The Great War: Fact, Myth & Memory

British soldiers in a captured German trench
British soldiers in a captured German trench
A German trench occupied by British Soldiers near the Albert-Bapaume road at Ovillers-la-Boisselle, July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. The men are from A Company, 11th Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment.
Source : Wikipedia

How appropriate that in the centenary year of the beginning of the Great War, acclaimed at the time as the war to end all wars (or was it?), that the WEA have provided details of their next course:

The WEA (Workers Education Association) runs 2 courses each year the first beginning in September and the other in January. Our next course is The Great War: Fact, Myth and Memory by Roger Beckett and starts on 23rd September 2014 at 8 pm. This course attempts to consider the Great War as an historical event, to separate fact from myth and to place the events of 1914-1918 in the context of Europe in the 20th century. All are welcome and if in doubt to sample the first evening for free. It will take place at the Methodist Hall, Chapel Lane at a cost of £48 for 10 weeks (income based benefits/JSA free). For more details contact Gill on 240512 or email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]

Introducing the Sultanate of Oman

Sultanate of OmanThe local branch of the WEA welcome all who would like to join this course in the Methodist Hall.   Graham Platts, who has lived in Oman and will lead the course “An introduction to the Sultanate of Oman”, says:

The Sultanate is a rapidly progressing country in the Arabian Peninsular but still not widely known.  The combination of cherished traditions and modern development provides a fascinating basis for study.

This is a shorter course than usual in the hope that it will avoid the worst of the winter weather and cost less.  The classes start on Tuesday 18th February 2014 at 8.00 pm and cost £27.18 for six weeks with a coffee break thrown in.  There is no need to book ahead,  just turn up on the first evening without obligation, before deciding whether to enrol.

Further information is available from the WEA Secretary on 01206 240791 or e-mail [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].

Coastal Ecology & Conservation

Signs at Abbotts Hall Farm where coastal ecology is evolving
Coastal Ecology at Abbotts Hall Farm

This autumn the WEA will be running a ten-week course on the subject of ‘Coastal Ecology and Conservation’.  Being really quite close to some of the most recent experimental approaches of coastal management (see picture right), this course has a real local flavour as well.

Fred Boot is a well-known speaker the local WEA have hoped to hear for some time, and he will give an introduction to:

  • the different and contrasting areas of coastal East Anglia;
  • the pre-historic and historical development of the East Anglian coastline;
  • the  current coastal ecology with its rich plant and animal life; and
  • examining the conservation and management challenges it faces in the immediate and longer-term future.

Fred  has an extensive photographic collection of familiar creeks, estuaries, beaches, marshes, towns and ports of East Anglia and the South Coast to illustrate every aspect of this course.

The course starts on Tuesday 24th September at 8.00 pm and is of one and a half hours duration.  As usual the venue is the Methodist Church Hall and the cost is £45.30 for the ten weeks.  Everyone is welcome and you may attend the first evening before committing to the course.

A previous attendee on this course was obviously enthused by it:

Many thanks go to Fred for sharing his local knowledge and enthusiasm developed over many years as a volunteer, Chairman and Trustee of Essex Wildlife Trust.  We now look forward to a field visit to Abbot’s Hall Farm and Abberton Reservoir in July, when Fred will show us some of the coastal features we have discussed first hand, and also some the work being done by Essex Wildlife Trust to conserve our coastline and wildlife for generations to come.

Terri Amory, Little Waltham Branch WEA

For further information ring the local WEA secretary on 01206 240 791 or e-mail: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] Hope to see you there!


Conflict in the 19th Century Essex Countryside

19th century threshing machine
The type of machinery targeted by the Swing Rioters

This subject of the WEA’s next 10-week course is led by tutor, Ted Woodgate who intends to use Essex newspapers of the time to help investigate such areas as:

  • the drama of the West Bergholt fires,
  • the Swing riots,
  • the formation of a national farm workers’ union, and
  • the birth of political rights for rural workers.
The venue is the Methodist Hall in Chapel Lane CO6 3EF and the course starts on Tuesday 15th January 2013 at
8.00 pm.
Everyone one is welcome and if you’re not sure whether this is for you, why not come along without obligation on the first night before deciding if to enrol?  Cost for the 10 weeks is still £45.  Further information from our Secretary on 01206 240791 or e-mail [antibot mailto=” [email protected]”]
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