Village Fete Sub-Committee

Village Fete Sub-Committee – Terms of Reference

  1. Object

To organise a community Fete to celebrate life in West Bergholt and to advance community cohesion, education, the arts and community involvement.

2.  Organisation

  1. The Fete Sub-Committee is a partnership comprising individuals and organisations in West Bergholt formed from people able and willing to play an active part in planning and running West Bergholt Village Fete.
  2. The Sub-Committee membership currently includes representatives from local organisations and individual members. Membership is at the discretion of the Sub-Committee and is extended to local organisations and individuals who have committed themselves to supporting the Fete.
  3. The Sub-Committee has the following powers:
    1. To appoint from amongst its members a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and such other office holders as it sees fit.
    2. To organise the Fete.
    3. To hire premises, take out licences and do such other things as are required to meet the legal and practical requirements for running the Fete.
    4. To delegate tasks to members of the Committee or local organisations as it sees fit.

3.  Finance

  1. West Bergholt Parish Council as sole Trustee of the Orpen Memorial Hall Trust has agreed to support such charitable activities that fall within the ambit of the Fete and to prepare management and final accounts on its behalf.
  2. West Bergholt Parish Council as sole Trustee of the Orpen Memorial Hall Trust has included cover for the Fete within its general insurance.
  3. The Fete finances will be held in the Orpen Memorial Hall Trust bank account as a Sub-Committee of the Orpen Memorial Hall.

4.  Equality and Diversity Policy

  1. The Fete Sub-Committee members will uphold equal opportunities and work towards good relations amongst all members of the community, specifically prohibiting any conduct which discriminates or harasses on grounds of race, religion, disability, political belief, sex or sexual orientation.
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