1. Introduction

The Parish Council is keen to support the plight of the Ukrainian refugees and also to show its support for the Ukrainian people generally.
This paper outlines a proposed means of showing this support.
2. Options available
Do nothing: this would not fulfil the desire of the Council to show support visibly and in practical means. This is not recommended.
A number of small but visible and practical initiatives. This is the recommended course of action but the subset of initial initiatives needs to be formally agreed.
3. Proposals
In discussion across the Council and wider the following have been suggested:
- fly the Ukrainian flag at the front of the Orpen Memorial Hall.
- co-sign the NALC1 statement of support with other Councils across the Country.
- hold a Village Quiz on Sat 16th April with all funds going to DEC Red Cross Emergency in Ukraine.
- match fund any monies raised at the Quiz and donate to the DEC Red Cross Emergency in Ukraine.
- add a banner to the westbergholt.-pc.gov.uk website to show support and including a link to DEC Red Cross site.
4. Finance, Legal aspects and Resources
The costs of the above are all relatively minor and are estimated at less than £2,000. This can be met from the contingency fund built into the Councils budget for 2022/23 or the Chairman’s Fund.
Flying the Ukrainian Flag is permitted under the Governments guidance for such matters (Flying flags a plain English guide July 2021, part a) and has been checked.
Funding to contribute to the DEC appeal is permitted for those Councils having the “General Power of Competence”. The Parish Council has this Power.
Signing the NALC statement is a straightforward matter that can be achieved electronically via this link.
5. Risks
It is not considered that there are any risks posed from the initiatives proposed in section 3.
6. Recommendation
It is recommended that the initiatives in section 3 above are endorsed by the Parish Council.