Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the John Lampon Hall on 23rd October 2013 at 7.30p.m.
Chair | Harry Stone |
Parish Councillors Present | Jenny Church, Andrew Savage, David Short, Bob Tyrrell, Rachel Young |
Parish Clerk | Val Walsom |
Borough Councillors | Councillor Harrington, Councillor Willetts |
Present: | Brian Butcher |
Part I – Public
1. Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from John Gili-Ross, Murray Harlow, Rosemary James, Chris Stevenson and Phil Walby.
2. Questions from registered electors
No questions were received.
3. Receive items for information not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council
To discuss the War Memorial at Barley Meadows.
4. Declarations of Interest
There were no interests declared.
5. Minutes
Minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 25th September 2013 were approved and signed.
6. Report for Colchester Borough Councillors
Councillor Harrington advised that following a successful trial of food waste collection it will be rolled out across the Borough, starting week commencing 25/11/13. The kit for the collections will be delivered the week before. The kit will include a small caddy for the kitchen with biodegradable liners to put in it (one initial delivery only), and a larger caddy for outside which the liners are transferred to ready for the weekly collection. This will reduce black sack waste, which will make recycling more sustainable. The liners will be available for purchase at the co-op once the initial supply has run out. Newspaper can be used to line the caddies. No oil or liquids are to be recycled with the food waste.
Revision of the Boundary Commission – the Borough will stay the same but the Wards will be up for review to come into effect in May 2016 when all councillors will be up for election. There will be 3 councillors for each Ward and the Wards will be smaller.
7. Traffic Safety Plan
HS and RJ have had 2 meetings with residents of New Church Road to discuss the revised Traffic Safety Plan. At the meetings it was agreed that:
- the school has tried various initiatives but with little chance of success without some physical measures to control parking
- restrictions to parking at junctions and other danger areas are needed
- there is a need to make New Church Road and surrounds a special area where drivers modify their behaviour
- the best way to emphasise the importance of the area is by a 20mph limit
- any measures need to be accompanied by a travel plan from the school to achieve them
There were concerns about:
- where displaced cars would go
- the provision for more dropping off areas
- excessive urbanisation – yellow lines and signs, the residents would prefer a softer solution brought about by voluntary agreements brokered by the school
- enforcing the restrictions.
A special meeting of the Parish Council to discuss and make a decision on the revised plan will be held on Wednesday 6th November 2013 at 7.30p.m. in the John Lampon Hall.
8. Finance
a) Statement of Accounts for September 2013
The accounts for September 2013 were presented as follows:
The General Account showed 94% income, 31% general expenditure, 38% environment expenditure and 34% expenditure overall.
The Hall Account showed 51% income and 58% expenditure.
b) Draw cheques
It was proposed by AS and seconded by JC to make the following payments:
Payment Details | Expense Purpose |
Amount |
Countrywide | Grass cutting and pitch marking | 574.00 |
Ernest Doe | Strimmer line | 7.14 |
Boyd Sport and Play | Winder mechanism for MUGA | 256.80 |
Gary Walls | Environment purchases | 76.71 |
Inland Revenue | Tax/NI | 267.80 |
G Dolden & Associates | Tender evaluation – Hall car park | 2430.00 |
James Clark Kitchen Co | Final payment for kitchen refurbishment | 895.60 |
Vicky Beckwith-Cole | Notices for hall | 24.58 |
Collier & Catchpole | Items for stage repairs | 39.89 |
Mike’s Cleaning | Cleaning | 600.00 |
The Fire Extinguisher Man | Service fire extinguishers | 161.94 |
AtoZ Supplies | Towel case | 12.78 |
[Click to view Summary Accounts – Summary Accounts September 2013]
Salary payments were made to Val Walsom, Gary Walls and Stephen Cook from the General Account and Vicky Beckwith-Cole from the Hall Account.
BT expressed his concern at the fees paid to G Dolden & Associates.
c) Scout Hut Licence and rent update
A solicitor has been appointed to write to the Scouting Association to express concerns at the delay in entering into a new Licence agreement that will allow sub-letting and to draft a notice to be placed at the scout hut to advise hirers that, in the event of an accident, their liability insurance may well be invalidated.
