A brief summary of key elements of the PC Meeting on 25th October 2023. At this meeting they:
- Heard from a resident and discussed breaches of a recent planning consent,
- Also heard of traffic diversion, blocked drains and potholes all affecting Argents Lane,
- Discussed NEEB’s application for site access via Armoury Road,
- Agreed expenditure on additional playground equipment for the Lorkin Daniell Playground,
- Discussed the Village Bulletin Survey and upcoming village events,
- Received updates on the transfer of land to form the William Sims Sports Field and on the Local Council Gold Award application, and
- Heard from Committees & others.
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held on Wed 25th October 2023 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall, Orpen Memorial Hall, CO6 3BW
Chair: | Cllr Brian Butcher |
Parish Councillors: | Cllrs Andrew Savage, Bob Tyrrell, David Short, Sara Cullis, Paul Chamberlain, Katie Pulford, Harry Stone, John Gili-Ross & Manya Barrow (Cllr James Owers attended via Zoom, but had no voting rights) |
Also in attendance: | Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) |
City & County Cllrs: | City Cllr Dennis Willetts |
Members of the public: | 1 member of the public |
23/165 Receive /accept apologies and welcome to the public.
Apologies were received from County Cllr Lewis Barber.
23/166 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
23/167 Previous Minutes & Actions
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on Wed 27th September 2023 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (See link to PC Minutes P6 Sept 23)
23/168 Questions from registered electors
A resident updated the Council on the latest developments in regard to Uncle Kam’s fish & chip shop planning condition breach and their concerns over the actions of the CCC Officer from Environmental Health (EH). It is said likely that Colchester City Council’s (CCC) EH department will be closing the case on the shop soon. The resident is aware that the Chair of the Parish Council (PC) has written to the Chief Executive of CCC and that the PC has done as much as it possibly can in relation to this issue and was grateful for their assistance. Although the court case will still proceed (court date 14th December), that concerns the breaches of the planning conditions rather than the environmental health implications of the odours. The resident raised concerns that the EH Officer did not follow proper procedure and made mistakes when investigating the odour issues around the shop. The resident acknowledged that at present, due to the season and weather conditions, the odours are not as strong, however once Spring and the warmer weather come in 2024 they and their neighbours expect the problems to return again.
The process of who to complain about an individual officer’s conduct was then discussed and as the Head of the Environmental Health department is due to leave CCC shortly, Cllr Gili-Ross noted that it would be better for the resident to send a copy of his complaint to the Chief Executive of CCC as well and ask when he can expect to receive a response as it is causing extreme stress. County Cllr Lewis Barber will be visiting the resident soon but as City Cllr Willetts stated there are strict guidelines around the City Councillor’s interactions with Officers and so following the complaint process is always the best way forwards.
23/169 Report from Colchester City & Essex County Councillors
Cllr Willetts reported on the following matters:
In relation to Uncle Kam’s fish & chip shop, Cllr Willetts reiterated that there were lots of objections from the neighbouring residents and the Parish Council at the time the application was submitted, he himself “called it in” so that it could be discussed in the open forum of the CCC Planning Committee and not just passed through the Planning Department and in his comments at the time he had noted all the problems which have since come to light. It is said the applicant has now installed an odour control system but has still not complied with the original planning conditions by not supplying a schedule to the City Council and therefore is still in breach of the conditions. The Environmental Health Officer submitted his report to his superior but did not feel the odour levels could meet the requirements of an abatement notice and so recommended no further investigation. Cllr Willetts expressed that he was very disappointed but did note that the Environmental Protection Act does allow residents to take their own action through private prosecutions if they wished to, however Cllr Butcher noted that the residents didn’t want to pursue that due to the cost and stress involved. Cllr Willetts again noted that this is not the only fish & chip shop with these issues in the City, it is a common problem with the shops with odour levels just below the limit of an abatement notice.
Cllr Cullis asked if the PC could get sight of CCC’s processes and was assured that the process is a public document, with the complainants asked to say when the odours are at their worst so that the investigating officer can attend specifically at those times.
Cllr Butcher concluded these discussions by saying that unfortunately the PC does not have all the answers, knows that the resident is not happy with how the investigations were handled, noted that the Chair of the PC has written to the Chief Executive of CCC on this matter and that the date is in the diary for the court case.
