Annual Parish Meeting – 24th April 2024

AI generated image illustrating an Annual Parish Meeting taking place on 24th April 2024

The Annual Parish Meeting takes place on Wednesday 24th April 2024 starting from 7:15pm. The venue, of course, is the Orpen Hall. Free light refreshments are available

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. The agenda is set out below and will be chaired by Councillor Brian Butcher, Chair of West Bergholt Parish Council.

Copies of the Charitable Trust Accounts for the Orpen Memorial Hall, New Allotments, Lorkin Daniell Field, Poor’s Land and Village Green (Heath), of which the Parish Council is Sole Trustee, will be available to all attending.

Agenda Items

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Annual Parish Meeting – 27th April 2022

Will you be attending on 27th April 2022?

Taking place on 27th April 2022, the Annual Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council Meeting, but a meeting for electors of the parish.

It is an opportunity to discuss parish affairs and say what matters to you. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.

The meeting will commence at 7:30 pm, on Wednesday 27th April 2022, in the Orpen Memorial Hall. Light refreshments will be provided. The Agenda for this year’s meeting, which will be chaired by Councillor Chris Stevenson, Chairman of the Parish Council, is:

  1. Welcome and Introduction from the Chairman
    Parish Council Annual Report 2022 & unaudited Trust Accounts 2021-22 (10 mins)
  2. Heathlands School (Joseph Fielder)
    New Headteacher of Heathlands Primary School (10 mins)
  3. Age Well (Emma Barrow)
    Services & contacts available from Age Well (previously Age Concern) (10 mins)
  4. Jane Gardner
    Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex (15 mins)
  5. Parish Council Grant Awards
    Friends of St Mary’s Old Church
  6. Active Essex
    Find Your Active presentation (5 mins)
  7. Tim Simpson (Essex County Council)
    Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Drainage Manager (15 mins)
  8. Robert Strathern
    Innovative farming methods at Fairfield Crisps (10 mins)
  9. Issues from the Floor – Have your say

It would be helpful if you could notify the Clerk in advance if you have any matters to raise during the Issues from the Floor item. Email to [email protected].

Do you want to be heard & other news

Do you want to be heard?

If you think that your views are not being heard then read on. Other news also about:

Attributes of a good Parish Councillor
What makes a good councillor?

So, do you have strong views on what’s wrong with the village or feel that you are not being heard?  Do you think the Parish Council could…

  • take more account of views like yours?  
  • do more about climate change?
  • address the needs of your ‘demographic’ (race, age, gender etc…)?
Continue reading “Do you want to be heard & other news”

Influence & Inform – Village Meeting 23rd March 2016

West Bergholt PC's Annual Report 2014

West Bergholt village signThe Annual Parish Meeting on 23rd March 2016 is for all local residents to hear what is happening and, by raising issues and asking questions, to put their mark on the village’s future.

Formal Agenda for Annual Village Meeting on 23rd March 2016

Dear Resident,

You are invited to attend West Bergholt’s Annual Village Meeting, which will be held in the Orpen Hall (main hall) at 7.30pm on Wednesday 23rd March 2016.

Chris Stephenson
Chair – West Bergholt Parish Council


  1. Welcome and Introduction from the Chairman — Chris Stevenson.
  2. Heathlands School Council.
  3. Parish Safety Volunteers – Essex County Fire & Rescue Service.
  4. Presentation.
  5. Issues from the Floor.

 What You Say Matters – Make your point and ask questions.

Refreshments will be available.

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