Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
Held via Zoom on Wed 28th Apr 2021 at 7.30 pm
Chairman: | Cllr Chris Stevenson |
Parish Councillors Present: | Cllrs John Gili-Ross, Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Jenny Church, Norma Smith, Harry Stone, David Short, Phil Spencer, Andrew Savage |
Parish Clerk: | Laura Walkingshaw |
Borough & County Councillors: | Borough Councillors Brian Jarvis & Lewis Barber County Councillor Anne Brown |
Present: | 1 member of the public |
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HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh |
CS |
1 minute silence and short statement from the chairman on the passing of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Cllr Stevenson stated that not only would Prince Philip’s legacy be remembered in the many ways already reported in the press, but that he had also been an ever-present support to the queen and member of the royal family for as long as any of us can remember, providing huge stability for the county. He also remarked on a West Bergholt connection, Richard Stone who resides in the village, has painted both HRH the Queen and Prince Philip in the past. |
21/60 |
Receive/accept apologies and welcome to the public |
CS |
Borough Councillor Dennis Willetts |
21/61 |
Thank you |
CS |
To thank County Councillor Anne Brown and Borough Councillor Brian Jarvis for all their support and hard work for West Bergholt. Cllr Stevenson thanked both Cllrs Brown and Jarvis for all their support over the years and that we would miss seeing them at our Parish and Annual meetings. He continued stating that Cllr Jarvis had been very supportive on Planning issues and was very knowledgeable about the village, whilst Cllr Brown was equally supportive especially on Highways issues and many County Council matters. Cllr Jarvis wished to be remembered having supported a number of really worthwhile causes with use of the Locality Budget (e.g., BH Youth Football Club, Litter Warriors, new play equipment, WB Toddler Group) which he hoped had made a real difference. Cllr Brown remarked that West Bergholt was a special village, and of the 17 Parishes in her area it was the one which she looked towards to see the standard, mainly achieved by how well the council works together. Cllr Gili-Ross, following his many years as chairman of the Parish Council, also wished to thank the Councillors. Cllr Jarvis for his work in so many other areas such as the Neighbourhood Action Panel – LCAPS, and his support of everything good in North Colchester. The balance he maintained between Borough Councillor and the Parish very much appreciated. He also thanked Cllr Brown from all Essex communities on behalf of the EALC (Essex Association of Local Councils) having been on the decision panel for all funding of the CIF (Communities Initiative Fund) with a forcefulness & opinion which was always balanced, and which has benefitted so many communities. |
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West Bergholt Covid-19 Response |
CS |
To receive an update on the latest WBPC COVID-19 developments
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Questions from registered electors |
CS |
There were no questions received from registered electors. |
21/64 |
Declarations of Interest |
CS |
DECLARED – Cllr Stevenson declared an interest in all matters linked to Essex Highways. |
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Previous Minutes |
CS |
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 24th March 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (Link to Minutes P12 March 2021) |
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Report from Colchester Borough Councillors |
CS |
Borough Councillor Barber reported:
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Finance |
a) AS |
Statement of accounts for Mar 2021 (Link to P12 Mar 2021 Summary) The final accounts for Mar 2021 were presented as follows: Receipts at 97%, General Expenditure 70%, Environment Expenditure 63%, Overall Expenditure 68% Bank Rec at £ 84,715.62 |
b) AS |
Payments RESOLVED – To approve the April payments list in accordance with 2021-22 budget. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Stone. All in favour. PC Payments List – Apr 2021
c)AS |
To approve Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 of the Annual Return RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to approve Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 of the Annual Return. Cllr Harlow seconded. All in favour. |
d)AS |
To agree Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2020/21 of the Annual Return RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to approve Section 2 – the Accounting Statements 2020/21 of the Annual Return. Cllr Butcher seconded. All in favour. Section 2 was then signed. ACTION – The Public Rights Notice will be put up on the notice board on Mon 14th June until Fri 23rd July 2021. |
e)AS |
To note the end of year accounts (2020/21) for the Village Bulletin, MUGA and New Playground. Village Bulletin AccountsReceipts £0.00, Payments £787.12, Overall -£787.12 Receipts variance -£3,235.50 on 2019-20, Payments variance -£3,286.40 on 2019-20 MUGA AccountsReceipts £940.01, Payments £350.24, Overall £589.77 Receipts variance -£658.04 on 2019-20, Payments variance -£644.22 on 2019-20 New Playground AccountsReceipts £10,000 from PC Projects 2020-21. Overall receipts at £35,078.40 Payments £15,505.10 on new equipment & pathway. Overall payments at £26,805.72 Total monies remaining £8,272.68 (to be earmarked). Reserves & earmarked figures will be discussed and agreed next month. |
21/68 |
Planning |
a) BT |
To note the following decisions made by the West Bergholt Parish Council Planning Committee via their Zoom meeting of 21st Apr 2021 (see link to Planning Minutes P1 Apr 2021):
This application has not demonstrated any thought or mitigating measures to limit the impact on nearby residents in regard to:
The Council would also note that the potential positioning of the large flume is almost adjacent to 85 Colchester Road, whilst there is ample room to move it away from this neighbour and further into the grounds of 87 Colchester Road itself.
b) BT |
To approve the following recommendations made by the West Bergholt Parish Council Planning Committee via their Zoom meeting of 21st Apr 2021 (see link to Planning Minutes P1 Apr 2021):
PP6 Trees & Hedgerows: Development proposals which conserve trees and/or hedgerows will be supported. Where development proposals would necessitate the loss of such features, appropriate mitigation will be supported, subject to there being no protective designations in place. The Council would support this application if the applicant left the existing hedge in situ and erected the new fence say 1m behind it.
