The Colne Valley Flower Club celebrated its Emerald year (55) with table decorations to reflect the occasion. About 80 members and guests together with national and area representatives from NAFAS enjoyed fruit punch accompanied by shortbread with strawberries and cream.
The national demonstrator, Patricia Dibben, from Middlesex based her exotic arrangements around the title ‘This Magical Earth’ – (Ed Note: pictured plant is from ‘This Magical Earth’ blog) – which her captive audience thoroughly enjoyed and made this anniversary a truly memorable occasion.
The Club’s meeting on Wednesday 16 July will be held at the home of Christine Jeffery from 6pm to 8pm. This is a fund raising event for the club’s chosen charity Acorn Village for 2008. There will be stalls, raffle, art exhibition and a garden quiz. Entry fee for members and guests £5. There will be no meeting in August.