ACTION – Clerk to ask CCC for a copy of the Environmental Health Officer’s report and the processes surrounding his work.
On other matters, Cllr Willetts reported:
Travel disruption on the 10th October
This occurred when someone demonstrated at ‘Holmwood House Bridge’, which brought the A12 and surrounding roads to a standstill for 6.5 hours. Chaos was caused when the diversion signage was not put in place until much later, resulting in traffic being sent through the villages, including two-way traffic on Argent’s Lane.
ACTION – PC to write to the Chief Constable of Essex Police and ask for the police report in terms of the incident’s management and what has been learnt.
Argent’s Lane
Cllr Pulford requested that Cllr Willetts seek to have the drains on Argent’s Lane be unblocked, although during the discussion it was clear that it is the drains at the bottom of the Lane that need clearing as the water then backs up to those higher up the road. The Parish Council’s Handymen used to clear these drains on a regular basis but following the cancellation of the Essex Highways Devolution project they are now no longer allowed to do that work. She also noted that both potholes further up Argent’s Lane filled with rainwater are causing the hedges & soil to be washed away into the drains, blocking them even further.
ACTION – The PC has written to County Councillor Lewis Barber on the dangerous potholes along Argent’s Lane previously but will write again in detail about the issues described above. Cllr Gili-Ross noted that, in a situation where the problem is well known, the public just want it sorted with regular clearance 2-3 times a year, something which at the moment the PC cannot do.
23/170 Planning
a) To note the following agreed comments made by the WBPC Planning Committee to Colchester City Council (CCC) at their meeting on the 16th Oct 2023:
232194 | Hill House Farm, 157 Colchester Road, CO6 3JX – Support – Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application on the proviso that the annex is used solely by people associated with, and users of, the main dwelling, nor should it be sold or let separately to the main dwelling. |
232195 | 4 Bourne Road, CO6 3EP – Support – Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application. |
232259 | Land adj Armoury Road, West Bergholt – Object – Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to object as there is no provision for the repair of damage to Armoury Road being used as the main access to the site. And there is no provision for vehicle wheel wash facilities. The following document relates to the objection and has been emailed to the Case Officer for her records: Letter to CCC on Armoury Road |
b) To note the response from CCC Head of Planning in regard to PA 232259 (use of Armoury Road for NEEB construction work) above following a letter from the Chair of WBPC:
The Parish Council has received a fairly good response from CCC to their letter, in which the City Council has stated that they will speak to the applicants as soon as possible. West Bergholt PC has sent an objection comment to the CCC planning portal in regard to PA 232259, especially raising concerns about who might do any repairs if the road is damaged during construction when there remain questions around who maintains the road and specifically asked for wheel washing facilities as the lack of these facilities could cause further damage.
c) To note the letter sent by Chair of WBPC to CCC’s CEO on PA 210787 (fish & chip shop)
The Parish Council has written to the Chief Executive of Colchester City Council asking her to investigate her officer’s actions in relation to the breaches of the conditions linked to the approval of PA 210787, Uncle Kam’s fish & chip shop. The Council has not had a reply as yet and so await a response with interest. There are actions linked to this item from earlier in this meeting under item 23/169.
23/171 Environment & Highways
a) To note the minutes of the WBPC Environment Committee from their meeting of 12th October 2023 (See link to Environment Mins P7 Oct 23)
The minutes of the 12th Oct 2023 were noted.
The hedge cutting and flailing has been completed over half term, with the same contractor as last year, who has done an excellent job again. CCC had been booked to follow up this work with the road sweeper, however the Parish Council has been informed that CCC are having problems with the sweeper’s availability at present, with all but one broken. The Village Handymen will instead blow away any small cuttings to make the areas as safe as possible, until a sweeper can be made available.
Cllr Gili-Ross noted that the estate agent publicity signs for the Heathlands PTA fireworks night were too low along the allotments on Chapel Road.
ACTION – Cllr Owers will contact the Fireworks PTA so that they can rectify the issue.
Cllr Gili-Ross also noted that proposed William Sims Sports Field is completely waterlogged at present and although the PC probably do not plan to do anything with it for the next two years, until it is grassed, the Council will need to keep an eye on this issue in case it is a drainage problem. He also noted that there is currently a kerb all the way around the entrance that will need to be dropped for access at a later date.
b) To note the arrangements for the Parish Christmas Tree for 2023.
