Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – 22nd May 2024

A brief summary of key elements of the PC Annual Meeting on 22nd May 2024.  At this meeting, as well as routine matters, they:

Pylons crossing the countryside
  • Reviewed numerous constitutional documents & policies;
  • Elected officers for the coming year;
  • Agreed meeting dates for the coming year;
  • Reviewed 7 planning decisions – 4 were supported (Spring Lane, Fordham Road, Orpen Close & Sackville Way), 1 objected to (Cooks Hall Road) and 2 deferred to CCC;
  • Reviewed financial reserves and projects;
  • Discussed the upcoming submission of a response to the National Grid Pylons consultation; and
  • Approved the process of taking over the William Simms Sports Field from Hopkins Homes.

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Minutes

Held on Wed 22nd May 2024 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall, CO6 3BW

Chair:Cllr Brian Butcher
Parish Councillors:Cllrs Paul Chamberlain, Katie Pulford, Bob Tyrrell, Andrew Savage, Harry Stone, David Short, Sara Cullis and Manya Barrow
Also in attendance:Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk),
City & County Cllrs:None
Members of the public:2 members of the public

24/66      Election of Chair

To elect a Chair of West Bergholt Parish Council and receive their Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Cllr Brian Butcher stated his wish to stand as Chair of West Bergholt Parish Council for another year.

Cllr Stone proposed, Cllr Short seconded. All in favour.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher duly elected Chair of West Bergholt Parish Council.

ACTION – Cllr Butcher then signed the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

24/67      Election of Vice Chair

To elect a Vice Chair of West Bergholt Parish Council

Cllr Stone stated he wished to stand as Vice Chair of West Bergholt Parish Council,

Cllr Butcher proposed, Cllr Savage seconded.

RESOLVED – Cllr Stone duly elected Vice Chair of West Bergholt Parish Council.

24/68      Receive /accept apologies and welcome to the public.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Owers and Gili-Ross.

24/69      Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

24/70      Previous Minutes & Actions

RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council (PC) meeting held on Wed 24th April 2024 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (See link to PC Minutes P1 Apr 2024)

24/71      Questions from registered electors

A resident had wanted to speak to the Ward’s City Councillors but in their absence, he asked that the Parish Council forward his query onto them. His query is in regard to Uncle Kams Fish & Chip shop, last year CCC’s Environment Protection department admitted that the investigation which took place was not properly conducted and so they would be happy to reconduct the statutory investigation, but not until the warmer weather. Now it is approaching late May the resident has tried on several occasions to make contact with the head of Environmental Protection, Leigh Newman, but to no avail. He would ask that contact be made on his behalf as soon as possible, as it took four months last time to get the investigation started and it could risk missing the warmer summer period if not started soon.

ACTION – Clerk to forward his concerns onto the City and County Councillors.

24/72      Report from Colchester City & Essex County Councillors

There was no report from the Colchester City or Essex County Councillors as none were present. There were however two things that the Parish Council would have liked to have raised with them, which will now be actions as follows:

ACTION – The cutting of the grass verges, which will now be added to the next PC Environment Committee meeting agenda.

ACTION – The blocked drain, which is causing flooding from 106 to 136 Colchester Road, which Cllr Butcher will raise again with Essex County Councillor Lewis Barber.

24/73      Constitution

a)    To appoint a Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to re-appoint Cllr Savage as the Responsible Finance Officer for West Bergholt Parish Council. Cllr Stone seconded. All in favour.

b)    To review the delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees and staff

Document 24/73b was previously circulated to Cllrs, illustrating the existing delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees, the charitable trusts, working groups and Proper Officer.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to approve the current delegation arrangements for West Bergholt Parish Council. Cllr Cullis seconded. All in favour.

c)     To review the terms of reference for committees (Environment, Finance & Planning)

All circulated to members prior to the meeting, no amendments received or recommended by the Clerk in advance.

