Planning & Development Committee – 19th June 2019

Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Held on Wed 19th June 2019 at the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm

Planning Committee Members: Bob Tyrrell (Chairman), Andrew Savage, Murray Harlow, Norma Smith, Chris Stevenson (ex officio member) and Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) Next meeting:

Wed 17th July 2019, John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd at 7.30pm

Apologies:  Brian Butcher (Vice Chair)
Members of the public present: 5 members of the public
Declarations of Interest: None

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

Item 1:            To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications

None were received.

Item 2:            Current planning applications:

Location Proposal Application No. and link to CBC planning website Object / Support / Observations Decision or Recommendation Comments by Planning Committee
Blackheath Bulb Co.
Nayland Road
West Bergholt
Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of Agricultural to a dwelling house and for associated operational development. 191409 Observation Decision The Parish Council appreciate that this application is permitted development under Class Q. The Council is disappointed that the applicants have such uninspiring designs, these could easily be improved, also the buildings which are being converted are of poor construction quality and may have to be totally rebuilt to meet Building Regulations.
St Marys Church
Hall Road
West Bergholt
(Listed Building)
Repair of the plaster to the nave, chancel and south aisle together with redecoration of all of the wall plaster and selected internal joinery to the interior of the church. 191309 Support Decision The Parish Council would defer to the Borough Council’s greater knowledge of listed building repairs but support all improvements to the old church.
32 Colchester Road
West Bergholt
Outline application for the erection of 13 dwellings with vehicular access, landscaping, footpath links and other related infrastructure. (Reconsultation – further to the advanced position of the Neighbourhood Plan) 181458 Deferred? Decision This is a premature planning application CBC have been asked to clarify this application and defer it until after the Neighbourhood Plan referendum in September. 
Bali Hai
Nayland Road
West Bergholt
Convert existing timber framed outbuilding into annexe for family member. 191426 Observation Decision The Parish Council would reiterate their previous comment that CBC satisfies itself with its usual planning policy guidelines for “annexes” and that it is for a family member’s use and not to be resold in the future as a separate dwelling. The Council would like to see that the Condition be added if approved which states that it is an ancillary building.
Land adj. Garden House
Queens Road
West Bergholt
Outline application for a proposed detached dwelling on land adjacent to Garden House, Queens Road, West Bergholt with associated vehicle access. 191285 Observation Decision The Parish Council would like to make an observation on the lack of usable amenity space left for both dwellings. Could the plans be altered to incorporate more space? The Council would also like to be assured of the ridge height of the new dwelling before full application approval is given, by requesting that the dimensions be provided by the architect from the lowest ground level (back of footpath).
1 Upton Close
West Bergholt
(Amended Plans)
A double storey rear extension. A single storey side extension and porch. 191374 Observation Decision The Parish Council is concerned about the quality of the design and the lack of details of the remaining parts of the semi-detached properties, so is unable to ascertain the possible impact on the attached neighbour’s property.
St Legar
Hall Road
West Bergholt
Garage conversion and infill extension (resubmission of 191001 with a small alteration) 191578 Support Recommendation The Parish Council has no comment.
Land adj. to
67 Braiswick
Outline application for the erection of 34 dwellings comprising 2 x one-bedroom apartments, 6 x two-bedroom apartments and houses, 21 x three-bedroom houses and 5 x four-bedroom houses (including affordable housing) and associated development, with site. 191522 Object Recommendation West Bergholt Parish Council object to this application as it is outside of Colchester’s settlement boundary and premature as CBC’s emerging Local Plan has yet to be adopted. West Bergholt’s Neighbourhood Plan, which has passed the examiner’s inspection, is working hard to make sure that the areas of West Bergholt and Braiswick do not coalesce. The recent examiner’s report on the Neighbourhood Plan made no amendments to Planning Policy 22, which states:

“Development will not be supported in the area shown on Map PP22 if individually or cumulatively it would result in increasing the coalescence between West Bergholt village and Braiswick, reducing their separate identity by reducing the separation between these two settlements.”

37 Pirie Road
West Bergholt
Bay window and canopy to front, single storey rear extension, single storey extension to front of garage 191252 Object Recommendation  

With the garage being converted and the only existing parking space being reduced to 4.5m in depth as a result of the proposed extension, no suitable off-street parking is proposed. As the property is located in an area where there are severe parking issues (so much so that people regularly park on the pavements and the adjacent green open space) the Parish Council objects to this application and considers it contrary to the West Bergholt Village Design Statement  policies DG35 and DG36 adopted by CBC


Item 3:            Review Planning Decisions:

Appeal Pending CBC Decision Date CBC Decision WBPC Decision Date Object / Support / Observ. Application No. Location Additional Inform.
O/S O/S 12/12/2017 Object 173127 Land adj. to Hill House Farm Appeal Launched 02/08/2018
O/S 31/12/2018 Refused 21/11/2018 Object 182761 179 Colchester Road Appeal Launched 03/04/2019
O/S 07/08/2018 Refused 18/04/2018 Object 180733 Land adj. to Armoury Road Appeal Launched 04/04/2019
O/S 15/06/2018 Refused 18/04/2018 Object 180732 Land adj. to Colchester Road Appeal Launched 04/04/2019
O/S 15/05/2019 Support 191103 Alcrofts Lodge, Bure Road
O/S 15/05/2019 Object 190423 89 Chapel Road Refused by CBC Planning 13/06/19
O/S 17/04/2019 Observation 190922 122 Colchester Road
O/S 17/04/2019 Support 190960 120 Colchester Road
O/S 20/02/2019 Support 190344 Farmhouse Rookery Farm
O/S 20/02/2019 Observation 190345 Farmhouse Rookery Farm Listed Building
O/S 18/07/2018 Object 181458 32 Colchester Road
13/06/2019 Approved 15/05/2019 Object 190690 Springbourne, Spring Lane Revised Plans (previously 20/03/19)
21/05/2019 Approved 17/04/2019 Support 190643 Copperfield Hse, 10 Firmins Ct


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