Lands End to John O’Groats for St Helena

Sadly Chris Stevenson’s attempt to cycle from Lands End to John O’Groats came to an abrupt end in a Devon country lane when, as Chris reported on his trip journal:

“I crashed heavilly, after a dog charged out of a driveway right under my wheels (the dog is fine!). At Barnstable A&E, I have been officially told that I have a broken collarbone, bruising to my right side etc. Oh yes, I also landed on my head too but the helmet saved me.”

It is Chris’ intention to try again next year so please watch this space and be prepared to dig deep then.

Lands End to John O’Groats for St Helena

Typical cycle route

Local Parish Councillor Chris Stevenson will be attempting to cycle the 1,000 miles or thereabouts, from Land’s End to John O’Groats between 30th April and 13th May.  As well as being a personal challenge, Chris will be raising some sponsorship for St Helena Hospice. Chris will be cycling with Erwin Deppe, a work colleague who works closely with him at Essex County Council.
If you would like to sponsor Chris please indicate this by email by clicking this link and saying simply “YES” and the amount you would like to sponsor. As a suggestion you could sponsor Chris 1p per mile which would equate to about £10, or just nominate the amount you would like to donate. You don’t need to do this before they start, anytime in the next few days would be fine. Chris will contact you after he has (hopefully) completed the ride to ask for your donation.
If the technology works Chris will be posting details and photos of his progress to Facebook and you should be able to track this by clicking on this link.. You don’t have to have a Facebook account to view this information!

Thanks for any support, and let’s hope the weather is kind to them, and the wind keeps off when climbing the Scottish hills!

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at
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