  • Planning & Development Committee ToR – last amended May 2023
  • Finance, Policy & Personnel Advisory Committee ToR – last amended June 2023
  • Environment & Highways Committee ToR – last amended June 2022

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to ratify all three Parish Council Committee’s Terms of Reference, seconded by Cllr Savage. All in favour

d)    To appoint members to existing committees

  • Planning Committee: Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher, Andrew Savage, Sara Cullis, Paul Chamberlain
  • Environment Committee: John Gili-Ross, Harry Stone, David Short, James Owers, Katie Pulford, Manya Barrow
  • Finance Advisory Committee: Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher, Harry Stone, John Gili-Ross, Bob Tyrrell, Paul Chamberlain
  • Staffing Sub-Committee (reports to Finance Advisory Committee): Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher, Harry Stone or John Gili-Ross or Paul Chamberlain depending on appointment.
  • Publicity Officer: Sara Cullis
  • Reporting direct to Environment Committee (To be elected by Environment Committee at June Mtg):
    Public Rights of Way Rep.: currently, John Gili-Ross,
    Transport Rep.: currently, Manya Barrow

ACTION – Clerk to add to Environment Committee agenda for June meeting.

Working Parties:

  • Climate Change Working Party: Bob Tyrrell, Sara Cullis, Andrew Savage
  • LCAS Gold Award Working Party: Brian Butcher, Harry Stone, Andrew Savage
  • Neigh Plan Review Working Party: Andrew Savage, Bob Tyrrell, Sara Cullis
  • William Sims Sports Field WP: Brian Butcher, John Gili-Ross, David Short, Bob Tyrrell, Andrew Savage
  • MUGA Working Party (to look at prices & use): Harry Stone, Katie Pulford, Brian Butcher
  • Communications WP (to look at website, FB & Instagram): Sara Cullis, Manya Barrow, Katie Pulford
  • Community Hub / Parish Office Working Party: Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher, Paul Chamberlain
  • Youth Engagement WP: Harry Stone, Sara Cullis, Katie Pulford, Paul Chamberlain

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree all of the above appointments, seconded by Cllr Short. All in favour.

ACTION – Clerk to inform the webmaster of any changes, so he can update the website accordingly.

e)    To appoint any new committees in accordance with standing order 4

In accordance with standing order 4 of WBPC’s standing orders, the council wishes to note the appointment of three new Working Parties:

  • Climate Emergency WP – Terms of Reference agreed at 27th March 2024 PC meeting.
  • Youth Engagement Working Party – Terms of Reference agreed at 28th Feb 2024 PC meeting.
  • Bulletin Editorial Board – Terms of Reference agreed at 28th June 2023 PC meeting.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed the formal appointment of the above Working Parties and Bulletin Board, seconded by Cllr Cullis. All in favour.

f)     To review and adopt West Bergholt Parish Council’s Standing Orders

No amendments were recommended on the current WBPC Standing Orders.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the WBPC Standing Orders, seconded by Cllr Tyrrell. All in favour.

g)    To review and adopt West Bergholt Parish Council’s Financial Regulations

The new model Financial Regulations for 2024 have just been released by NALC (National Association of Local Councils), however as a completely new version of the Regulations, rather than an update, the RFO and Clerk need some time to go through the document in detail before making recommendations to the council, therefore it has been advised to review WBPC’s current Financial Regulations and then bring the new version to a future full council meeting.

There is one small amendment recommended to the current WBPC Financial Regulations by the RFO. In 6.21a RFO shall be changed to Clerk.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the amended WBPC Financial Regulations, seconded by Cllr Savage. All in favour.

