Bulletin Editorial Board Terms of Reference
Adopted by the Council at its meeting held on 28th June 2023, Minute Ref. 23/119c
The Bulletin Editorial Board has been in place for many years and its core purpose has always been to produce a hard copy, quarterly magazine of interest and for distribution to residents of West Bergholt. However, the Parish Council believes now is an appropriate time to formalise and review the future of the Bulletin to ensure its financial viability going forward on the basis that its cost is matched by advertising income or advise the P C as soon as practical of any shortfall that might occur so the P C can consider/budget the extent of any subsidy.
Purpose / Role of the Group:
The aim of the Bulletin Editorial Board will be to develop a strategy that will support the evolution of the Bulletin. The strategy should identify any changes proposed and provide an outline of how these proposed changes are to be implemented and over what time frame to ensure the Bulletin’s long-term financial viability.
The following are for guidance and intended to set expectations for Board members. As such they are laid out in bullet point format and each point will be subject to agreement by the attendees:
- A nominated Parish Councillor will form part of the Board.
- The members will choose a Chair.
- A Secretary will be needed to take minutes and/or action points for each meeting. They will also be responsible for organising meeting venues and distributing relevant information to the members.
- Designated members may engage with potential printers and advertisers to determine costs etc. but will have no authority to award a contract.
- One member will be designated to ensure distribution of the Bulletin.
- Any recommendations will be put forward to the Parish Council for discussion and agreement prior to a final decision.
- Any printing contract awarded/advertising space sold will be arranged by the Parish Council and specifically monitored through the Parish Council.
- The Parish Council’s Publicity Officer and Parish Council Chair will attend most meetings.
Members should note that whilst every effort will be made to implement the plans agreed by the Board these will need the approval of the Parish Council, and ultimately constrained by the amount of income raised/available.