Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Held on Wed 21st April 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom
Planning Committee Members: | Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Norma Smith, Andrew Savage, Ex officio member Chris Stevenson (and therefore has no voting powers) and Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) | Next meeting: Wed 19th May 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom |
Apologies: | None | |
Members of the public present: | 10 members of the public (including Borough Cllr Lewis Barber) | |
Declarations of Interest: | None |
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.
The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement and the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, emerging planning policy and CBC Planning policies when making comments and decisions on Planning Applications
Item 1: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications.
There were no pre-application representations.
Item 2: To discuss and make decisions on the following applications:
Location |
Proposal |
Application No. and link to CBC planning website |
Object / Support / Observations |
Decision or Recommendation |
Comments made by Planning Committee |
87 Colchester Road, |
Part Change of Use to Takeaway (Fish & Chip Shop) Change of Shopfront; installation of extractor Hood & Fan & External Cold Rooms |
Object |
Decision |
The Parish Council objects to this application for a part change of use due to the likely impact on the community in terms of increased traffic, issues with parking, noise, odours and disturbance and litter. The application is not accompanied with any statement of need for the proposal and lacks any information relating to these concerns. No mitigation is provided to deal with these all too obvious concerns. In addition, the times of operation are unacceptable particularly the late evening operating times which will attract additional traffic and cause disturbance to nearby residential properties. Overall, the application does not comply with PP14 of the CBC-adopted West Bergholt Neighbourhood: |
PP14: Expansion of Employment Sites – Proposals to upgrade or extend existing employment sites will be supported provided that: • the impact on the amenities enjoyed by occupants of nearby properties is acceptable; and • they do not compromise the character of the area or openness of the countryside; and • where appropriate, they satisfactorily demonstrate expected traffic impact is acceptable in terms of highway safety and the amenity of nearby residents. This application has not demonstrated any thought or mitigating measures to limit the impact on nearby residents in regard to: • road safety with the proximity of an already dangerous junction at Armoury Road, • lack of parking provision for passing trade, • noise concerns, potential public nuisance from loitering and light pollution caused by the excessive opening hours, • and increased litter. The Council would also note that the potential positioning of the large flume is almost adjacent to 85 Colchester Road, whilst there is ample room to move it away from this neighbour and further into the grounds of 87 Colchester Road itself. |
30 New Church Road, West Bergholt, |
Demolition of existing detached house and erection 2 No. detached dwellings. (REVISED PLANS RECEIVED) |
Object |
Decision |
Comment sent to Planning Officer Lucy Mondon on 24th March 2021 due to time constraints: |
The Parish Council has examined the revised drawings as submitted on 19/03/2021. The Parish Council remain of the view that the design/application is contrary to its adopted Neighbourhood Plan. We have noted the minor changes, unfortunately, they fall short of addressing our main concerns, so the application as proposed should be refused. 1. The spacing between the proposed properties is still contrary to the Borough Council’s Supplementary Planning Document Backland and Infill (Adopted Sept 2009 and revised Dec 2010). 2. Parking to the front of the site is very tight and contrary to the Essex Design Guide also the Village Design Statement policy DG35, as it will have an adverse effect on the adjacent properties. 3. The application is also contrary to CBC Development Plan Core Strategy. New development should respect and enhance the character of the site, its context and surroundings area. The Parish Council is still of the opinion that the site is only suitable for a single dwelling as previous (now semi demolished) or a pair of semidetached houses (as adjacent) with a 2.5m spacing from each of the boundaries generally in keeping with other properties in New Church Road, and the existing urban grain. These proposals will result in 2no large, urban houses totally out of keeping in a semi-rural road in the heart of our village. |
Hill House Farm, |
Demolition of existing ancillary building / stables with the construction of a single storey annex |
Object |
Decision |
The Parish Council objects to this application due to the excessive size and height of the annex, and its proximity to a Grade II listed building the Council has no objection to an annex in principle on this site and would support if it was smaller in size, as normally approved in the village. However, if the Borough Council is minded to approve this application, then the Parish Council would ask that approval is conditional on the annex only being occupied by dependent relatives and that it is not sold or let separately to the applicant’s main property. |
Hill House Farm, |
As Above |
Object |
Decision |
