Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Held on Wed 20th June 2018 at the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm
Planning Committee Members: | Bob Tyrrell (Chairman), Chris Stevenson, Andrew Savage, Murray Harlow and Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) | Next meeting:
Wed 18th July 2018, John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd at 7.30pm |
Apologies: | Brian Butcher (Vice Chair) | |
Members of the public present: | 4 | |
Declarations of Interest: | None |
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.
Item 1: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications
There were no pre-application representations.
Item 2: Current planning applications:
Location | Proposal | Application No. and link to CBC planning website |
Object / Support / Observations | Decision or Recommendation |
Comments by Planning Committee |
22 Bradbrook Ctgs West Bergholt CO6 3JW |
Double height extension to the side of the property (ground floor garage with bedroom & en suite above). Single height extension to the rear (kitchen/diner with utility room & w/c). | 181124 | Support | Decision | Holding Comment:
Prior to meeting on the 20th June, the Planning Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council would like to submit the following provisional comment: Any domestic extension needs to be subservient to the existing property to comply with CBC and Village Design Statement policies. This means the front wall should be setback about 200mm at first floor and the ridge should be lower than the main roof, by a similar amount, so it looks like an extension. The extension will therefore need to be subservient to the main house and the gap sufficient to prevent it looking like a continuous row of terrace properties. The Planning Committee discussed the above holding comment with the householder and agreed that whilst the Village Design Statement would usually recommend a subservient extension, it understood that in the case of Bradbrook Cottages there are a number of properties which have been extended in a variety of pleasing designs. The Parish Council would have therefore referred to CBC’s own policy on this matter, however the Planning Decision was then received as “Approve Conditional” on the 21st June and so the matter is now concluded. |
3 Albany Road West Bergholt CO6 3LB |
New front pitched roof over existing flat roof to garage & hall. Feature canopy to new front door. New wall cladding to front & side elevations. | 181303 | Support | Decision | The Parish Council has no comment. |
18 Moss Way West Bergholt CO6 3LJ |
Proposed first floor rear extension. | 181123 | Object | Decision | Whilst the Parish Council does not fundamentally disagree with the proposal, the plans for the first floor in combination with the existing Planning Application (Ref 88-0740 on proposed drawing) would lead to the overdevelopment of this site, with the bulk of the property being easily visible on a very busy street corner. The Parish Council would be content with the latest proposal, if the existing PA was withdrawn (removed by a section 73 agreement?).
However, on a separate note, it is almost impossible to take a view of what this will look like from the current proposed drawing and the council would recommend clearer plans to be drawn up by an architect. |
Colchester Skip Hire, Greenacres, Packards Lane. Wormingford |
Erection of Clean Materials Recycling Facility at Existing Established Recycling/Recovery Facility, Relocation of Existing Staff Welfare Facility, Provision of Additional Staff Parking, Culverting Section of Existing Swale, Additional Landscaping, Rainwater Harvesting together with amendments to site operating hours and HGV movement times to permit 24 HGV Movements between 07:00- 16-30 hours on Good Friday’s | ESS/09/18/COL | Object | Recommendation | The Planning Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council used it designated powers to discuss Planning Application ESS/09/18/COL and recommend objection on the following grounds:
Chapel Lane West Bergholt CO6 3EF |
Proposed single storey side extension. | 181313 | Observation | Recommendation | The Parish Council has no problem with the extension in principal, however it will result in the loss of one of the two parking spaces. The Council would therefore defer to Colchester Borough Council’s policy and their need to satisfy themselves with regards the loss of parking. |
Item 3: To note the new comments made by the Parish Council with regards the amended plans of planning application 180733
In addition to the comments made on the 20th April 2018, the Planning Committee of the Parish Council submitted the following comments on the amended plans:
“The Parish Council’s previous objections to this planning application still stand, although the proposed amendments may deal with our concerns with regards the Armoury Road access, it will only lead to bigger problems. Maltings Park Road and Coopers Crescent are private roads and are substandard by ECC highways standards and based on our experience the likely implications for traffic and parking in what would be an expanded brewery estate are all too predictable, including:
- huge problems with on-street parking,
- lack of space for vehicles to use the roads, especially large delivery vehicles,
- unsafe walking and cycling environment,
- neighbour disputes over parking,
- blocked driveways,
Overall, this is a community safety and obvious social problem for existing and potentially new residents which we can see only too clearly as it is a tight road layout already.”
Item 4: Review Planning Decisions:
CBC Decision Date | CBC Decision | WBPC Decision Date | Object / Support / Observ. | Application No. | Location |
O/S | 18/04/2018 | Object | 180733 | Land adj. to Armoury Road | |
O/S | 12/12/2017 | Object | 173127 | Land adj. to Hill House Farm | |
15/06/2018 | Refused | 18/04/2018 | Object | 180732 | Land adj. to Colchester Road |
07/06/2018 | Refused | 18/04/2018 | Object | 180695 | 1 Lexden Road |
31/05/2018 | Approved | 18/04/2018 | Support | 180790 | 27 Chapel Road |
22/05/2018 | Approved | 18/04/2018 | Support | 180663 | The Manse, Chapel Lane |