Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Held on Wed 15th September 2021 at 7.30pm in the Orpen Memorial Hall, Lexden Rd
Planning Committee Members: | Bob Tyrrell (Chairman), Brian Butcher (Vice chairman), Andrew Savage, Norma Smith and Joel Fayers (Parish Clerk, Laura Walkingshaw also in attendance) | Next meeting: Wed 20th Oct 2021 at 7.30pm, JL Hall |
Apologies: | Ex officio member Chris Stevenson | |
Members of the public present: | 1 member of the public | |
Declarations of Interest: | Cllr Smith declared an interest in Item 2, PA212442 |
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.
The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement and the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, emerging planning policy and CBC Planning policies when making comments and decisions on Planning Applications
Item 1: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications.
There were no pre-application representations received.
Item 2: To discuss and make decisions on the following applications:
Location |
Proposal |
Application No. and link to CBC planning website |
Object / Support / Observations |
Decision or Recommendation |
Comments made by Planning Committee |
30 New Church Road, |
Demolition of existing detached house and erection of 2 No. detached dwellings. |
Object |
Decision |
Comment submitted via email to Planning Officer Lucy Mondon 25th Aug 2021: |
The Parish Council remains of the view that the new application is contrary to our adopted Neighbourhood Plan, Village Design Statement and CBC Policies. We have noted the changes from the previous application, unfortunately, they still fall short of addressing our concerns. The proposal by virtue of its size, scale, and height together with its position on the site in relation to its boundaries and adjacent development would result in a cramped urban form of development, this being detriment of the street scene and out of keeping with the prevailing character of New Church Road, which is a semi-rural lane in the heart of our village, principally because of the Heath, the Church and the Allotments. Again, the Parish Council laments the pre-emptive clearance of 90% of the mature trees and other shrubs prior to any planning application. The community looked on aghast at the complete destruction of local biodiversity habitats which are completely unprotected, and which suggest that no public authority could quite frankly care less! The removal of 16 no. mature trees as stated by the arboriculturist just to “allow redevelopment” is unacceptable to the Parish Council, also the land shown outlined in blue on the site plan is clearly potentially reserved for further development in Mumford Close, having, also been cleared of trees and wildlife, but is currently landlocked and becoming overgrown. The proposed development for 2 no. detached dwellings would be contrary to adopted Local Plan Policies UR2 and DP1 and the Council’s Backland and Infill Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The proposed development is therefore contrary to Core Strategy Policy ENV1 and Development Plan Policy DP1 which seek to conserve and enhance Colchester’s natural and historic environment, countryside and coastline, as well as respect and enhance the character of the site. The site deserves better, a less urban style of architecture than is proposed and consistent with the mix of local housing and styles. The Parish Council understands the need to redevelop the site and does not object to this, but considers it only suitable for a single dwelling, respecting the existing heights and depths of adjacent buildings. The application is overdevelopment. The application is contrary to the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan (in particular policy PP10) and the West Bergholt Village Design Statement, both these documents having been adopted as supplementary planning guidance by Colchester Borough Council and are all available on the Parish Council’s website. The submitted street scene also clearly shows a cramped overdevelopment, the Parish Council wishes to question the height of the bungalow at 28 New Church Road, it appears to be 700mm lower than as shown on the drawings? The site is suitable for a single dwelling as previous (now derelict having had the roof removed and is left open to the elements) or maybe at best a pair of smaller semidetached houses (as adjacent) with a 2.5m spacing from the boundary generally in keeping with other adjacent properties in New Church Road, and the existing urban grain. Possibly with a garage each side with one external parking space in tandem. This would help retain the very rural nature of New Church Road. The new application has paid little regard to previous Parish Council and neighbours’ comments. The new parking arrangements will result in line of 4 cars all needing to manoeuvre in front of the adjacent properties. This is contrary to Village Design Statement DG35: New parking directly in front of a property should be avoided. The applicant has never made any effort for discussion with West Bergholt Parish Council. We consider that there is scope for a single dwelling, shallow in depth so not to infringe the light to the properties at 28 and 32 New Church Road. Village Design Statement:
West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan:
Land adj. Rosaville, |
Outline permission with all matters reserved for a detached dwelling and double garage. |
Object |
Decision |
West Bergholt Parish Council cannot support and recommends refusal of the new building as it is outside the village settlement limits and is contrary to CBC-approved West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, as supported by 94% of parish voters, and therefore within the countryside. |
St Andrews, |
Demolition and rebuilding of garage. Fenestration alterations and additions. Rear conservatory and covered way. Extension of raised decking. |
Support |
Decision |
Cllr Smith re-declared an interest at this point and took no further part in the decision making. The Parish Council has no comment. |
11 Firmins Court, |
Single Storey rear and side extension and internal alterations. |
Support |
Decision |
The Parish Council has no comment. |
3 Firmins Court, |
Single-storey front extension. |
Support |
Recommendation |
The Parish Council has no comment. |
Item 3: Update on Planning Appeals:
The Planning Committee continued to express it disappointment in the Planning Inspectorate‘s Appeal decision on NEEB Holdings PA 180733, granting permission for the 26 houses in the land adjacent to Armoury Road, West Bergholt. The Parish Council are currently seeking the advice of a planning consultant and will pass on any new information to residents as soon as it has any. Other outstanding appeals, currently with the Planning Inspectorate, are:
West Bergholt PC Decision Date |
WBPC Decision |
Application No. |
Location |
Proposal |
CBC/Appeal Decision Date |
CBC/Appeal Decision |
Appeal Pending |
15/07/2020 |
Observation |
Land adjacent to 1 Whitehouse Cottages, |
Erection of one attached dwelling. |
18/08/2020 |
Refused |
16/07 |
19/08/2020 |
Object |
155 Colchester Road, West Bergholt, |
Outline application for |
29/09/20 |
Refused |
05/07 |
19/08/2020 |
Object |
Barton Olivers, |
Construction of new |
11/11/20 |
Refused |
16/07 |
Item 4: Review Planning Decisions:
West Bergholt PC Decision Date |
WBPC Decision |
Application No. and link to CBC planning website |
Location |
Proposal |
CBC/Appeal Decision Date |
CBC/Appeal Decision |
Appeal Pending |
16/07/21 |
Support |
Fordham Place, Bergholt Road, Fordham, CO6 3NU |
Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed excavation of reservoir for agricultural irrigation purposes with access track. (211291 previously withdrawn) |
13/08/21 |
Prior Approval Required (Approved) |
21/07/21 |
Support |
2 The Retreat |
Proposed first floor rear extension. |
27/08/21 |
Approved |
N/A |
18/08/21 |
Support |
42 Pirie Road |
Demolition of existing conservatory and lean to roof, replaced by new rear and side extension. |
30/08/21 |
Approved |
21/07/21 |
Support |
Highfield Farm |
Amendments to consented scheme 191917: – Revised Entrance Hall to incorporate oak frame gable end – Slightly enlarged Entrance Hall / utility Room / Study and revised internal layout of. – Omitting rooflights to Entrance Hall – Omitting windows |
31/08/21 |
Approved |
21/07/21 |
Support |
Highfield Farm |
Amendments to consented scheme 191917: – Revised Entrance Hall to incorporate oak frame gable end – Slightly enlarged Entrance Hall / utility Room / Study and revised internal layout of. – Omitting rooflights to Entrance Hall – Omitting windows (Listed building) |
31/08/21 |
Approved |
18/08/21 |
Object |
Land south of Cooks Hall Road |
Outline application for the erection of single dwelling. |
15/09/21 |
Refused |
18/08/21 |
Object |
89 Chapel Road |
Application for variation of condition 2 following grant of planning permission 191984 – substitution of approved drawings. |
O/S |
18/08/21 |
Support |
Pond Cottage, Fordham Road |
Demolition of existing cottage and erection of replacement 1.5 storey 4-bedroom dwelling. |
O/S |
18/08/21 |
Support |
Clare House, 47 Lexden Road |
Proposed car port and garden room. |
O/S |
18/08/21 |
Object |
31 Lexden Road |
Two-storey side extension and two-storey and single-storey rear extensions. |
O/S |
21/07/21 |
Support |
1 Armoury Road |
Two storey front extension. |
O/S |
17/2/21 |
Object |
16 Newbridge Hill |
Part first floor and two storey front extension. |
O/S |
20/1/21 |
Support |
Land south of WB Cricket Club, Colchester Rd, WB |
Outline application for up to 18 dwellings with access to be determined and all other matters reserved. (AMENDED PLANS) |
O/S |
16/09/20 |
Support |
Land adjacent, |
Outline application for up to 7 dwellings with access determined and all other matters reserved. |
O/S |