RESOLVED – Cllr Tyrrell proposed to agree these recommendations, Cllr Butcher seconded. All in favour. |
c) CS |
To agree the suggested new road names for the Hopkins Homes development on Colchester Road New road names for the Hopkins Homes development as suggested by CBC’s streetnaming team are William Sims Close and Frederick Sims Mews. Background: The village by the 19th century already had a fee-paying school, but nothing for the poor. The vicar at the time, Reverend William Sims, had already applied to the Church of England for funding for the building of a school for the poor, but by 1833 he had raised only £55 of the £300 needed and appealed again. By then the village had grown in numbers and more money was needed for a larger school than originally planned. However, William Sims died before he could see the fruits of his labour. Fortunately, the next vicar, his son, Frederick Sims, was able to raise £400 by public subscription. The school was built on the Heath and two cottages were made alongside it: one for the schoolmaster and his wife and the other to be let out with the rent going towards the upkeep of the school. The school was initially built to accommodate 200 pupils, and the opening ceremony was held at the parish church during the Sunday Eucharist. RESOLVED – Cllr Stevenson proposed to agree these suggested names, Cllr Savage seconded. All in favour. ACTION – Clerk to send Cllr Smith the background history of these names. |
21/69 |
Environment & Highways |
a) JGR |
To note the minutes of the Environment Committee from their meeting of the 8th April 2021 (see link to Environment Minutes P1 Apr 2021) Cllr Gili-Ross stated that almost all to do with the Environment Committee was covered by the minutes except:
b) JGR |
To note the renewal of the Highways Devolution Project agreement for 2021-22 Noted. |
21/70 |
Council Documents |
To review and approve the Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Action Plan (See link to WBPC Policies) The Implementation Action Plan has been circulated, and comments/amendments noted. Cllr Stevenson would draw members attention to the doing word associated with each action, i.e. if it says “identify” and a Cllr has identified then that action is completed, there is no need to wait for the rest of it to be completed. RESOLVED – Proposed by Cllr Butcher, Cllr Stone seconded. All in favour ACTION – Please notify the Clerk when actions are completed. |
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Council Publicity |
NS |
The WBPC Publicity Officer updated the council with the following posts:
ACTION – Clerk to write to the Police District Commander to inform him that this was the second time that the Police have not turned up to their Street Greet and it would be appreciated if they could let us know in advance if they will be attending. |
21/72 |
Council Action Plan |
CS or AS |
To note the West Bergholt Parish Council’s 2021-22 Projects which have been added to the Council Action Plan: 2020-21 Outstanding projects (funds to be earmarked):
2021-22 Projects (in addition to above):
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MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) |
CS |
To note the signing of the MUGA resurfacing contract and the start/possible finish dates of the work. Contract now signed, just waiting for details of compound from ETC. Tennis courts will be open for the next month until the resurfacing begins. Resurfacing due to take place from Mon 7th June until Mon 19th July. Grand reopening will take place at Village Fete on Sat 24th July. ACTION – Clerk to notify Chairman of MUGA Working Party of the contract and dates. ACTION – Please ensure photos are taken at different stages of the resurfacing. Cllr Smith to publicise resurfacing nearer the time on the Hub. |
21/74 |
Friendly Benches |
To note the receipt of an ECC Microgrant of £447 for a Friendly Bench and receive an update from Cllr Butcher. Have now received the microgrant for one bench and confirmation from the WB Allotment Association that the Charity Stall will fund another. All down to the details now. Looking at which of the existing benches will need plaques. Would like all new benches to have arms to aid those less-able, however where there are no benches with arms the Council will use the most appropriate existing benches. Will dovetail the benches with the village walks (available on westbergholt.org) and hope that a map of the sites will be available in the next couple of weeks. ACTION – Clerk to write to ECC to say thank you for the microgrant. |
21/75 |
Climate Working Party |
CS |
To note the provisional date for a community Climate Change workshop event on 10th July 2021. The Council members of this Working Party have met a couple of times now and have provisionally booked the 10th July for a workshop event for interested residents. The members discussed a priority list of actions which the PC can follow in order to set the example. Some are small, but some are big and have cost implications, will need to plan ahead for the PC’s own land and buildings as some will need a start-up fund. Cllr Stevenson would encourage all members to read the Essex County Council Climate findings. |
21/76 |
Methodist Chapel |
CS |
To note receipt of the WW1 & WW2 memorial plaques from the Methodist Chapel prior to the sale completion, for appropriate relocation by WBPC to elsewhere in the community. After receiving a letter from the Methodists confirming that they would like the PC to look after the memorial plaques, they have been removed from the Chapel and are currently in safe keeping until a permanent position is found. |
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Training/Events |
CS |
To note & receive feedback from the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk.
Good training course, although much of it the Chairman and Clerk were already aware of. Good point made in regard to encouraging residents to join PC sub-committees and working parties in order to demystify council workings and enthuse future Parish Councillors. ACTION – Clerk to send presentation slides around to all Councillors.
Councillor Butcher attended the EALC Youth Engagement Conference on 28th April and reported its benefits, and suggested:
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Items to Note |
CS |
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Items for the next agenda – 26th May 2021 Annual Meeting of Parish Council |
CS |
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In Committee – |
Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1). |
CS |
To note the increase in the Clerk’s working hours from 36 to 37hrs/wk as per the 2021/22 budget Noted. |
21/81 |
Date of Next Meeting |
CS |
The next meeting of the Parish Council (Annual Meeting of the Parish Council) will be held on Wednesday 26th May 2021 at 7.30pm in the Orpen Memorial Hall. |
Meeting closed at 9.30pm |
Signed: |
Date: Position on Council: |