ACTION – Clerk to inform the webmaster of the change, so he can update the website accordingly.

h)    To review arrangements with other local authorities, not-for profit bodies & businesses

No such arrangements exist.

i)     To review representations on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back – list provided

A list of current Councillor members was provided in advance of the meeting. The following were confirmed at the meeting:

  • Orpen Hall Mgt Cmt (reports to Trust): – Paul Chamberlain, Bob Tyrrell, Manya Barrow, James Owers, Katie Pulford
  • Joint Steering Group – Social Club (reports to Trust): Brian Butcher, Harry Stone, Andrew Savage
  • Poor’s Land Futures Group (reports to Trust): Brian Butcher, Sara Cullis, David Short
  • Playground Advisory Group: Brian Butcher, Harry Stone, David Short
  • Traffic Safety Group: Harry Stone, Sara Cullis
  • Village Bulletin Editorial Board: Manya Barrow, Brian Butcher, Sara Cullis
  • Heathlands School Liaison: Brian Butcher, Harry Stone
  • St Mary’s Church Liaison: Harry Stone, Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher
  • CALC: Brian Butcher, John Gili-Ross

Project lead councillors (reporting to PC):

  • N G’s East Anglia Green Project: David Short
  • Colchester Road Crossing: Brian Butcher
  • N P Implementation Plan: Sara Cullis

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the representative and arrangements above, seconded by Cllr Stone. All in favour.

j)     To agree that West Bergholt Parish Council continues to meet the required eligibility to exercise the General Power of Competence

To confirm in May 2024:

1.   Elected Councillors – 10 out of 11 following May 23 elections, with just Cllr Chamberlain co-opted.

2.   Qualified Clerk – Laura Walkingshaw attained her CiLCA qualification in Jan 2019.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree that WBPC meets the criteria to exercise the General Power of Competence, Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour.

k)    To note the review of the inventory of land and other assets including buildings & office equipment was previously agreed in Mar 24

The updated Asset Register, which lists all buildings and other items was previously agreed in March 2024 under item 24/44d.

l)     To agree the renewal of the Parish Council’s annual insurance 2024-25

West Bergholt Parish Council currently has a 3-year long term agreement for its annual insurance with Zurich Municipal. Details of the latest schedule for 2024-25 were circulated to members prior to the meeting.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to renew the Parish Council’s annual insurance for 2024-25 with Zurich Municipal for the second year of its 3-year term, seconded by Cllr Savage. All in favour.

m)   To review the Council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies

A list of the six current WBPC subscriptions to other bodies was circulated to members in advance of the meeting. These subscriptions provide training, advice, legal support and general back up for the council.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the current list of Council and staff subscriptions to other bodies, seconded by Cllr Savage. All in favour.

n)    To note the Council’s complaints procedure was previously agreed in Mar 24

The Council’s Complaints Procedure was previously agreed in March 2024 under item 24/46a.

o)    To note the Council’s policies, procedures and practices in respect of its obligations under freedom of information and data protection legislation were previously agreed in Jun 2023

The Council’s policies, procedures and practices in respect of its obligations under freedom of information and data protection legislation were previously agreed in Jun 2023 under item 23/119a.

p)    To agree the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media – new

A draft Press and Media Policy, based on the NALC model policy was circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed the new WBPC Press and Media Policy, seconded by Cllr Cullis. All in favour.

ACTION – Clerk to send new policy to webmaster for website.

q)    To note the Council’s employment policies and procedures were agreed in Feb and Mar 2024

The Council’s employment policies and procedures were agreed in Feb 2024 under item 24/28 (Lone Workers Policy) and in March 2024 under item 24/46 (Disciplinary, Grievance, Equality & Diversity Policies).

r)     To review the Council’s expenditure incurred under s.137 of the LGA 1972 or general power of competence.

The expenditure in 2023-24 which occurred under s.137 was £20.00 for the annual remembrance wreath. The current rate for expenditure under s.137 is £10.81 per head of electorate (2573). No expenditure was incurred under the general power of competence.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to confirm the £20 expenditure incurred under section 137 of the LGA 1972 for 2023-24. Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour.

s)     To determine the time and place of the ordinary meeting of the Council up to and including the next annual meeting of the Council.

