The upcoming 90th anniversary & Wilkin’s of Tiptree were key topics for the October meeting.
Pat Moran, president, welcomed members and visitors. The federation sport’s quiz will be for sale next month. A secretary for 2011 has to be found by the annual meeting next month when the WI Adviser, Val Stone attends. Next year is our 90th birthday and a luncheon has been arranged in February 2011 at the Balkerne Rooms Colchester Institute. A £5 deposit should be paid in November. A coach will be booked.
The WI 2011 programme is complete and a special 90th cover has been organized.
Wednesday 8 December will be the celebration of Christmas at Chelmsford Cathedral. Times 2.45pm and 7.45pm.
Mr Chris Newenham representing Wilkin’s products from Tiptree spoke about the history and future plans. Members were surprised to hear Christmas puddings and boxes of tea are stocked in the shop. A visit to the orchards will form part of our annual outing next year.