Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the John Lampon Hall on 25th July 2018 at 7.30 pm
Chair: | Harry Stone (Vice Chairman) |
Parish Councillors Present: | Janet Crichton, David Short, Murray Harlow, Jenny Church, Andrew Savage, John Gili-Ross, Phil Spencer, Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher |
Parish Clerk: | Laura Walkingshaw |
Borough & County Councillors: | Cllr Lewis Barber, Cllr Dennis Willetts, Cllr Brian Jarvis |
Present: | 5 members of the public |
18/96 |
Receive/accept apologies and welcome to the Public |
RESOLVED – Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Stevenson | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18/97 |
Questions from registered electors |
A resident of Cooper Crescent spoke: providing an update on the opposition to the NEEB Holdings planning application 180733 for the land adj. to Armoury Road. He informed the Council that there was now a core team of 15 residents, they have produced a petition, which has approximately 500 names on in just 4 days. They will be displaying it to the press on Monday night (30th July) at 7.30pm under the Truman arch, along with a Traffic Evaluation which they have completed themselves due to the lack of input from Essex Highways, who only concentrated on the access to Colchester Road, not the difficulties within the site itself. There will be a press release in the local paper and on the radio, a planning consultant who lives on the estate will also prepare a planner’s brief from an objection point of view. ACTION – Cllr Gili-Ross recommended that the Traffic Evaluation be sent to County Councillor Anne Brown and Kevin Bentley (as portfolio holder). The application will go back before the CBC Planning Committee on Thursday 2nd August, at which time the petition will be handed to the Borough Council. A Borough Councillor (Cllr Barber or Willetts depending on flight times) will be able to speak for 5 minutes and a resident for 3 minutes. Parish Cllrs Butcher, Tyrrell and Harlow will attend the meeting. The Borough Councillor will reiterate the point that the application is not in the Neighbourhood Plan. The chairman of West Bergholt Football Club had a question for the Council: He asked if the Football Club would be able to receive the 5% discount which has previously been applied to the annual payment of regular Orpen Hall users. ACTION – This is to be referred to the next Trustees of the Lorkin Daniell Field meeting on the 26th September. |
18/98 |
Declarations of Interest |
DECLARED – Cllr Tyrrell declared an interest in item 18/102, Planning Application 181609. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18/99 |
Minutes |
RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 27th June 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman, with no amendments. (Link to Minutes P3 June 2018) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18/100 |
Planning items were then moved forward on the agenda |
a) | The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 18th July 2018 were received and the decisions made on following applications were noted (Link to Planning P4 July 2018):
b) | To approve the recommendations from the Planning Committee at the meeting held on 18th July 2018 for planning applications:
RESOLVED – It was agreed by the Parish Council to accept these recommendations as Decisions. All in favour. |
c) | Update on Planning Application 180733 – land adj to Armoury Road Borough Councillor Brian Jarvis declared an interest at this point and left the room. The CBC DROP procedure requires the Planning Office that wrote the contested approval to write the opposite report on why the application should now be rejected. Borough Cllr Barber informed the Council that the officer’s report is now available with the rest of the 2nd Aug CBC Planning Committee meeting notes at https://colchester.cmis.uk.com Cllr Chris Stevenson had prepared a paper on the Parish Council’s further objections to the application. RESOLVED – The full council agreed to accept this paper. All in favour. ACTION – Clerk to send it to the online CBC planning portal and to Planning Officer Sue Jackson. |
18/101 |
Report from Colchester Borough & Essex County Councillors |
Borough Councillor Brian Jarvis then re-entered the room and reported:
Borough Councillor Willetts reported:
Borough Councillor Barber reported:
18/102 |
Finance |
a) | Statement of accounts for June 2018 (Link to P3 June Summary) The final accounts for June 2018 were presented as follows: 25% of the way through the financial year. The Parish Council Account showed 46% income, 20% general expenditure, 16% environment expenditure and 19% expenditure overall, when the categories of general expenditure & environment are totalled together. |
b) | Payments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RESOLVED – To approve the following payments in accordance with 2018-19 budget. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Short. All in favour. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c) | To approve the recommendation from Finance Committee for a quote of £3,500 for a bin store at the Orpen Memorial Hall from the “Earmarked New Storage 2015-16” Reserves. Cllr Gili-Ross noted that by not having a roof on the bin store the Hall may find that items get thrown over the sides, however it can be added at a later date if needs be. It is a good price quote. RESOLVED – The Council approved the quote for a bin store at the Orpen Memorial Hall. |
d) | To approve the recommendation from Finance Committee for a combined quote of £4,523 for improvements to West Bergholt Social Club to enable resident’s daytime usage from the “Neighbourhood Plan Projects” Reserves. The work required is to enable the area used by the Social Club to be hired out to other users during the day. The composite quote covers 5 x roller shutters and a secondary means of escape to create an area secure from the outside for 24 hours a day. RESOLVED – The Council approved the combined quote for the Social Club area. ACTION – Could look at the Locality Budget which was discussed earlier. |
18/103 |
Neighbourhood Plan |
An update was received on the Regulation 14 draft Neighbourhood Plan now that the consultation period has come to an end. Have received 15 feedback replies so far, with 4 substantive responses:
Ann Skippers, planning consultant, has forwarded the new NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework 2018). So long as the Steering Group gets to Reg 15 by the end of 2018 then it should not affect us, it is just a matter of going through the comments and editing improvements. The exhibition was a good standard. |
18/104 |
Environment and Highways |
a) | The minutes from the Environment Committee meeting held on 19th July 2018 were received. (Link to Environment P4 Jul 18) Not 12th July as stated in Parish Council agenda. There are currently 2 items of play equipment out of service on the Lorkin Daniell Playground, the equipment is all quite old, however the Advisory Group (see below) is going to take a while to get set up. Therefore, it was agreed that, subject to reasonable quotes, the council should go ahead and replace the spinner only with similar now. ACTION – Clerk to send Cllr Savage details of the Locality Budget. The next major project for the handymen will be the erection of a salt store ready for delivery of the salt in September. Have been applying anti-climb paint in various places as youngsters have been getting in to the back of the garages and football club. ACTION – Clerk to ask WBFC to remove fridge from back of the clubhouse asap. |
b) | To inform the council on the call for a Playground Advisory Group & Outdoor Exercise Equipment. Have just started looking for members of the Playground Advisory Group and Outdoor Equipment Group. These groups will require Terms of Reference so that they are aware of what their requirements are. |
c) | To receive the latest timetable for replacing the damaged bus shelter on Lexden Road. Have now heard from Insurance Company, they have chosen the cheapest quote (Queensbury Shelters) and have contacted that company in respect to carrying out a full review of the claim. They have however allowed us up to £500 for emergency attendance and removal of the damaged shelter if it gets any more dangerous. RESOLVED – Council happy to approve that. Cllr Savage proposed, Cllr Church seconded. All in favour. Cllr Butcher enquired about the Handymen’s schedule. Cllr Gili-Ross explained that urgent activities are communicated to the Handymen via a What’s App Group, which includes Cllr Gili-Ross, Cllr Spencer & the Handymen. ACTION – Clerk to send Cllr Butcher a copy of the Handymen’s Annual Schedule. |
18/105 |
Premises and Recreation |
a) | The minutes from the Premises Committee meeting held on 2nd July 2018 were received. (Link to Premises P4 Jul 2018) Hall User Group meeting took place. General feedback positive, nothing unexpected will come out in the notes. The Orpen Players and WI/Flower Club, as major users of the hall, have been tasked with finding replacement chairs including the cost, stacking etc. as looking at replacing them in the next financial year. Storage – having reviewed the storage of all regular users of the hall, all users are content, save the History Group who would like more storage. Will be looking at the first-floor small office for more storage as we currently have £1,000 in the budget for improvement works. Now that there is more space available elsewhere, the space is no longer needed so much as a meeting room but could be used as storage. Have left choices in storage options with History Group. |
b) | The signing of the Agreement on the use of the Lorkin Daniell Field for football, beginning 1st July 2018, by the Trustees of the Lorkin Daniell Field and West Bergholt Football Club. was noted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c) | To note the date of a social event between West Bergholt Social Club and the Parish Council. The date put forward is Friday 3rd August. Although some members of the council will be away, around 5 Councillors will be able to attend. ACTION – Clerk to confirm with Kay – can they provide refreshments and the council will settle up. ACTION – Clerk to invite Hall Administrator and the Handymen to see if they want to attend. Next Joint Steering Group meeting is due to take place on Weds 1st August. |
18/106 |
WWI Commemoration |
To receive an update on the planned World War One Commemoration
18/107 |
Training |
It was noted that the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk:
18/108 |
Items to Note |
Available on table at meeting: a) Correspondence Log – July 2018 Methodist Church – Have received an email from the Methodist Chapel. The last service will take place at the end of August and then the site will be on sale from September. Unsure if it will be the Chapel and the Hall. There are a series of events planned, it would be good if the Parish Council could attend. Thompson, Smith & Puxon – file will be kept for 7 years. ACTION – Clerk to fill in satisfaction survey. Autism Anglia – Sunday 16th Sept walk to and from Hill House Woods – seeking permission, from whom. Cllr Savage confirmed that it is acceptable for the charity to walk to the woods and back. ACTION – Clerk to inform Autism Anglia. Lampon Close – Cllr Barber has received the results of the traffic survey. Although the residents of the Close wanted restrictions, those residents living on Chapel Road were opposed to any changes, therefore a H bar may be the only option at the moment. b) Crime Statistics – 18th June – 15th July 2018 – 4 crimes reported c) The Clerk – Vol 49 No 4 – July 2018 d) Changes to Dr’s Surgery – leaflet There is no evidence currently of an increase in demand on the Care Network services. Hopefully the rumours about closure will now be put to rest. Have been very lucky to have a Surgery in the village, unlike many neighbouring areas. e) HAGS Playground Catalogue – July 2018 f) Clerks & Councils Direct – Issue 118 – July 2018 g) RCCE Annual Review 2018-19 and Essex Village of the Year Results The Council noted the kind donation of a reproduction of a Dutch painting, Bouquet a l’imperiale, by Jan Van Os from Jill Carter of Lexden Road. |
18/109 |
In Committee |
Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No matters discussed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18/110 |
Date of Next Meeting |
Next Parish Council Meeting, Wednesday 26th September 2018 at 7.30pm in John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd, West Bergholt | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meeting closed at 9.06 pm | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Signed: Date: Position on Council: |