As Above |
71 Chapel Road, |
Demolish single-storey kitchen extension and erect two-storey side extension comprising dining room to ground floor and bedroom to first floor. |
Support |
Decision |
The Parish Council has no comment. |
8 Hop House, Colchester Road, |
Installation of conservation roof light and adjustments to non-load bearing internal partition. |
Support |
Decision |
The Parish Council supports this application in principle, but would defer to Colchester Borough Council’s greater knowledge in regards to listed building applications. |
8 Hop House, Colchester Road, |
As Above |
Support |
Decision |
As Above |
One, |
Fitting of acoustic fence to the Western boundary of the property, adjacent to Newbridge Hill. |
Object |
Recommendation |
The property is on one of the main access roads to the village. The Parish Council would refer to PP6 of the CBC-adopted West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan: PP6 Trees & Hedgerows: Development proposals which conserve trees and/or hedgerows will be supported. Where development proposals would necessitate the loss of such features, appropriate mitigation will be supported, subject to there being no protective designations in place. The Council would support this application if the applicant left the existing hedge in situ and erected the new fence say 1m behind it. |
16a Mumford Road, |
Garage including workshop area: 7m x 3.5m, height 3.5m; timber featheredge boarding on a concrete base, with a brick back wall against the boundary fence. Replacing current tin garage. |
Object |
Recommendation |
The Parish Council object due to the overpowering nature of the workshop’s excessive size, which will be visible from the road, but would approve if it was smaller in size. |
83 Chapel Road, |
Demolition of a modern conservatory and detached single garage. Erection of a proposed single-storey side extension with associated minor alterations to the existing house. Erection of a replacement single storey detached garage and store. |
Support |
Recommendation |
Noting the Parish Council’s previous comments in regard to this property, the Council would assume that full account has been taken of CBC’s Conservation Officer’s advice and therefore would defer to their greater knowledge of listed building applications. |
83 Chapel Road, |
As Above |
Support |
Recommendation |
As Above |
Item 3: Review Planning Decisions:
West Bergholt PC Decision Date | WBPC Decision | Application No. and link to CBC planning website | Location | Proposal | CBC/Appeal Decision Date | CBC/Appeal Decision | Appeal Pending |
17/3/21 | Object | 210550 | 2 Ormonde Close, West Bergholt, CO6 3LF | Single storey rear extension to property (change of material) | O/S | ||
17/3/21 | Support | 210551 | 29 Chapel Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JB | Proposed first floor rear extension | O/S | ||
17/2/21 | Object | 210192 | 16 Newbridge Hill, West Bergholt, CO6 3ER | Part first floor and two storey front extension. | O/S | ||
17/2/21 | Object | ESS/11/21/COL | Colchester Skip Hire, Greenacres, Packards Lane, Wormingford, CO6 3AH | Continuation of use of waste recycling facility without compliance with condition 11 (HGV Movement Times) of planning permission ESS/09/18/COL that was for “Erection of Clean Materials Recycling Facility ………with amendments to site operating hours and HGV movement times to permit 24 HGV Movements between 07:00- 16-30 hours on Good Fridays” to now allow for 6 HGV movements between 05:30 – 0600 hours; 10 HGV movements between 06.00 – 07.00 hours and 10 HGV movements between 07.00 – 07.30 hours to allow more flexibility in early morning movements periods. | O/S | ||
17/2/21 | Object | 210384 | Box Cottage, The Avenue, West Bergholt, CO6 3HD | Proposed first floor rear extension & alterations & detached annex for carer. | O/S | ||
27/1/21 | Object | 202544 | 30 New Church Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JE | Demolition of existing detached house and erection 2 No. detached dwellings.(REVISED PLANS RECEIVED) | O/S | ||
20/1/21 | Support | 201686 | Land south of WB Cricket Club, Colchester Rd, WB | Outline application for up to 18 dwellings with access to be determined and all other matters reserved. (AMENDED PLANS) | O/S | ||
16/09/20 | Support | 201925 | Land adjacent, 12 Colchester Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JG | Outline application for up to 7 dwellings with access determined and all other matters reserved. | O/S | ||
17/3/21 | Support | 210568 | 2 The Retreat, West Bergholt, CO6 3HN | Demolition of existing garage and construction of 1.5 storey side extension and 1 storey rear extension | 19/04/21 | Approved | N/A |
17/3/21 | Object | 210460 | 8 Newbridge Hill, West Bergholt, CO6 3ER | Single storey side extension to a 4 bed detached property to incorporate a playroom within the current property. | 16/04/21 | Approved | N/A |
17/2/21 | Object | 210280 | Land adj. to 18 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road, CO6 3JW | Erection of a 3 bedroom, 3 storey single detached family house. Previously approved under 130647 | 31/03/21 | Approved | N/A |
17/2/21 | Object | 210196 | 9 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road, CO6 3JW | Erection of one new 2-bedroom house and first floor extension for the existing property. | 22/03/21 | Refused | |
27/1/21 | Observation | 210134 | Newbridge Mill, Newbridge Hill, West Bergholt, CO3 9TB | Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development – proposed storage building. | 15/02/21 | Prior Approval Not Required | N/A |