Planning & Development Committee – 18th November 2020

Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Held on Wed 18th November 2020 at 7.30 pm via Zoom

Planning Committee Members: Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Norma Smith, Andrew Savage and Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) Next meeting:

Wed 16th Dec 2020 at
7.30 pm
via Zoom

Apologies:  Ex officio member Chris Stevenson
Members of the public present: None
Declarations of Interest: None

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement and the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, emerging planning policy and CBC Planning policies when making comments and decisions on Planning Applications

Item 1: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications

None were received.

Item 2: To discuss and make decisions on the following applications:

Location Proposal Application No. and link to CBC planning website Object / Support / Observations Decision or Recommendation Comments made by Planning Committee
6 Newbridge Hill
West Bergholt
Single storey side extension, part single storey and part 2 storey rear extension, loft conversion, insertion of rooflights, modernisation of windows and cladding. 202412 Object Decision The Parish Council are objecting to this planning application due to the bulk of the proposed extension and its proximity to the neighbours. The Council would refer to DG28 and DG29 of the Village Design Statement:

DG28 – There should be no unacceptable adverse impact upon the amenities of adjoining residential properties. Wherever possible mature trees and shrubs should be conserved.

DG29 – New buildings, in any area, should respect the scale and design of adjacent buildings. Extensions should be subservient to the original building.

As PP10 of the CBC-adopted WB Neighbourhood Plan states:

All new development should be of a high-quality design and sustainable construction is encouraged. Account should be taken of the guidance and principles in the Village Design Statement, which seeks to promote or reinforce local distinctiveness. In particular new development and any additions or extensions to existing dwellings will be expected to:

•    Have an acceptable visual impact on the valley sides; and

•    Give careful consideration to mitigating the impact on views across the village; and

•    Buildings must respect the character of and be in harmony with their surroundings in respect of plot width, layout, building lines, materials, height, proportion, scale and massing; and

•    Planning applications must show contextually the impact of their proposals on adjacent buildings by means of adequately detailed plans with accurate street elevations to avoid unacceptable adverse impact upon the amenities of the occupiers of nearby residential properties; and

•    Details of boundary walls, fences and gates shall reflect the character, design and materials of means of enclosure within the village to mitigate the impact of urbanisation.

10 Garthwood Close
West Bergholt
Proposed first floor extension over existing detached garage together with two storey link Extension between existing garage and dwelling 202447 Support Decision The Parish Council has no comment.
9 Garthwood Close
West Bergholt
Part two storey, part single storey rear extensions with rooflights and new two storey front extension with internal alterations. 202423 Support Recommendation The Parish Council has no comment.
179 Colchester Road
West Bergholt
New single storey porch extension to the front of the existing  dwelling and new monopitched roof over existing single storey rear extension. 202546 Support Recommendation The Parish Council has no comment.

Item 3: Review of the Village Design Statement:

ACTION – Clerk to check with CBC (Sandra Scott) regarding the process for getting any amendments to the Village Design Statement adopted with CBC and what effect that may have on the Neighbourhood Plan.

Item 4: Planning Decisions:


West Bergholt PC Decision Date WBPC Decision Application No. and link to CBC planning website Location Proposal CBC/
Appeal Decision Date
Appeal Decision
Appeal Pending
19/06/2019 Object
(too early)
181458 32 Colchester Road,
West Bergholt,
Outline application for the erection of 13 dwellings with    vehicular access, landscaping, footpath links and other related infrastructure. 3/11/20 Approved N/A
19/08/2020 Object 201472 Barton Olivers,
181 Colchester Road,
West Bergholt,
Construction of new detached two-storey house with garage, drive and new access. 11/11/20 Refused
21/08/2019 Support 191977 Land adj.
West Bergholt CC &, Stable Cottage,
Colchester Road, West Bergholt
Full planning permission for 41 new homes with a new access from Colchester Rd and associated landscaping, open space, drainage, foul pumping station and parking; provision of 1.189 hectares of land reserved O/S
18/09/2019 Support 192271 Land adj.
West Bergholt CC &, Stable Cottage,
Colchester Road, West Bergholt
Duplicate of 191977 O/S
02/09/2020 Support 201686 Land south of WB Cricket Club, Colchester Road,
West Bergholt
Outline application for up to 18 dwellings with access to be determined and all other matters reserved. O/S
16/09/20 Support 201925 Land adjacent,
12 Colchester Road, West Bergholt,
Outline application for up to 7 dwellings with access determined and all other matters reserved. O/S
21/10/20 Object 202080 83 Chapel Road,
West Bergholt,
Erection of a proposed 2-storey rear extension with associated minor alterations to the existing house. Erection of a replacement single-storey detached garage. O/S
21/10/20 Object 202081 83 Chapel Road,
West Bergholt,
(Listed Building)
Erection of a proposed 2-storey rear extension with associated minor alterations to the existing house. Erection of a replacement single-storey detached garage. O/S
21/10/20 Observation 202109 6 Hall Road,
West Bergholt,
Proposed two storey side/rear extension and single storey rear extension. O/S


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