It was noted that Cllr Owers has been budgeted up to £150 to organise the Parish Christmas Tree.
c) To note the Committee agreed the Environmental Strategic Plan was considered fit for purpose, in respect of biodiversity.
It was noted that the Committee had reviewed the Environmental Strategic Plan and concluded that it was fit for purpose, specifically in respect of biodiversity.
d) To note the Committee’s update on ownership & cost enquiries for the Armoury Road greensward barriers.
Cllrs Gili-Ross and Pulford discussed the proposal to put a small, natural hedge along this greensward, with the possibility of receiving some whips from an initiative Cllr Lewis Barber had informed the Council of.
Cllr Pulford also noted that several cars had been parked on greenswards elsewhere in the village of late. The Clerk has previously agreed laminated notices which can be put on such cars, informing drivers why they cannot park there.
ACTION – Clerk will print & laminate more notices and make them available for members.
ACTION – Also a social media post is required to inform clubs/organisations to remove any posters/signs once the dates have passed and they are no longer needed.
e) To note the Member-led potholes list request from Cllr Barber and for Councillors to advise Clerk for coordination.
The potholes reported to Essex County Council in October included the following:
- 2873294 Junction of Whitehouse Lane & Newbridge Hill
- 2873297 Junction of Mumford Road with Lexden Road
- 2873303 Opposite 114 Lexden Road
The Clerk was also asked to bring the two potholes along Argent’s Lane to Cllr Barber’s attention once more.
ACTION – Clerk to submit all five potholes from the list to Cllr Barber.
f) To note the letters sent to Essex County Council by WBPC Chair on Highways Devolution activities and on the proposed zebra crossing for Colchester Road by the new development areas.
It was noted that the WBPC Chair had written to Essex County Council on these two matters, trying to expedite some action.
23/172 Ownership of Mumford Close greensward
To update the Parish Council on its application to make the greensward an Asset of Community Value.
The Parish Council made the application to CCC, as requested by CCC, to make an application for the Mumford Close greensward to become an Asset of Community Value, however the application has effectively been refused.
ACTION – Cllr Short will draft a response to CCC.
23/173 Finance
a) Statement of accounts for Sept 23
The final accounts for Sept 23 (50% through the financial year) were presented as follows: (See link to PC Accounts P6 Sept 23)
Receipts at 100%, General Expenditure 38%, Environment Expenditure 40%, Overall Expenditure 39%
Bank Rec at £ 163,336.89.
There are three additions to the Projects & Reserves sheet this month. From the Reserves, both the cost of the painting of the Orpen Hall from the Hall Projects (£10.92 remaining) and Honour Board payment (£652.50 remaining) were taken out. From the Projects, £231 was spent, specifically the WB Community Hub, for the Building Regs application.
b) Payments
RESOLVED – to approve the Oct payments list in accordance with the 2023-24 budget as listed below. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Cullis. All in favour.
October 2023
DD | Barclays | Bank charges – loyalty reward (16.00-1.52) | 14.48 |
DD | PWLB | Public Works Loan – JL Hall (2 of 2 2023) | 2,684.13 |
DD | ICO | Data protection renewal | 35.00 |
DD | Wave – Anglian Water | Water bill 03 Jun-02 Sep – Allotments | 545.51 |
SO | J & M Payroll Services | Oct – wages, tax & NI | 5,500.00 |
PC23101 | J & M Payroll Services | Oct – wages tax & NI | 566.99 |
PC23102 | J & M Payroll Services | Payroll services – Oct | 48.00 |
PC23103 | WBFC | Grass cutting Oct – LD Field | 50.00 |
PC23104 | Countrywide | Grass cutting Oct – Poor’s Land | 198.50 |
PC23105 | Petty Cash | Petrol, diesel, 2nd class stamps & screws | 93.75 |
PC23106 | Laura Walkingshaw | WHUK 05/09, DL envelopes, Digdat maps, Kaspersky 2-year renewal, westberg.org, keys | 147.56 |
PC23107 | TBS Hygiene | Litter/Dog waste collection Oct | 192.00 |
PC23108 | Wicksteed | Rapid links x 4 | 30.94 |
PC23109 | Friends of St Mary’s Old Church | Grant for display board | 300.00 |
PC23110 | Tree & Lawn Company | Tree work – Oak on Heath | 768.00 |
PC23111 | Ernest Doe | Tube patch & tube | 21.17 |
PC23112 | PKF Littlejohn | External audit | 504.00 |
PC23113 | Oak Plumbing & Heating | Replace leaking tap – Poor’s Land | 100.00 |
PC23114 | WB Parochial Church | WBAA grant to 5Ts | 500.00 |
PC23115 | Colchester Methodist Circuit | Annual rental of bus shelter | 129.00 |
PC23116 | EALC | Managing Grievances – BTB | 96.00 |
PC23117 | KingServ | Web support services (Nov 23 – Jan 24) | 450.00 |
Tfr | New Allotments to PC | WBAA grant to 5Ts | -500.00 |
Tfr | PC to Hall | 1 box A4 paper | 15.99 |
Tfr | PC to Hall | VAT Transfer | 222.93 |
c) To approve the Finance Committee’s recommendation that both Community Services section 106 monies from PA 220165 and PA 231172 be assigned to the West Bergholt Community Hub project.
