenny Church and David Short.
2. Questions from registered electors
Christopher Johnson advised that the Sunday bus service had gone out to tender which was awarded to Network Colchester. During high tides the buses will run from the Peldon Rose, rather than Mersea. A timetable will be published by Network Colchester. This route is starting in September. Debra Hornigold representing 30 residents present, reported on the residents’ comments following a public meeting held on 4th July to discuss the Traffic Safety Plan. Mrs Hornigold advised that the residents felt intimidated at the meeting. They have since digested the information made available at the meeting and would like to propose further dialogue with the Parish Council before any decisions are made. The residents feel that the school expansion is a major problem. The parents need to be re-educated to encourage more cycling and walking to school. The residents all felt frustrated and angry that they had not been consulted by the Parish Council on the scheme from the outset. There needs to be a compromise suitable for all. The residents would like to request the formation of a new working party to include representation from the school, Parish Council and residents.
3. Receive items for information not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council
There were no items received.
4. Declarations of Interest
Chris Stevenson declared an interest in discussions relating to highways (Items 2 and 6).
5. Minutes
Minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 26th June 2013 were approved and signed.
6. Traffic Safety Plan
Harry Stone gave a presentation on the history, current proposals of the Traffic Safety Plan and how best to move forward. Revised Plans of the proposed works to those given at the Public Meeting were presented. The PC may also apply for a 20mph limit in NCR and School Lane. The following comments were made:
- Bob Tyrrell was concerned about a proposed urban solution to a country lane. He believes that there needs to be a landscaped solution
- Yellow lines can be reinforced by the North East Essex Parking Partnership
- Could conservation yellow lines (narrow lines) be used?
It was proposed by MH, seconded by AS and agreed by 5 votes to 1 that local residents, including parents from Heathlands and those from the wider village, should see the new proposals and have the opportunity to comment. A further Parish Council meeting will be organised in August if necessary.
[Webmaster note, not to be construed as part of minutes, please see news update for proposals].
7. Conduct of the Parish Council
Some members of the Parish Council have expressed concern about the length of meetings and individual discussions. It was agreed that the agenda needs to be concise, with recommendations from working parties for items to be included. These recommendations, as far as possible, should be brought to the full meetings with a solution. The idea of setting time limits for discussions is to be considered. Working parties would need to advise the Clerk of suitable time limits for each item.
8. Parish Council Vacancy
Two suitable candidates have come forward for co-option to the Parish Council. Prior to the meeting JG-R had arranged with the candidates that their names would be drawn as the PC was unable to decide which of the two candidates was the most suitable. Rosemary James’ name was drawn and she was duly co-opted as a Parish Councillor. She will join the Environment and Highways and the Premises and Recreation working parties. Brian Butcher, the second candidate, agreed to join the Planning Committee as a non Parish Councillor. He will be able to participate in discussions but unable to vote on issues when raised at the Parish Council meeting.
9. Finance
a). Statement of Accounts for June 2013
The accounts for May 2013 were presented as follows: The General Account showed 47% income, 18% general expenditure, 19% environment expenditure and 18% expenditure overall. The Hall Account showed 23% income and 29% expenditure.
b). Draw cheques
It was proposed by AS and seconded by CS to make the following payments:
Payment Details | Expense Purpose | Amount |
RCCE | Contribution towards Rotovator | 300.00 |
AON | Additional insurance for Hall | 313.87 |
EALC | Charles Arnold baker Book | 55.00 |
Inland Revenue | Tax | 221.00 |
Heathlands School | Photocopying | 200.00 |
John Gili-Ross | Neighbourhood Plan fliers | 40.00 |
G Dolden and Associates | Car park design layout | 720.00 |
AtoZ Supplies | Cleaning materials | 43.14 |
Acetech Security | Repairs to CCTV | 216.00 |
Mike’s Cleaning | Cleaning | 575.00 |
Vicky Beckwith-Cole | Green bags | 37.76 |
All Clear | Deep clean stage curtains | 175.00 |
Salary payments were made to Val Walsom, Gary Walls and Stephen Cook from the General Account and Vicky Beckwith-Cole from the Hall Account. [Click to view Summary Accounts – Summary Accounts June 2013]
c). Expense Claims – itemised mileage
All claims for mileage should include the itemised list of travel sheet with the claim and should also include a VAT receipt for petrol. No payments will be made without full details.