Historically, West Bergholt Parish Council meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month, except August and December. Therefore, the time and place of the dates for 2024-25 were determined as:

Date & TimeWhereNotes
Wed 26th Jun 2024 at 7.30pmJL Hall 
Wed 24th Jul 2024 at 7.30pmJL Hall 
August No meeting to be held
Wed 25th Sep 2024 at 7.30pmJL Hall 
Wed 23rd Oct 2024 at 7.30pmJL Hall 
Wed 27th Nov 2024 at 7.30pmJL Hall 
December No meeting to be held
Wed 22nd Jan 2025 at 7.30pmJL Hall 
Wed 26th Feb 2025 at 7.30pmJL Hall 
Wed 26th Mar 2025 at 7.30pmJL Hall 
Wed 23rd Apr 2025 at 6.30pmOrpen HallFollowed by Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm
Wed 28th May 2025 at 7.30pmJL HallAnnual Meeting of Parish Council

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the above dates for 2024-25. Cllr Cullis seconded. All in favour.

t)     To remind Councillors to update their Register of Members’ Interests, if necessary.

Councillors were reminded to update their Register of Members if necessary.

ACTION – Clerk to send link to existing Register for Councillors to check and send blank forms, if necessary.

24/74      Planning

240866 Springbourne, Spring Lane, CO6 3HJ

Application for removal or variation of a condition 3 following grant of planning permission. (190690).

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the current application, however we draw attention to the original proposed mono pitch roof to the side of the property and we query whether that aspect of the planning permission 190690 should be retained?

Decision: Support

240715 Highfield Farm, Fordham Road, CO6 3DP

Construction of 3-bay, single-storey, detached, oak-framed Cart lodge and associated works.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment.

Decision: Support

240703 The Truman, Flat 12, Maltings Park Rd, CO6 3TJ

Listed Building. Multiple internal amendments applied for.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to leave the decision to Heritage and the CCC Planning Office.

Decision: N/A

240698 6 Orpen Close, CO6 3BG

Replace rear and two side conservatories with single storey extensions.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application on the recommendation that the final finishes are a condition of planning approval.

Decision: Support

240788 10 Sackville Way, CO6 3DZ

Part two storey and first floor side extension, two storey rear extension and single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application on the recommendation that the materials used are a condition of planning approval.

Decision: Support

240719 The Grays, 16 Lexden Road, CO6 3BT

Listed Building. Multiple internal amendments applied for.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to leave the decision to Heritage and the CCC Planning Office.

Decision: N/A

240861 3 & 4 Cooks Hall Cottages, Cooks Hall Road, CO6 3EY

Repair and renovate cottages on a like-for-like basis, as holiday accommodation (partly retrospective).

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to object to this application. We refer to planning appeal   APP/A1530/X/08/2089175 which was dismissed due to the residential use of the cottages being abandoned after 1978, indicating a clear abandonment ever since.  Therefore, this application is equivalent to a new build outside the settlement boundary of West Bergholt and goes against PP9 of our West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan.

Decision: Object

24/75      Environment & Highways

The minutes of the 9th May 24 meeting were noted.

ACTION – Email received from Cllr Barber on the opening of new priority repair scheme – Environment Committee to discuss at next meeting on the 13th of June, along with a Facebook post to seek potential potholes/footpath problems from residents.

ACTION – Practice Goal – now have three quotes, including a preferred one with a concrete plinth. Will be applying for an Emergency CIF grant to match fund the cost.

ACTION – Question asked by a member if No Mow May could be considered by the Environment Committee next year – Environment Committee to discuss.

24/76      Finance

a)    Statement of accounts for Apr 24

The final accounts for Apr 24 (8.3% through the financial year) were presented as follows: (See link to PC Accounts P1 Apr 2024)

Receipts at 49%, General Expenditure 7%, Environment Expenditure 5%, Overall Expenditure 7%. Bank Rec at £178,138.94. Items of note on the accounts include the £10,000 CIF grant for the Community Hub and transfer of the Public Works Loan from the Hall accounts.

b)    Payments

RESOLVED – to approve the May 24 payments list in accordance with the 2024-25 budget as listed below. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Short. All in favour.

