Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Meeting held on Wed 16th March 2022 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.
The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.
Planning Committee Members:
Cllrs Brian Butcher (Vice Chairman), Andrew Savage and Joel Fayers
Also in attendance:
Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) and 1 member of the public
Agenda items:
1. Apologies for absence:
Cllr Bob Tyrrell
2. Declarations of interest:
Cllr Joel Fayers declared an interest in item 4, planning application 220103.
3. Public participation:
There were no questions or pre-application representations from members of the public.
The Council has recently received notification of Tiptree Neighbourhood Plan’s Regulation 14 Consultation, however discussion in regard to the Council’s agreed comment on this consultation will be deferred until the April Planning Committee meeting.
4. Planning applications:
To discuss and make decisions on the following new applications:
220525 – The Cottage, Newbridge Hill, West Bergholt, CO6 3ES
Erection of a white PVCu framed orangery to the front of the property.
The Council objects on the basis of the orangery’s form of construction, in particular regard to the 200-year-old property’s location in the “Character Area” as designated in PP5 of the CBC-adopted West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan. An orangery constructed at that particular location made of different materials may be acceptable.
220103 – 3 Garret Place, West Bergholt, CO6 3SH (amended plans)
Proposed Loft Conversion and First Floor Alterations REVISED DRAWINGS OF REAR DORMER
Cllr Fayers re-declared an interest at this point and took no part in discussions, however due to the lack of members at this meeting a decision could not be made by the Planning Committee and so the following comment will go to March 23rd Parish Council meeting as a recommendation:
The Council sees a big improvement in the amended plans and are pleased to note that the dormer has been reduced in size and its impact lessened. However, it is with regret that the Council cannot see how it complies with PP10 of the CBC-adopted West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, specifically DG14 of the Village Design Statement:
DG14 – Dormers should be used sparingly and be subservient in nature.
Recommendation to Parish Council meeting:
220526 – Land Adjacent To 67, Braiswick, CO4 5BQ (reserved matters)
Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 191522 – erection of 27 dwellings and associated development.
The WB Planning Committee would like to reiterate the Council’s disappointment at the approval of this application on appeal.
220540 – 7 Lexden Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3BT
Two storey front and rear extensions and alterations
Due to the size and bulk of these proposed alterations the Council objects to this application as it does not comply to PP10 of the CBC-adopted West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, specifically DG3, DG7 and DG8 of the Village Design Statement:
DG3 – General Design – all proposed new build and extensions must enhance the area and make a positive architectural contribution.
DG7 – Buildings must be in harmony with the surroundings in respect of materials, colour, texture, proportion and scale.
DG8 – Planning applications must show contextually the impact of their proposals on adjacent building by means of adequately detailed plans with accurate street elevations.
5. Planning decisions:
The following planning decisions were received from CBC and noted:
West Bergholt PC Decision Date | WBPC Decision | Application No. and link to CBC planning website | Location | Proposal | CBC/Appeal Decision Date | CBC/Appeal Decision | Appeal Pending |
19/1/22 | Object | 213465 | land adj. Rosaville, White Hart Lane, CO6 3DB | Outline permission with all matters reserved for a detached dwelling and double garage. Resubmission of 212293. | 08/03/22 | Refused | |
26/1/22 | Support | 220096 | Highfields, Cooks Hall Road, CO6 3EX | New outbuilding ancillary to the dwelling to be used as storage. | 09/03/22 | Approved | N/A |
16/2/22 | Support | 220164 | 20 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road | Rear single storey extension and alterations to dwelling. | 10/03/22 | Approved | N/A |
16/2/22 | Support | 220115 | 99 Chapel Road | Erection of single-story garden office approximately 12m2 | 16/03/22 | Approved | N/A |
16/09/20 | Support | 201925 | Land adjacent, 12 Colchester Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JG | Outline application for up to 7 dwellings with access determined and all other matters reserved. | O/S | ||
21/07/21 | Support | 211838 | 1 Armoury Road | Two storey front extension. | O/S | ||
20/10/21 | Support | 212695 | 33 Lexden Road | Replacement of large single storey self-contained extension with proposed rear two storey extension | O/S | ||
17/11/21 | Support | 213106 | 2 Garthwood Close, CO6 3EA | Proposed front single storey porch extension | O/S | ||
19/1/22 | Support | 212415 | The Thatchers, Nayland Road, CO6 3DE | Siting of two Portacabins and one storage container and including change of use from Agricultural to Use Class F1 (Old use class D1) – Learning and Non-Residential Institution | O/S | ||
26/1/22 | Object | 220103 | 3 Garret Place, CO6 3SH | Proposed Loft Conversion and First Floor Alterations. | O/S | ||
16/2/22 | Observation | 220165 | annexe to, 20 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road | Change of use of residential annexe and associated land to single dwellinghouse. | O/S | ||
16/2/22 | Support | 220358 | The Glen, Spring Lane | Rear two storey extension. | O/S |
6. Date of next meeting:
The next Planning Committee meeting will be held on Wed 20th April 2022 in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.
The meeting closed at 8pm.