Gladmans’ Speculative Consultation

Gladmans’ Speculative “Consultation”

The Parish Council, like many residents of West Bergholt, were surprised and alarmed by Gladmans’ notice in the local papers.

The PC would like to reassure everyone that the “consultation” by Gladman is part of a speculative aspiration on its part.  Gladman hopes to develop the area adjacent to Colchester Road (south western side) and extending towards Albany Road. This area is not included in either the draft Neighbourhood Plan or in Colchester Borough Council’s Local Plan for new housing.

What is Happening

CBC Local Plan – Policy SS15: West Bergholt

Within the broad area of growth as shown on the West Bergholt policies map, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan will:

  1. Identify the settlement boundary for West Bergholt;
  2. Identify specific sites for housing allocations needed to deliver 120 dwellings;
  3. Set out any associated policies needed to support this housing delivery i.e. housing mix, type of new housing and density for each site allocated for housing;
  4. Identify any additional local economic areas and set out any associated policies; and
  5. The Neighbourhood Plan will also set out the policy framework to guide the delivery of any infrastructure and community facilities required to support the development, including the provision of SuDS for managing surface water runoff in individual developments.

Proposals for development outside of the identified broad areas for growth and the settlement boundary will not be supported. This policy should be read in conjunction with the generic Neighbourhood Planning Policy SG8 and the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, once it has been adopted.

Policy SS15 of Colchester’s Local Plan (see right), proposes 120 new dwellings for the village.  This policy goes on to delegate the siting of these homes to a Neighbourhood Plan.

The location suggested by Gladmans does not accord with the emerging preferred location for new housing.  This was shared with villagers at the 2016 Neighbourhood Plan exhibitions.

There will be a brief agenda item about Gladman’s ideas on the Parish Council agenda on 25th October.

What You Can Do

The Parish Council appreciates that this matter raises concerns for the village; it would also like you to let them know of your concerns.  The PC will then already understand your views, at least in principle, if a planning application is submitted.

In particular…

… please do relay your views to Gladman via their website portal:


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