Vacancy on Parish Council
Following a public notice published by Colchester Borough Council, no election to fill this vacancy has been requested by the electors within this parish. Therefore, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by the process of co-option.
If you are interested in being co-opted then we would like to hear from you, please contact the Chairman or Clerk for further details. Familiarisation sessions will be arranged, and should there be more than one person interested, selection would be made by a vote of the Parish Council as required by the regulations.
About the Parish Council
The West Bergholt Parish Council consists of 11 Parish Councillors, who are responsible for administering a significant budget for the benefit of the local community. The Parish Council has powers to provide local infrastructure such as allotments, play areas, village halls and, by being closer to the local community, can more easily meet local needs. Importantly the Parish Council is also entitled to be consulted on any planning applications that affect the village.
The Parish Council meets every fourth Wednesday of each month except August and December. The Agenda for each meeting is posted on the notice boards at least five clear days before the meeting. All agendas, minutes and annual reports of the Parish Council and its sub-committees can be found here.
Read more here.
- The Parish Clerk on 07726 424419, [email protected], or
- West Bergholt Chairman, Chris Stevenson, [email protected].