May 2024

DDBarclaysBank charges – loyalty reward (8.50 – 0.00)8.50
SOJ & M Payroll ServicesMay – wages, tax & NI5,500.00
PC24018Laura WalkingshawVAT on Zoom membership PC2401325.98
PC24019J & M Payroll ServicesMay – wages tax & NI1,547.94
PC24020J & M Payroll ServicesPayroll services – May48.00
PC24021WBFCGrass cutting May – LD Field50.00
PC24022CountrywideGrass cutting May – Poor’s Land209.00
PC24023Laura WalkingshawWHUK, SLCC AGM, flags & pole, ntbk, fire keys, PA403.23
PC24024Nigel WeallDiesel, petrol, whitewood PSE x 4, Ronseal fence79.19
PC24025Petty CashDiesel30.02
PC24026Zurich InsuranceAnnual insurance cover3,170.41
PC24027Tree & Lawn Co.Apply herbicide to football pitch (LD Field): re 24/80a200.00
PC24028WB Social ClubLabour for tiles around men’s urinals100.00
PC24029Jacqui KibbyEditor Remuneration – Bulletin Summer 2024180.00
TfrNew Allotments to PCAnnual insurance cover-200.00
TfrHall to PC accountAnnual insurance cover-1,485.20

c)     To approve a virement to move all the remaining monies from completed projects into the unearmarked reserves and then approve the updated WBPC Reserves Policy for 2024-25.

The Reserves and Projects review sheet was completely updated this month, with old items struck through recommended for removal and new Reserves & Project items added in red:

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The Finance Advisory Committee recommended to the PC that those Earmarked Projects that have been completed have the remaining monies put back into the unearmarked reserves via the necessary virements.

Once the new projects were added the draft 2024-25 WBPC Reserves Policy was circulated to members in advance of the meeting. The Reserves Policy is usually approved at the January meeting along with the budget, but it has since made sense to update it at the end of the financial year once the accounts have been audited, therefore, as well as the updated figures, the text at the end of the policy has been amended to reflect the change in date.

Additional Earmarked sums include £1,000 for the Village Bulletin contingency costs (due to increase in printing costs), £1,000 towards a replacement flagpole and £24,000 towards additional costs when required for major construction projects such as the Community Hub/Poor’s Land Servery/William Sims Field due to rising costs.

RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed approval of the movement of monies from completed projects into the unearmarked reserves and approval of the updated WBPC Reserves Policy for 2024-25, Cllr Butcher seconded. All in favour.

ACTION – Clerk to provide webmaster with new Reserves Policy for 2024-25.

RESOLVED – each line of the Annual Governance Statement was read out by Cllr Savage. He then proposed that the Council agree Section 1 of the AGAR, Cllr Butcher seconded, All in favour.

Section 1 was then signed by the Clerk and Chair of the meeting, Cllr Brian Butcher.

RESOLVED – Accounting Statements for 2023-24 were shown to the Council by Cllr Savage. He then proposed that the Council agree Section 2 of the AGAR, Cllr Butcher seconded, All in favour.

Section 2 was then signed by the Chair of the meeting, Cllr Brian Butcher, having previously been signed by the RFO, Cllr Savage.

ACTION – Clerk to send off completed AGAR forms to the external auditor, PKF Littlejohn.

24/77      Communications

a)    To receive the monthly website and Publicity Officer’s report

Cllr Cullis presented her monthly report and website report received from the webmaster. There is just one outstanding item on the website report that can be discharged, the GDPR Cookies question.

ACTION – Clerk to inform webmaster he can now remove that item from the list as it wasn’t questioned during the LCAS Gold Award assessment.

b)    To receive the report of the latest Bulletin Editorial Board meeting

The notes from the April Bulletin Editorial Board meeting were also received at the meeting. Cllr Cullis reminded members that there will be a new printer of the Bulletin, which will have a new black and white inside to save costs. Several advertisers have unfortunately left for genuine reasons, but have gained three new advertisers and are using the website’s business list to check all are using the Bulletin. The next edition of the Bulletin (1st June) will be 4 pages shorter, which will also help keep costs down.