It was noted that these are actually unilateral undertakings, not s.106 monies, available by CCC Community Services Officer, who needs to know what projects to assign these to when he writes up the agreements. The Finance Committee recommended that both agreements be assigned to the West Bergholt Community Hub project, however it had asked the Officer why the split was still 65% WB/35% CCC when the Parish now has a CCC-approved Neighbourhood Plan and therefore it would expect 100% to come to WB. The Officer did not know the answer to this and so it has been referred to Karen Syrett, co-Head of CCC Planning by the PC.
RESOLVED – to approve the Finance Committee’s recommendation that both Community Services monies from PA 220165 and PA 231172 be assigned to the West Bergholt Community Hub project. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Stone. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to inform the CCC Officer.
d) To receive a verbal update on the preparation work for the 2024-25 budgets.
Cllr Savage will attend the next cycle of Committee meetings to discuss the draft budgets with members. He and the Clerk will be pulling the draft figures together over the next week or two.
ACTION – A budget for Communications needs to be considered, Cllr Cullis will provide the Clerk with some proposed figures.
23/174 Lorkin Daniell Playground
To discuss and agree the Lorkin Daniell Playground Advisory Group’s report on the provision of additional play equipment, surfacing & fencing to enable the Clerk to instruct contractors.
Cllr Butcher submitted LD Playground Report to Council Oct 23 prior to the meeting for Councillors’ information. It was agreed in July 2022 with an updated Terms of Reference that the Playground Advisory Group would meet and look at options for new inclusive play equipment for the Lorkin Daniell playpark. The group held their 7th meeting last week and looked in detail at quotes from two companies with very similar equipment, including an inclusive swing, “me to you” swing and two sensory play items. A second part of the project will be to replace the bollards by the entrance to the playground, next to the MUGA/car park, with a fence to keep the area more secure for children.
The overall cost of the entire project will be around £13,000 with the monies coming from Hyperlocal Grant (£10K), previous fundraising from the Village quiz and Village Panto, the Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Projects and the Lorkin Daniell Trust, although an application will also be made to County Councillor Lewis Barber for £1000 of his locality budget.
The recommendation from the Playground Advisory Group brought forward by Cllr Butcher was to appoint Playquip and Quality Metalwork Services, the latter providing the lower quote for the play equipment and both contractors being known to the Parish Council having been employed successfully for similar work carried out in the past. However, following more detailed discussions of the fencing, it was proposed to amend the original resolution to give an opportunity for the Environment Committee to discuss the implications of the fence fully at their 16th November meeting.
RESOLVED – Cllr Savage therefore proposed to approve the recommendation of the Playground Advisory Group of the additional playground equipment and surfacing by Playquip, but to agree the fencing subject to the approval of the Environment Committee on the 16th November. Cllr Cullis seconded. 10 in favour, Cllr Butcher objected to this amendment.
ACTION – Clerk to instruct Playquip following their successful quote and the fencing manufacturer once approved by the Environment Committee.
23/175 MUGA Working Party
To receive an update on the latest MUGA Working Party meeting.