9. Clerk’s Items to Note
a) Review of Standing Orders
The Clerk will look at these and distribute to members of the Parish Council for their consideration.
b) EALC Courses – Risk Assessment Course – 04/12/13
Courses are mainly distributed by email. Any Councillor who would like to attend a course should advise the Clerk.
10. Village Communications
a) Website report
The monthly website report had been circulated. The use of Twitter still to be considered. Consideration needs to be given to outstanding items from the report.
b) Village Bulletin
Bernard Colbron had advised that printing costs would need to be reviewed before the March edition. It was agreed that the Parish Council is happy with the current format of the Village Bulletin and would like Bernard Colbron to continue as Editor if he is willing.
c) Receive update from Village Communication Officer
There was no report this month.
11. Planning
a) To approve comments and decisions for Planning Applications (Report from the Planning Committee’s meeting on 16th October 2013 was received):
132033 – 97 Colchester Road – Observations – The proposal has the effect of radically changing the character of the rear elevation of the existing dwelling, and losing the original symmetry with its neighbours.
131992 – 112 Colchester Road – Observations – There is a concern that the existing off-street parking may be compromised by this proposal. As a result of the design it may not be easy to accommodate two cars, with a result that further on-street parking may take place on this busy B class road. This should be addressed as far as is possible in the final design and drive access details.
131924 – 2 Donard Drive – Object – The principle of creating a further dwelling on this site is accepted. However, the proposal is not considered appropriate since it is too large for the space available in relation to its proximity to nearby dwellings. This is a resubmission of a previous application and very little has altered and as such the PC continues to object to the proposal. In addition the parking layouts look impractical to use, leading to a likelihood of on-street parking in close proximity to the junction of Donard Drive with Chapel Road. The removal of the existing trees and vegetation and replacement with a fence will inevitably detract from the existing amenity value of the current screening, although it is noted that a new hedge will be provided.
[Click to review full report – Planning Committee October 2013 report]
b) Project plan for resurfacing car park
CS to meet with G Dolden & Associates and the contractor on site to discuss ways to reduce the specification.
c) Neighbourhood Plan
Questionnaires for businesses within the village and the school are being drawn up. A report giving basic information about the results of the household questionnaire will be published in the next Village Bulletin.
12. Environment and Highways
a) Discuss a suitable means for the Village Handymen to transport heavy equipment
The working party agreed to buy a trailer but the Village Handyman does not want to use his own vehicle to tow it. This will be discussed further by the working party.
b) Reinstatement of Poors Land
Work has started to reinstate the land. Still waiting for information from ECC about how the work is progressing. An invoice has been sent to Ashe Construction for the cost of lines for the new football pitch.
13. Premises and Recreation
a) To discuss completion of kitchen refurbishment
There is a problem with sink draining which is appears cannot be solved. The final payment will be withheld until all issues have been sorted out.
b) To discuss the need for a fridge freezer in the kitchen
This was moved for discussion by the working party.
c) To approve expenditure to clear gutters, drains and downpipes and clean soffits at the Orpen Hall
It was agreed to spend £150 on the work.
d) To discuss quotes received for installation of fire and intruder alarms
Three quotes had been received. Anglian Security and Fire Ltd provided the preferred quote and will be asked to carry out the work at a cost of £4245. Annual maintenance agreements will also be taken out.
e) To discuss football pitch marking on Poors Land in light of the awaited reinstatement of the Land
This was discussed at item 12b.
Commemoration of World War I
A suggestion that the war memorial at the Barley Meadows site be moved to a more focal point in the village was put forward. AS agreed to contact CBC Listed Building Department to see if it would be viable. The owners of Barley Meadows need to be contacted for their views and it needs to be ascertained whether the names on the memorial are restricted to former employees of the brewery. Councillor Harrington advised that the CBC Locality Budget of up to £2000 could be available for this project.
Items to Note
a) RCCE – Oyster – Autumn 2013
Part II – In Committee
Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1).
There were no matters to discuss.
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 27th November 2013 at 7.30p.m.
Signed:Position on Parish Council: | Date: |
The meeting closed at 8.40p.m.