Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Held on Wed 19th February 2020 in the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm
Planning Committee Members: | Bob Tyrrell, Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Ex officio Chris Stevenson and Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) | Next meeting:
Wed 18th Mar 2020, John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd at 7.30pm |
Apologies: | Norma Smith, Andrew Savage | |
Members of the public present: | 2 members of the public | |
Declarations of Interest: | Cllr Tyrrell declared an interest in item 2, planning application 200120 |
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village. The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement and the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan when making comments and decisions on Planning Applications
Item 1: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications
None were received.
Item 2: New & current planning applications:
Location | Proposal | Application No. and link to CBC planning website | Object / Support / Observations | Decision or Recommendation | Comments made by Planning Committee |
Oak View Landscapes Pattens Yard, Nayland Road, West Bergholt CO6 3DQ |
Application with some matters reserved: Provision of flexible single storey starter offices with cycle & car parking and refuse storage, replacing existing portable offices within identified Employment Zone | 200069 | Support | Decision | The Parish Council has no comment. |
65 Lexden Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3BW |
New single storey and two storey rear/side extension. Conversion of garage into habitable home office room. New oak framed open sided/fronted entrance porch. All complete with associated alteration works with internal layout changes. | 200140 | Object | Decision | The Parish Council does not object to the rear extension on this dwelling in principle, but to its cladding on this particular plan. It is an inappropriate use of industrial material in a residential setting.
Please refer to PP10 of the CBC-adopted West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, where the Village Design Statement policies apply: DG3 – General Design – all proposed new build and extensions must enhance the area and make a positive architectural contribution. DG27 – Careful consideration should be given to the visual impact of extensions and particularly conservatories, when they are visible either from the street or from public thoroughfares such as footpaths, bridleways etc. In this application’s case the extension will be seen from the alleyway between 65 and 67 Lexden Road. |
Horsepits Farm, Cooks Hall Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3EX |
Subdivision of a single dwelling house into two separate residential dwellings as (Main house and Barn) | 200169 | Object | Decision | The Parish Council would remind the Borough Council that this application is contrary to all the previously given approvals relating to this property and therefore object.
Original approval was given on PA 081956 19/11/2009, with condition 5 stating: “For the avoidance of doubt as to the scope of this permission. The building hereby shall only be occupied by dependent relatives of the residents of the main dwelling on this site known as Horsepits Farm and the ancillary residential unit hereby permitted shall not be occupied otherwise nor let independently to any other occupiers nor shall it be sold or leased independently as a separate planning unit or otherwise independently of Horsepits Farm.” Planning Application 152337 was refused by the Borough Council on 09/12/2015 for a “Change of use of Granny Annexe to Private Dwellinghouse” siting paragraph 55 of the NPPF and reiterating that the annex building is conditioned to be used in association with the main dwelling at Horsepits Farm. The decision notice went on to state that “allowing the conversion of this rural annexe would constitute a new dwelling away from the West Bergholt settlement limits.” Permission from CBC was approved for “application 162704 to vary condition 5 of planning permission 081956” on 12/12/2016 and then extended by PA decision 191391 on the 09/07/2019 until 31 July 2021 due to the further education of a dependent relative, but again reiterated “For the avoidance of doubt as to the scope of this permission because the development is granted solely in recognition of the personal situation and individual circumstances of this case and would not have otherwise been acceptable to the Local Planning Authority.” |
50 New Church Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JE |
Front porch | 200120 | Support | Decision | Cllr Tyrrell declared an interest in this item once more and took no further part in discussions.
The Parish Council has no comment. |
Land adj. West Bergholt CC, Stable Cottage, Colchester Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JQ |
Full planning permission for site clearance and redevelopment to provide 41 new homes with a new access from Colchester Road and associated landscaping, open space, drainage, foul pumping station and parking provision as well as the provision of 1.189 | 192271/191997 | Revisions (No Comments) | Parish Council comments to be sent to Planning Officer David Lewis:
The Council object to the revised layout of this planning application as the Neighbourhood Plan never envisaged three separate entrances to the NP development sites along Colchester Road, which at the very least constitute a safety hazard. The Neighbourhood Plan had a holistic approach to all three developments and would encourage the joined-up thinking between sites evident in the previous plan. The Council would also ask for the road to continue onto the playing field at the back and that it should stop hard up against the boundary. The Parish Council, having been provided with the CBC “Affordable Housing – Supplementary Planning Document” Consultation Draft of Jan 2020, would like to see Emerging Policy DM8 – Affordable Housing taken into account in this plan. Specifically, “Elsewhere the affordable housing mix on any site should normally be “pepper potted” throughout the scheme in groups, the size and location of which should be discussed and agreed with the Local Planning Authority”. |
Colchester Skip Hire, Packards Lane, Wormingford |
Changes to vehicle movements. | ESS/04/20/COL | Object | Response to ECC | West Bergholt Parish Council would refer to and support the observations made by Wormingford Parish Council. West Bergholt Parish Council is totally against the earlier start times and the increased number of vehicles. |
Item 3: To agree response to CBC Supplementary Planning Document Consultations:
- Affordable Housing – No comment by Parish Council
- Self & Custom Build and Specialist Housing – No comment by Parish Council
- Planning Obligations – West Bergholt Parish Council would support this proposed document if more reference was made to Neighbourhood Plans within it. It refers to the Local Plan, but nowhere does it refer to Neighbourhood Plans, except in the definitions. It would be useful if their presence was amplified.
Item 4: To agree an agenda for the meeting with CBC at Rowan House on 28th Feb 2020
Attendees: Cllr Tyrrell, Cllr Butcher, Cllr Harlow and Clerk to attend.
Proposed agenda items:
- Integration of the WB Neighbourhood Plan into CBC Planning Decisions.
- Neighbourhood Plan development sites alongside Colchester Road .
Item 5: Planning Decisions:
Appeal Pending | CBC/Appeal Decision Date | CBC Decision | WBPC Decision Date | Object / Support / Observ. | Application No. | Location | Additional Inform. |
O/S | 18/09/2019 | Support | 192271 | Land adj. WB Cricket Club | Duplicate of 191997 below | ||
O/S | 21/08/2019 | Support | 191997 | Land adj. WB Cricket Club | |||
O/S | 19/06/2019 | Object | 181458 | 32 Colchester Road | previously 18/07/2018 | ||
Dismissed | 05/05/2020 | Refused | 18/04/2018 | Object | 180733 | Land adj. to Armoury Road | Appeal Launched 04/04/2019, Hearing 05/05/20 |
12/02/2020 | Approved | 19/01/2020 | Support | 193002 | 69 Lexden Rd | Revised from 18/12/19 | |
30/01/2020 | Approved | 18/12/2019 | Support | 192804 | Meadow View, Hall Rd | ||
20/01/2020 | Refused | 18/12/2019 | Object | 192968 | Blackbulb Co. Nayland Road |