Cllrs Stone & Pulford, along with the Hall Administrator met on 5th Oct to discuss the management and improvement of the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), by the Orpen Memorial Hall, and the notes of that meeting, MUGA Working Group Notes 5th Oct 2023, were circulated in advance to Council members. Discussions included considering the equipment needed for sports other than tennis, such as netball & pickleball, making the courts available to children between 9am-4pm for free, investigating if the school may wish to use it and if an amendment to the planning permission was needed to extend night-time use of the floodlights in the winter.
In regard to the cost of the floodlights, an increase in the price of tokens to £1.50 is likely to be proposed as no saving has been made from the solar panel installation on the Orpen Hall, because the electricity comes from a different meter, however LED replacement lights could be installed to save some money.
The Working Party also considered a return to a membership system or perhaps joining the Lawn Tennis Association, as for a cost of £120 per court per year it would supply an online booking system which would make it easier to book and therefore hopefully increase hirings.
The Working Party is looking to expand its membership by recruiting some users of the courts and will report back to the Council at a future meeting with its recommendations.
23/176 Council Documents
To review and renew the follow WBPC policies:
MUGA Working Party Terms of Reference
The MUGA Working Party Terms of Reference had been updated to reflect its new purpose of managing, maintaining and improving the facilities of the MUGA.
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to ratify the updated MUGA Working Party Terms of Reference. Cllr Stone seconded. All in favour.
ACTION – Clerk to send the updated MUGA Terms of Reference off to the webmaster.
Risk Assessment to accompany Lone Worker Policy
RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to ratify the Risk Assessment to accompany the Lone Worker Policy. Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour.
23/177 Communications
a) To receive the monthly report from the Publicity Officer, Councillor Cullis
The social media figures this month are okay, but the Google Analytics needed some adjustments as the figures were skewed by a technical issue which has now been resolved. The webmaster has refreshed a page on the westbergholt-pc.gov.uk website and built an Events page, ready for the Photographic Competition and any future Village Quizzes to be added.
The Councillor profile “Five Fun Facts” has been very popular and if Councillors had not completed this yet, they were asked to submit their answers to Cllr Cullis.
b) To note receipt of and discuss the actions therein of the Monthly Website Report from the webmaster, Dave Kingaby
One of the outstanding items on the Monthly Website Report is the Councillor’s email storage quotas, for which Cllr Cullis is creating an Email Retention Policy with information from Cllr Owers on best practice. Other Councils appear to vary between 3 months retention of emails and 2 years, although if the length of time is too short there are fears that Councillors will need to bother the Clerk quite frequently to retrieve their deleted email information.
c) To note the Village Bulletin survey’s initial results, still available to complete online
Cllr Cullis has received 288 responses to the Village Bulletin survey, which is approximately 10% of the West Bergholt population. Initial analysis of the data suggests that 97.2% receive it, 81% read it and 76% would miss it. The survey was conducted as currently the Bulletin is not paying for itself with advertising revenues but is costing the parish money with every print run as printing costs have increased so much, therefore although the data indicates that the parish categorically cannot afford to lose it, the Council will have to look at other printing options, such as black & white.
One of the surprise results of the survey was that 70.5% did not know that they could read the Bulletin online, so more publicising of that fact is required and with a proposal for black/white internal pages with a colour cover the cost should be significantly reduced. Cllr Cullis will piece together the top three facts for the Village Bulletin and then will report back to the Council with recommendations at a later date.
Cllr Butcher thanked Cllr Cullis for the excellent job she had done in creating and collating the surveys.
d) To note the preparations for the Parish Council-sponsored Young Photographers Competition
Cllr Butcher initiated the idea of a Young Photographer Competition when he came across it in another parish and Cllr Cullis has been working on the details & publicity with him. The competition will run from the 5th December to the 16th January for the under 12s and under 18s, with three categories in all (West Bergholt Animals, Made or Grown in West Bergholt and West Bergholt Landscapes).
This is part of the Council’s drive for youth engagement and will incorporate numerous hashtags to increase social media contact with the young in West Bergholt. A judging panel has already been set up, funding of prizes has been arranged from the Charity Allotment Stall & PC and the presentations will take place at the January Parish Council meeting.