24/78      National Grid – Pylons

To note the Parish Council’s response to the National Grid statutory consultation

National Grid’s Statutory Consultation runs from 10th April until 18th June (11:59pm) 2024.

Cllr Short has prepared the Council’s submission of approximately 10 pages long, he has tried to include all the previous points made to object to the overground pylon scheme. He has not included anything on mitigation as the Councillor stated that taking that line more or less admits defeat but will include it if the Council so requires. The Council were under the impression that the response can reflect the PC’s total objection to the scheme and any conversations on mitigation were to be held with CCC Planning Officer James Ryan.

ACTION – Clerk to contact James Ryan (CCC) for his advice on this and also because WBPC had expected to hear from him now that the consultation had been launched anyway.

24/79      William Sims Sports Field

To approve and sign the transfer document for the new William Sims Sports Field

After almost a year of discussions, the transfer document for the new William Sims Sports Field from Hopkins Homes to West Bergholt Parish Council is ready, except for some very minor typos and amendments.

The group of Cllrs tasked with negotiating the document with Hopkins, along with the PC’s solicitors are content with the final version, however Councillors were made aware that there is an expenditure element to the transfer. Initially, Hopkins wanted the PC to pay for all greenswards, drainage, roads & footpaths across the estate from day one, however that was negotiated down to simply the maintenance of the road and footpaths that lead to the sports field. It has been agreed that the PC will to:

contribute a fair and reasonable proportion of the cost of maintenance and repair of the Managed Road as and when demanded by the Transferor or their successor in Title to the Managed Road capped at £500 per year for the period of ten years from the date of this Transfer and thereafter at such increased cost per year as shall be reasonably necessary to continue maintenance of the Managed Road.”

The council queried what limits on the cost are in place after the initial 10 years, Cllr Short explained that reasonably in a court of law will generally be interpreted as ”reasonable” and so had no real concerns on the PC signing this aspect of the document.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the transfer of the new William Sims Sports Field to West Bergholt Parish Council. Cllr Savage seconded the motion. All in favour.

Cllr Butcher then signed the transfer document; however he made it clear that completion will not occur until the Parish Council receives CCC’s Open Space completion certificate, stating that the field is in a decent state to be transferred.

ACTION – Clerk to inform Thompson, Smith and Puxon as soon as possible after Cllr Butcher has looked through the minor amendments.

24/80      West Bergholt Football Club

a)    To note the minutes of the meeting between WBFC and WBPC on 23rd April 2024

The minutes of the meeting of the 23rd April had been circulated to members in advance of the PC meeting. Several items came out of the meeting, one of which was the defibrillator which is dealt with separately in the item below.

Weedkilling – the Football Club had raised the question of the pitch maintenance with PC because as sole trustee of the field, with an agreement with the football club, it clearly states that maintenance, including weed killing, is the PC’s responsibility. Therefore, the council had sought two quotes, one of which from TLC was thought to be acceptable and reasonable at £200 + VAT, the cost however will be met by the Lorkin Daniell Field Trust.

ACTION – Clerk to inform TLC and WBFC that the quote of the 3rd May was approved and arrange work to proceed.

Sponsorship letter to NEEB Holdings– the football club asked for help seeking sponsorship and a letter from WBPC to NEEB Holdings (developer) asking for such was proposed, as it was thought having had their application for dwellings approved on appeal they may wish to offer some assistance to local organisations. However, even though they had recently supplied accounts and following the last two meetings appear to be on a much better footing now than in previous months, concerns had been raised about whether it was the PC’s place to promote the football club. The Parish Council after a discussion therefore agreed that Cllr Cullis could put out a post on social media stating that WBFC is looking for sponsorship.

ACTION – Cllr Cullis to put out post for WBFC on social media seeking sponsorship, having discussed it with WBFC first.

b)    To agree the transfer of a defibrillator from WBFC to WBPC as a PC asset, fitted to the Orpen Memorial Hall, with all the necessary maintenance & responsibilities.