d). Quotes received for the Orpen Memorial Hall Kitchen
Two quotes have been received and details forwarded to the Cunningham Lindsey the Loss Adjuster. We are awaiting their response.
e). Scout Hut Licence and rent update
Progress is still slow. Martin Hopkins has advised that the Scout Association has requested a copy of the original Charity Commission statement of 2001. The Parish Council’s solicitor advised that this is the responsibility of the Scouts to obtain directly from the CC. The Scouts have been asked to confirm that users of the facilities and the associated insurance companies are aware there is a no subletting clause in the original agreement and this may impact their insurance cover.
f). 20 mph Traffic Survey
This will be considered after other traffic safety measures are in place.
g). Health and Safety Risk Assessments
Health and Safety Risk Assessments and Fire Risk Assessments are in the process of being completed. The play equipment has been inspected and the Parish Council is awaiting the results of the inspection. ECC Fire and Rescue Service will carry out an inspection of the Halls on 6th September 2013.
10. Clerk’s Items to Note
a) EALC Courses
- Chairmen’s Day 3 – 11/09/13
- Budget and Precept Course – 17/09/13
- Notice of various road closures
East of England
- Launch of the Defibrillator will take place at the Co-op on 16/08/13.
- More details of the launch to follow.
11. Report from Colchester Borough Council
Councillor Willetts commented that he believes there needs to be active dialogue between the Borough and Parish Council. Councillor Harrington has been very involved with the meetings and residents’ correspondence concerning the Traffic Safety Plan and will continue to give as much help as possible. He endorses 20 mph speed limits. Councillor Harrington has been involved in meetings concerning the Vintage Car Rally due to be held at the weekend. This is likely to be the last event for a number of reasons but particularly because of the need for planning permission to keep the scaffolding erected all year.
12. Village Bulletin and Communications
a) Website report
The monthly website report had been circulated. It was agreed that Village Bulletin advertisers will have a news facility on the website. Old information on the website needs to be expanded.
b) Receive update from Village Communication Officer
There was no report this month.
13. Planning
a) To approve comments and decisions for Planning Applications (Report from the Planning Committee’s meeting on 17th July 2013 was received):
131154 – Ramblers, 2 Armoury Bungalows, Armoury Road – Supported 131228 – The Thatchers, Nayland Road – Objected 131432 – 92 Chitts Hill– Supported [Click to review full report – Planning Committee July 2013 report]
b) Project plan for resurfacing car park
Chris Stevenson is in conversation with the Project Manager about the proposed design. The plans will be circulated later in the week for comment by the beginning of next week. Disabled ramps to all exits have been added to the plans. CBC needs a minimum of 2 weeks to organise removing the recycle bins. A notice advising their removal will be displayed. It was agreed that discussion about whether or not to re-introduce them will take place at a later date.
c) Neighbourhood Plan
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group met on 23/07/13. There has been a good response to the survey – 450 – 500 responses. The survey period has been extended. CBC has put up formal consultation about the area covered by the plan. No objections to this have been received, only 6 responses. CBC will send the results of the consultation to the Planning Committee for formal agreement. Further surveys will be conducted with the young people and organisations within the village.
14. Environment and Highways
a) Reinstatement of Poors Land
Ashe Construction has advised that work on reinstating Poors Land following the school’s expansion will take place during the summer holiday. The Clerk will chase this up to confirm.
b) Siting of Beacon
Siting of the beacon is to be reconsidered by the Environment and Highways committee.
15. Premises and Recreation
a) Fire Risk Assessment and Essex County Fire & Rescue Service Audit
An Essex County Fire & Rescue Service Audit is due to take place at the Orpen Memorial Hall on 6th September 2013. Measures are in place to ensure the hall is compliant with the regulations.
b) Play equipment annual safety inspection
The play equipment has been inspected. The report will be available shortly.
Items to Note
- EALC – Country Update – June 2013
- Clerks and Councils Direct – July 2013
- RCCE Update – June 2013
- St Helena Hospice Summer raffle tickets
- Bark in the Park Event – 18/08/13
Part II – In Committee
Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1). Phil Walby and Andrew Savage to discuss the Hall Administrator’s contracted hours to see if they need to be increased.
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 25th September 2013 at 7.30p.m. The meeting closed at 9.30p.m.
Signed: Position on Parish Council: | Date: |