Crime Prevention in Summer
Colchester Neighbourhood Watch recently issued some crime prevention advice to help protect your property at this time of year.
During the summer months we see a rise in the number of “Creeper Burglaries” where burglars take advantage of open gates, and windows and doors left open for ventilation or that you forgot to close.
If you have unoccupied rooms that are accessible to others from outside or off flat roofs make sure the windows are closed, if you need ventilation in these rooms whilst at home at least lock the larger window and only have the small window open, even during the daytime. If you only have bigger windows consider a lockable window restrictor and a small alarm sensor on the window to detect entry.
Leave any external door open door and in comes trouble, even during the day. If that door is accessible (garden gate left insecure?) an opportunist thief will pop in and anything lying around will be gone. You may have only popped next door, or down the end of the garden or having a quick shower; it only takes a second for a thief to steal.
Their Advice
Check the simple things.
Means of Entry
- Side gate shut and locked, sheds and garages secure?
- Doors closed and locked? Don’t forget on that with a PVCu multi-locking door you may have lifted the handle but until you turn the key or thumb turn on the inside you have not locked all the locks in place. Before going out or turning in for the night don’t forget to check all doors, someone may have closed it but did they lock it?
- Windows – lift the blinds or open the curtains and check they are closed, the sun may have been on the TV and it was hot, so they were drawn with the window open. Remember the advice above re. open windows. Make sure in case of fire that keys to windows and doors are readily accessible to occupants but not in view of possible burglars.
- Parked cars – Don’t leave property on display in the car. Are the windows shut and doors locked (don’t assume that by pressing the button on the remote it is locked, try the handle too)? A lot of thefts are from insecure cars and vans.
- Cycles – Don’t leave unattended pedal cycles insecure and out the front.
- Car keys – don’t take them to bed with you, where possible leave them in noisy drawer/location. Keep the keyless fob in a “Faraday” bag.
Out & About
- If you have an intruder alarm activate when going out and activate the zone for the unoccupied area whilst in.
- Stopping for lunch, a drink or a cuppa whilst out, soaking up the sun, or going down to the sea, don’t drop your guard. If you don’t pay attention to your camera, mobile phone, sunglasses, purse or wallet and a thief sees this they will steal it.
- Social Media – When using “Facebook” or other social media, be wary of announcing to the world that you are away and your house is empty. Make sure your profile does not contain private information that would identify you or your address to a stranger.
- Going on holiday? Cancel the milk and newspaper deliveries and look after each other, get a neighbour or friend to keep an eye on your property, ensure neighbours have contact numbers for a key holder and where possible let them park their car on your drive. Basically if you create the illusion that your house is occupied (TV simulator, lights and radio on timers) it is less likely to be broken into.
- If you do hear a suspicious noise in the house that you are not happy with dial 999 and make a noise, shout out. This could cause any intruder to flee, they may not have known you were home; remember your life is more important than your property. If safe to do so get a good description of the person/s and if possible car index number and their direction of travel.