Spring is making an attack on winter with the now lighter mornings and drawn out evenings, something I always rejoice at as we are in the middle of lambing and it makes it so much easier and cheerier having light.
This year with 103 ewes scanned in lamb we were set for a busy time. It is always a time of waiting and watching, with excitement and anticipation knowing there will be the amazing success stories of lambs being adopted to other mothers and little ones making it against all the odds, but as with all things there are also the sad stories of loss.
He is not here, he has risen – Rev. Heather’s Easter Message
April begins in a rather playful mood, with April Fools day. Be it on TV, radio or in the papers, over the year, there have been some rather clever April fools jokes played on us, the unsuspecting public.
April Fools Pranks
Who can forget, Richard Dimbleby’s report in 1957 on a particularly bountiful crop of spaghetti in Switzerland, due in part to the disappearance of the pesky spaghetti weevil.
This edition of St Mary’s News starts with a message saying “All You Need is Love” and then addresses Easter Services and the usual listings of services and contacts.
All You Need is Love – an Easter Message from Revd Anne
We moved house last year, to Great Horkesley, into a house that is smaller. This, of course, meant some sorting out, and giving or throwing things away. We all accumulate ‘stuff’ – things that might come in handy one day, or perhaps have a sentimental attachment. And now, a year later, we can’t even remember the things that we thought were important and that we were so reluctant to get rid of!
This edition starts with thoughts on recent storm damage and then addresses Lent matters and the usual listings of services and contacts.
Storm Damage
Dudley, Eunice and then Franklin. In the space of just a few days, storms wreaked havoc in the UK. Power lines were cut, properties damaged, trees fell down, some were injured and tragically a few lost their lives.
On the Sunday after Storm Eunice, and as Storm Franklin gained momentum again, across the six parishes we worshipped in churches which had lost window panes and trees, all whilst hearing the reading from the bible of Jesus calming the storm from Luke’s gospel.
As the storm builds, Jesus is asleep in the boat, the disciples become frantic and eventually wake Jesus up saying ‘Master, Master, we’re going to drown.’ In Marks gospel, it says the disciples said ‘don’t you care if we drown?’
Jesus Cares
Of course Jesus cares, he cares deeply for all of his children, and he gets up rebukes the wind and the raging waters and the storm subsides.
But that doesn’t mean that storms still don’t occur, whether that is the aforementioned physical storms, or the emotional or mental storms that might assail us throughout our lives.
And sometimes, we like the disciples may feel in a place where we want to call out and say ‘Jesus, don’t you care that we are drowning?’ and the answer for us is that of course he cares, he is indeed, as he was for the disciples, in the same boat with them and us. He is always with us. He can’t protect us from every storm, but he is with us through them all.
Lent Journey
This month we begin our journey through Lent, as we travel with Jesus to the cross. A stark reminder that Jesus himself had to suffer both spiritual and physical storms in his life. We see his pain and torment in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he cried out, ‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done.’
Jesus travelled through his own storms, and is with us through ours too. May we trust in him and may God bless you. Reverend Heather
Lent Carbon Fast, Groups & Prayer
There are three Lent-specific activities taking place during Lent, a Carbon Fast, Lent Groups and Prayers.
Lent Carbon Fast Challenge
In the Bible, caring for Creation is God’s first instruction to humans. During Lent, an organisation called Climate Stewards is encouraging us to take up the challenge to find new ways to reduce our impact on the natural world and our global neighbours.
You can sign up through the link below to receive weekly emails suggesting easy, medium and harder challenges to try related to the seven weekly themes of:
Rev Heather Wilcox has written a Bible Study Course which be focusing on our Sunday readings for Lent. Our regular Bible Study Groups will meet weekly, from 8th March to 5th April, to study this material and you are very welcome to join the following groups:
Tuesday afternoons @ 2pm at Sue Day’s house. (please contact [email protected] for details)
Tuesday evenings on zoom @ 7.45pm: Meeting ID: 852 5818 3545, passcode: 814244 (please contact: [email protected] for more details).
Lent Prayer Activities in Church
Throughout Lent (from Saturday 4th March until Easter) there will be prayer space activities in the Church, changing weekly, to reflect the set Gospel reading for the week. All are welcome to come in and have a look at the prayer spaces and try out some of the simple activities, such as writing in a sand pit something we are sorry for and then wiping the words away to remind us of God’s forgiveness.
One of the prayer spaces will include an opportunity to light a candle and say a prayer for the people of Ukraine.
The church will be open from 9am to 3.30pm each week day and children accompanied by parents are very welcome.
Services & Other Dates
6th March
10:00 am
Holy Communion (also on Zoom)
13th March
10:00 am
Messy Church
20th March
11:15 am
Holy Communion (also on Zoom)
27th March
10:00 am
Mothering Sunday – Praise on 4 Service (also on Zoom) with refreshments served from 9.45am
3rd April
9:30 am
Holy Communion (also on Zoom)
10th April
9:30 am
Messy Church
For those services which are also being zoomed, please contact the church office on 01206 243683 or [email protected] for the zoom link.
Our Team at St Mary’s
Priest in Charge: Revd. Heather Wilcox email: [email protected] tel: 01206 240906 or 07503 151715
You may be reading this article around Eastertime, or a little earlier. It’s at Easter that Christians the world over celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection, and are reminded of God’s free gift of forgiveness and love. In the Bible we read,
Given that we can’t meet up with friends or travel for pleasure, day 18 focusses quite a bit on Easter activities. There are also a few more serious bits. As usual, we start with the serious bits with the fun stuff at the end.
The last few weeks have been challenging for everyone. Whether you are a key worker, or staying at home juggling work, childcare and home-schooling, I want to thank every single person who is complying with the current restrictions and social distancing guidelines. You really are helping to protect our NHS and save lives. Continue reading “Day 18 of Lockdown – What to do for Easter Edition”
Day 17 of Lockdown and apparently the curve is beginning to flatten but, we aren’t out of the woods yet. Hence our slightly macabre focal image today.
With a sunny ‘holiday weekend’ ahead we really can’t take a holiday from the lockdown although please do go outside your house this evening at 8 pm to clap for those who are supporting our society right now.
There is also one update from ECC and some, possibly slightly worrying, news from the Essex Resilience Forum. We will finish with some lightening of the mood looking at some things that have got better.
Day 9 and, with nearly 600 UK COVID-19 deaths in the past day, we start off this update in a thoughtful mood. We start with the latest news from St Mary’s which has an appropriate Easter Message from Revd Mandy Elmes. As well as that there is a bulletin from Colchester Police.
St Mary’s Update
This update focusses on the COVID-19 crisis with online services and a message from Revd Mandy Elmes. Some prayer suggestions are offered and also some spiritual one-liners! It also provides listings of services and contacts but first the Easter Message:
St Mary’s Church April 2019 update provides listings of services, contacts and other events and news. This update includes an Easter message from Rev. Mandy Elmes, news of Church decoration, Annual Parochial Church Meeting and Easter Services. Continue reading “St Mary’s April 2019 Update”
Over 150 hand knitted and sewn Easter bunnies in various colours and sizes are hiding around West Bergholt; there’s also one on the way to Nayland …….. twit twoo. here’s a clue!