The defibrillator, given to WBFC by the Football Association, is currently kept inside the clubhouse and is only available during matches. The football club has asked if the PC would take it on and the council has looked into the costs and implications of taking on responsibility for it and fitting it to the outside of the Orpen Memorial Hall, so that it can be made available to the public and emergency crews at all times.  

Taking into account, replacement pads, batteries and the electricity required to run it, overall, the cost would be approximately £100 per year to make it accessible to all. It would be registered with the PC’s insurance company and “The Circuit” website so the emergency services are aware of its position. Other than a risk assessment there were no other considerations or concerns raised by members of the council.

RESOLVED – Cllr Butcher proposed to agree the transfer of the defibrillator to WBPC, fit it to the outside of the Orpen Hall, with all the necessary maintenance & responsibilities. Cllr Cullis seconded. All in favour.

ACTION – Clerk to sort out the details of obtaining the defibrillator from WBFC and getting it up and running.

24/81      Training & Networking Events

To note & receive feedback from the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk:

  • CCC Town & Parish Council Site Visit (Local Plan) – 16th May 2024 BT & AS – Current Local Plan will be extended by 8 years until 2041. CCC do not currently know if they are going to put all the new development in one place, such as a Garden Community, or spread all across the city & surrounding area. Will determine over the Summer and will bring the proposals forward for consultation with residents in the Autumn. In regard to West Bergholt, should still use the criteria in the Neighbourhood Plan in regard to coalescence and the settlement boundary. Settlement Review Document to be reviewed by Planning Committee.

24/82      Items of Note

  • Crime Statistics – 25th March – 19th May 2024 – two car thefts and one theft from a garden.
  • Speed survey results – from Fri 12th to Thu 18th April. Speed results have come in at an average of 35.9mph and 34.8mph each way, resulting in Essex Highways stating that a zebra crossing is not possible, however emails have been exchanged on this issue and the PC will persist.
  • EV Strategy Letter for 10th June – in regard to £8 million infrastructure fund, Essex CC has asked if the PC would send a letter to ask for expansion of the EV strategy. In principle happy to sign this.

ACTION – Clerk to complete and return to ECC.

  • Cycling meeting notes – meeting of 22nd April. These will also be discussed at the Heathlands School meeting on 23rd May. This is a Neighbourhood Plan Action Plan item, so if any funds are needed, they will come under the NP Implementation Plan funds, although currently no expenditure is planned at the moment. Will consider a draft Terms of Reference for this group in due course.
  • Warm Space (Vulnerable Residents) notes – Seeking to improve facilities for vulnerable groups. Have dealt with all the actions from these notes. The next Warm Space will now be held in September and Cllr Butcher will report back to the attendees at that time.
  • Latest position of Bergholt Youth Group – made aware that the Leaders intend to leave at the end of the year (school year). There was a callout for volunteers made at the Annual Parish Meeting on the 24th April and there will be an article in the next Village Bulletin magazine (1st June). Unless volunteers come forward for an entire new management team the group could fold. There are sometimes over 100 children in attendance so perhaps it will not continue in its current form but reshaped. The Youth Group is in a good state financially and with its polices and the current team are happy to work on a handover. When set up, the PC will create more of a formal link with BYG. Have contacted the YMCA, who are involved with the new Drop in Café project, but they will not deal with anything over 40 children.
  • New NALC Good Councillors Guide for 2024 – to note. Password for NALC already circulated to Cllrs.

24/83      Items for Next Agenda (June 24)

  • Renewal of Data Protection documentation

24/84      In Committee

No items were discussed in committee.

24/85      Date of Next Meeting

The next full council meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wed 26th June at 7.30pm, in the John Lampon Hall, Orpen Memorial Hall, Lexden Rd, CO6 3BW.

The meeting closed at 9:40pm.

Signed:                                                                                Date:

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