Women’s Institute – May Report

The president, Pat Moran, explained to members that as the group had voted for the government to support the Bee resolution no action was required.

Outings organiser Joyce Hollock would like the fee for the visit to Tropical Wings in July as soon as possible. £15 covers entry, coach and lunch. Non members £18.
The village fete at Heathlands school is on Saturday 13 June. The WI will have a stall selling cakes and preserves, all contributions and help on the day most welcome.
8 members attended the County Annual Meeting at Towerlands Equestrian Centre Braintree. Bee Girkin reported an excellent day with speakers Terry Waite and the Chief Constable of Suffolk.
Next month several institutes have been invited to attend and members are asked to bring raffle prizes and goods for the sale’s table.
Nicky Payne a Castle Park ranger showed members slides and explained her diverse activities and tasks and gave a brief history of the park which has been awarded a coveted green flag.

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at http://www.westbergholt.net
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