ACTION – Cllr Gili-Ross recommended sending details of the initiative to the EALC (Essex Association of Local Councils) when complete, as a good example of youth engagement.
e) To discuss the intention to hold a Valentines Quiz on 10th February 2024
The Council were receptive to Cllr Butcher’s intention to hold a Village Quiz around Valentine’s Day. He had tried to hold a Christmas Quiz but found it difficult to get someone to run it during the busy build up to Christmas. He will begin planning it now that the Council approves of the idea and hopes members will offer to support it.
23/178 William Sims Sports Field
To receive a verbal update on the transfer of the field to the Parish Council and to note the advice from Essex Association of Local Councils (EALC)
Thompson, Smith & Puxon have now been appointed to represent the Parish Council. Hopkins Homes have been informed of this and await contact. The Clerk had contacted EALC to ask their advice as to whether the PC should take ownership directly or as a Charitable Trust and they provided clear advice that it would be better to own it as a PC. However, consideration needs be given to reclaiming the VAT during the works and to the grants a PC or Trust could apply for.
ACTION – Cllr Savage, as RFO (Responsible Finance Officer) will come back with more information on the best way forward financially for the William Sims Sports Field at a future meeting.
23/179 Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS)
To receive a verbal update on the Parish Council’s Quality Gold application.
The Parish Council submitted their application for the Quality Gold Award to LCAS on 7th Sept and has been informed no triage is required and so wait to hear:
- Applications will be sent to the panel for assessment by Friday 27th October.
- Panels will meet in November and assessment feedback will be provided.
- Results will be announced by Friday 8th December.
23/180 Training/Networking Events
To note & receive feedback from the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk:
- Model Financial Regulations Consultation – 02/10/2023 – Clerk
Trying to make them more practical and in plain English, look forward to seeing the update.
- Managing Grievances – 03/10/2023 – BTB
Online NALC course. Very engaging course leader and happily it confirmed that WBPC is 99% there with its existing policies on this topic.
- Freedom of Information Essentials – 04/10/2023 – Clerk
Very informative, summary of the course has already been circulated to Council.
- Essex Playing Fields – AGM and Awards – 19/10/2023 – PC
Held at Springfield Cricket Club in Chelmsford with some interesting speakers and information around FA funding of pitches & buildings. Really good to network with them and must make a note in the diary for next year when it will be their 100th Anniversary Party as could be very useful in the future with the creation of the William Sims Sports Field facilities.
ACTION – Cllr Butcher suggested that Cllr Chamberlain send them an email to thank them for the invite and say he will stay in touch.
- Empowering young voices in your community – 25/10/2023 – HS
Very good NALC webinar concerning youth engagement, with three inspirational speakers, all of whom came from Quality Gold Councils. Apparently only 3% of Councillors are under 30, yet it is a proven advantage to stopping anti-social behaviour to engage with young people. Obviously, there are issues around funding, but in some places youth workers have been funded out of the precept following consultation with their residents. There are four elements needed to engage, Space, Voice, Audience and Influence. A Youth Engagement Policy is needed to start with, and Cllr Stone invited other interested Councillors to join him in looking at this.
ACTION – Cllr Stone will arrange a meeting to start discussing this topic and Cllrs Pulford, Cullis and Chamberlain agreed to meet with him.
23/181 Items to Note
a) Crime Statistics
25th Sept – 22nd Oct 2023: 0 crimes.
b) Village Fete – meeting due 30th Oct 2023
A meeting will be held in the Queen’s Head on Monday 30th Oct at 7pm.
c) Care Network’s Warm Space reopening 27th Oct 2023
The Warm Space is reopening over the winter months on Mondays and Fridays between 10am – 12 noon in the Social Club meeting room, Orpen Memorial Hall, Lexden Road. Cllr Stone thanked Cllrs Barrow & Cullis for their work on the rota for this.
23/182 Items for Next Agenda
Wed 22nd November 2023:
- Apologies from Cllr Chamberlain in advance of the next meeting.
- Budget discussions
- Renewal of Council Documents:
- William Sims Sports Field Working Party Terms of Reference
- Equality Policy
23/183 In Committee
No matters were discussed in committee.
23/184 Date of Next Meeting
The next full council meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wed 22nd November 2023 at 7.30pm, in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd, CO6 3BW.
The meeting closed at 21.55pm.
Signed: Date: