Minutes of Parish Council 27th March 2019

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the John Lampon Hall on 27th March 2019 at 7.30 pm

Chairman: Cllr Chris Stevenson
Parish Councillors Present: Cllrs Andrew Savage, Jenny Church, Brian Butcher, John Gili-Ross, Phil Spencer, Bob Tyrrell, Harry Stone, David Short and Murray Harlow
Parish Clerk: Laura Walkingshaw
Borough & County Councillors: Borough Councillors Barber, Jarvis and Willetts
Present: 3 members of the public



Receive/accept apologies and welcome to the Public

  No apologies were required


Questions from registered electors

A resident requested clarity on the process of acquiring the new playground equipment and whether the plans had been decided on before the consultation. He also wished the Council to understand his concerns with the expansion of the equipment user age to include older children as he thought it would lead to an increase in noise and later use of the playground in the summer months.

Cllr Stevenson explained that the Playground Advisory Group was established to receive ideas from users on the ways to improve the playground. The Parish Council is also the Trustee of the Lorkin Daniell Field and so the feedback from the Trust meeting later tonight will be given to the next Advisory Group meeting.

The consultation on the ideas for the new equipment will be made available on the website, Facebook Hub and at the Annual Parish Meeting (24th Apr 7.30pm Orpen Hall). The Trust will also write to residents once the plan is finished.

Cllr Gili-Ross informed those in attendance that this was the third time that the playground had been developed, it had first been established in 1938. A consultation is required from users to find out what equipment people would like and what is the best way to make use of the money available.

The resident was anxious that the zip-wire was already a foregone conclusion as part of the CIF grant bid, however Cllr Gili-Ross clarified that it was more of an idea of what the first phase would buy as at the time the council only had initial information of what the children wanted. The main point made in CIF application was, did the council have support from the community, which it did.


Declarations of Interest

  DECLARED – Cllr Stevenson declared an interest in all matters relating to Essex County Council, specifically Highways.





RESOLVED – the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 27th February 2019 were approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting, with no amendments. (Link to Minutes P11 Feb 2019)


Report from Colchester Borough Councillors

  Borough Councillor Barber reported:

  • Speed Cables along Colchester & Lexden Road – now have approval from Sonia Church for 4 locations:
    • White Hart at Nayland Road, before the 60mph sign
    • Near the Poor’s Land at Treble Tile
    • Halfway down Lexden Road
    • At Lexden Road/Newbridge Hill

Will share the results once they are received with the Traffic Safety Group. Cllr Barber has also asked for information regarding speeds recorded between Braiswick to the village entrance and asked for information from the Speedwatch team relating to their regular monitor of Colchester Road outside the Maltings. This information might contribute to evidence for policies in the Neighbourhood Plan.

Cllr Stevenson stated that the council will need to think about what they want to ask the Local Highways Panel for if the evidence shows that there is a problem. It would be useful if the Lexden Road Speed Indicator Device (SID) recorded information as well as indicating the speed.

  • 89 Chapel Road – has “called in” this Planning Application. It will be going to the CBC Planning Committee if it looks like approval is imminent.
  • Erle Havard Landscaping – Colchester Borough Homes and CBC have received complaints about the overgrown shrubs in this area. Cllr Barber will find out which residents have issues in that area.
  • Mumford Road Parking – still trying to resolve this. Will probably result in parking spaces where the garages are currently but will need to facilitate installation of dropped kerbs (at approx. £300) which Colchester Borough Homes will not pay for. Can say for sure that it is not a place where they intend to build in the future though.
  • Neighbourhood Plan – an inspector has been appointed to go through the plan and bring out the salient points before deciding where to publish.
  • Section 106 Money – has received no response as yet on the £5,000 requested for the Playground equipment. Will keep trying.

Borough Councillor Willetts reported:

  • Local Highways Panel – with regards the moving of the Colchester Road bus stop – no one knew this would happen, however apparently there were adequate funds in this year’s budget, so it was decided to push it through before the new financial year.
    ACTION – Clerk to approach Sonia to find out what she intends to do about the existing yellow bus stop cage next to the former bus stop in Colchester Road. This carries a “no parking” order, so the cage and the order need to be removed. A new cage is needed by the new bus stop outside the Maltings although it needn’t be one that carries a “no parking” order.
  • Bus Cage Markings on Lexden Road – there have been various consultations on this however they have not yet heard from the professionals at Passenger Transport.
    ACTION – Clerk to ask Sonia Church for the latest information.
  • Speed Cables on Chapel Road – average speed measured was 22.9mph, although obviously parked cars slowed much of the traffic down.




Statement of accounts for Feb 2019 (Link to P11 Feb Summary)

The final accounts for February 2019 were presented as follows:

92% of the way through the financial year. The Parish Council Account showed 97% income,79% general expenditure, 102% environment expenditure and 86% expenditure overall, when the categories of general expenditure & environment are totalled together.

ACTION – Clerk to send breakdown of Village Green payments to Cllr Gili-Ross for his information.



  RESOLVED – To approve the payments in accordance with 2018-19 budget. Proposed by Cllr Savage, seconded by Cllr Short. All in favour.

Payments List
Mar 2019

Parish Council Account

DD Barclays Charges/Loyalty Points (10.90 – 2.18) 8.72
DD Wave Allotments Water 278.54
GA18219 J & M Payroll Services Mar – Wages, Tax & NI 4245.84
GA18220 Countrywide Grass Cutting – Mar 158.50
GA18221 J & M Payroll Services Payroll Services – Feb 27.00
GA18222 WBFC Grass Cutting – Mar 40.00
GA18223 Petty Cash Reimbursemt. (LW) Caribenas, Stamps, Padlocks, Equipment 69.01
GA18224 Anglian Security Fit Lock to Social Club Door 294.00
GA18225 Ernest Doe Metal Blade 18.50
GA18226 Glasdon 25ltr Dog Bin 152.03
GA18227 PW Cleaning Street Furniture Cleaning 300.00
GA18228 Kent Blaxill Cement, Trowel & Cable Ties 31.06
GA18229 Victoria Beckwith-Cole Bulletin Thank You 31.45
GA18230 Brian Butcher Travel Expenses 29.90
GA18231 Wave Poor’s Land Water 11.84
GA18232 WB Cricket Club Parish Council Grant 500.00
GA18233 Jogging Made Easy (WB) Parish Council Grant 300.00
GA18234 Kent Blaxill Teak Stain & Roller – Youth Shelter 105.00
GA18235 Kent Blaxill Paint, Brush & Sand Paper – QH Pond 63.18
GA18236 Harry Stone Printer Expenses 25.00
GA18237 Tree & Lawn Company Hawthorn at Orpen Hall 120.00
GA18238 Tree & Lawn Company Hedge & Trees LD Playground 852.00
GA18239 Kent Blaxill Timber – Youth Shelter 13.28
GA18240 Kent Blaxill Wood Stain – Youth Shelter 49.44
GA18241 I M Beckwith Tree Removal – by MUGA 60.00
GA18242 ARCO HSE Law Poster & Accident Book Holder 42.28
Tfr PC to Hall Account Ink Cartridges 1.99


Mar 2019

Orpen Hall Account

DD Colchester Skip Hire Waste removal – Feb 149.71
DD Eon Electricity – Feb 116.10
DD CNG Gas – Feb 439.19
DD Utility Warehouse Mobile, Electricity (MUGA) – Mar 69.97
DD Barclays Charges/Loyalty Points (12.86 – 2.58) 10.28
HA18063 Victoria Beckwith-Cole Toner & Stapler 41.68
HA18064 EKB Contracts Replacement of external lights 79.30
HA18065 PW Cleaning Window cleaning 70.00
HA18066 CBC Non-domestic rates 196.56
HA18067 Zoe’s Cleaning Hall cleaning 900.00
HA18068 A – Z Supplies Descaler, Cleaning Materials 128.75
Tfr Hall to PC Account Wages – Feb 525.56


To consider the recommendation of the Finance Committee regarding the St Mary’s C of E grant application for 2018-19

RFO has now reviewed the St Mary’s application from last year, it is almost exactly the same as the current one so would recommend refusal as cannot have an ongoing commitment each year for 50% of PC grant money going to just one organisation.

RESOLVED – Cllr Savage recommended refusal of the £500 grant to St Marys, Cllr Short seconded. All in favour.

ACTION – Clerk to write back to the Church, explaining that the PC doesn’t want to get into a situation of getting the same application each year and creating dependency.


To review West Bergholt Parish Council’s 2018-19 Asset Register

The 2018-19 Asset Register was reviewed by members of the Parish Council, prior to completion of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR).

ACTION – Clerk to add new beacon

ACTION – Cllr Gili-Ross to send updated list of tools to Clerk


To approve the quote of £3614.40 + VAT for the new Orpen Hall chairs in accordance with Projects 2019-20 as recommended by the Finance Committee

Have now received four quotes for the same make of chairs (120 needed), which have locking device fitted to the chairs themselves. £4,000 in projects budget for 2019-20.

RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed that the Council approved the Costcutters quote for £3614.40 + VAT, Cllr Harlow seconded. All in favour. Premises Committee to decide on colour.


To approve the quote of £800 for the Orpen Hall stage floor as recommended by the Finance Committee

Received two quotes for the stage floor, one for repair (£775) and one for replacement (£800).

RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to approve the £800 quote for replacement of the stage floor. Cllr Harlow seconded. All in favour.


To approve the 2019-20 CBC contract to empty the litter/dog bins in West Bergholt for £1383.20

RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to approve the annual contract with CBC for £1383.20. Cllr Stone seconded. All in favour.




The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 20th March 2019 were received and the decisions made on following applications were noted (Link to Planning P12 Mar 2019):

  • 190423 – 89 Chapel Road, CO6 3HB – Object – The Parish Council are disappointed with the proposed redevelopment of the site, which is uninspiring. The proposals are clearly over development in a village location, the chalet style houses will be overpowering to the bungalow at 89A Chapel Road and will have a dominating effect to the junction of Spring Lane and Chapel Road. The current proposals are out of keeping with the existing street scene. Parking for four cars will affect the special nature of Spring Lane, will be detrimental to the village townscape and will be out of keeping with surrounding built form. The proposals are contrary to the Village Design Statement (adopted as planning guidance by CBC) Policies – DG2, DG3, DG4, DG5, DG7, DG8, DG10, DG11, DG35 and DG37. The proposal is contrary to the emerging West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Council are of the view that a one for one replacement would be more appropriate and the preferred option.
  • 182231 – 149 Chapel Road, CO6 3EZ (Amended Plans) – Observation – The Parish Council consider this proposal much improved on previous applications, however there is still room for more improvement and it could be made less obtrusive on this prominent corner position.
  • 190690 – Springbourne, Spring Lane, CO6 3HJ – Object – The Parish Council is not opposed to an extension to this dwelling in principle, however, the proposal is not in keeping with the surrounding buildings. The application is contrary to the Village Design Statement adopted by CBC listed below: Policy DG3 General Design – all proposed new build and extensions must enhance the area and make a positive architectural contribution. DG7 Buildings must be in harmony with the surroundings in respect of materials, colour, texture, proportion and scale. DG8 Planning applications must show contextually the impact of their proposals on adjacent building by means of adequately detailed plans with accurate street elevations. DG10 Any development should reflect the character of the surrounding area and protect the amenity of neighbours. It should reinforce the uniformity of the street by reflecting the scale, mass, height, form, materials, fenestration and architectural details of its neighbours. Policy DG37 (lack of a street scape), providing no information on the visual impact it will have on neighbouring properties and the greater effect on the street scene. DG13 (New buildings should respect the height of buildings immediately adjacent), being too tall next to the neighbouring bungalow and the existing extension of the house to the left. The roof pitch is significantly steeper. The neighbouring bungalow garden wraps around the back of Springbourne and will now be overlooked by the first floor of the proposed extension. This area is identified in the emerging Regulation 16 West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan Map PP6 identified Spring Lane as part of a Character Area and therefore the loss of the uniqueness of the properties in this area which contribute to its particular character should be resisted. The PC would support a proposal with a reduce ridge height and more in keeping with the adjacent properties and with mitigating measures to address the overlooking
  • 190648 – Doctors Surgery 1-3 Doctors Surgery, Erle Havard Road, CO6 3LH – Support – The Parish Council has no comment.


To approve the email recommendations of the Planning Committee on planning applications:

  • 190437 – Rosaville, White Hart Lane, CO6 3DB – Support – The Parish Council has no comment.
  • 190789 – Land adj to Alcrofts Lodge, Bures Road, West Bergholt – Observation – The Parish Council would strongly advocate a consideration that the 30mph speed limit moves further out from the edge of the village as this application is right on the boundary and given the slow movement of horse boxes to access what is currently a 60mph main road problems could arrive. Also, the adjacent footpath will now be maintained more frequently.

RESOLVEDThe Council approved these two Recommendations as Decisions. All in favour.


Council Documents


To review and ratify the current West Bergholt Parish Council Complaints Procedure (Link to current WBPC Complaints Procedure)

RESOLVED – Cllr Savage proposed to ratify current Complaints Procedure, Cllr Stevenson seconded. All in favour.


To note the attainment of West Bergholt Parish Council’s Quality status in the NALC Local Council Awards

Council members will be invited to CBC for the presentation of their award, July 17th appears to be the next available date. Thanks go once more to Dave Kingaby, the council’s webmaster who worked so hard on getting the website up to the Quality status level.



  The minutes from the Environment Committee meeting held on 14th March 2019 were received. (Link to Environment P12 Mar 2019)

Thanks go to Cllr Spencer, Environment Vice-Chairman, for looking after things whilst Cllr Gili-Ross was away. Very pleased with Queen’s Head Pond. Highways Devolution Pilot has now begun, have started fixing some of the kerb stones which have been broken for a long time. New bus stop in Colchester Road working well, cars seem to have slowed down when approaching it.

ACTION – Clerk to book Nigel on Streetworks course, currently have 16 cones, may need more plus additional signage.


Premises and Recreation

  The minutes from the Premises Committee meeting held on 4th March 2019 were received. (Link to Premises P12 Mar 2019)


Annual Parish Meeting 2019


To receive an update on the arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting on Wed 24th April 2019

  • School Council or Heathlands in some form – emailed Mrs Cork
  • Hill House Wood – achievements in past year
  • Orpen Players – 50 years – YES
  • Playground Advisory Group – update on progress – YES
  • Newly established Film Club – YES
  • Notice of Poll is out that day
  •  Cricket Club – YES Gareth Minter will talk about youth developments
  • Grant Awarding will take place (presentation cheques required)



  It was noted that the training/networking undertaken during the last month by Councillors or the Clerk:

  • Meeting with Heathlands School – 1st March – CS & HS
  • Highways Devolution Briefing – 25th March – CS & LW


Items to Note

  1. Correspondence Log – Mar 2019
    • Hopkins Homes – 2nd Apr 4-8pm – BTB, BT, MH & LW will attend at 3pm
    • Change to Co Op Opening Hours – from 7am-10pm to 6am-11pm. Application has since been withdrawn.
    • Great British Spring Clean – Easter Sat 20th Apr 10-11am from Orpen Hall
    • Reminder of Election – nominations must be in by Wed 3rd April 2019
  2. Crime Statistics – 18th Feb – 24th March 2019 – 4 crimes reported

Available on table at meeting:      

  1. RCCE – Essex Warbler – Vol. 19 – Mar 2019
  2. EALC – Legal Update – No. 12 – Mar 2019
  3. Clerks & Councils Direct – Issue 122 – Mar 2019
  4. Article on new playground equipment – Gazette – 13/03/19
  5. Centurion – News from CBC
  6. NALC Funding Bulletin – 15/02/19
  7. EALC – Confirmation of Quality Award letter – 15/03/19 


In Committee

  Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1).
  No matters discussed


Date of Next Meeting

  Next Parish Council Meeting, Wednesday 24th April 2019 at 6.30pm in the Orpen Hall, Lexden Rd, West Bergholt, to be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm
  Meeting closed at 9.10pm
Signed: Date: Position on Council:


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