Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Held on Wed 18th April 2018 at the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm
Planning Committee Members: | Bob Tyrrell (Chairman), Brian Butcher (Vice Chair), Chris Stevenson, Andrew Savage, Murray Harlow | Next meeting:
Wed 16th May 2018, John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd at 7.30pm |
Apologies: | None | |
Members of the public present: | 13 & 1 Other Parish Councillor (DS) | |
Declarations of Interest: | None |
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.
Item 1: Current planning applications:
Location | Proposal | Application No. and link to CBC planning website | Object / Support / Observations | Decision or Recommendation | Comments by Planning Committee |
Land adjacent to Armoury Road, West Bergholt |
26 dwellings including 30% affordable housing, vehicular and pedestrian access from Armoury Road and Coopers Crescent, public open space and structural landscaping | 180733 | Object | Decision | This application is in the wrong location and at the wrong time. It is outside of the settlement boundary, both as is and as proposed. It is premature and contrary to Colchester Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan and West Bergholt’s draft Neighbourhood Plan.
Aside from the principle objections, strong arguments can also be made that, as it is not part of integrated planning over the course of the next 15 years, there is not the infrastructure, school places or facilities to support this application. The entrance onto the development off Armoury Road is not considered suitable as it is a single carriageway narrow road which is not adopted. The proposed development, situated outside the Settlement Boundary, is viewed as unwanted by a significant number of the residents of West Bergholt and by the Parish Council. The existing Local Plan is against this location for such development and Colchester Borough Council’s emerging draft Local Plan has already indicated elsewhere a more appropriate and sustainable area for the main housing development in the West Bergholt Parish over the next 15 years. These proposals dovetail into those of the similarly emerging West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan resulting from four years of consultation with residents and local businesses. In both cases, the site continues to be outside the Settlement Boundary. |
Land adjacent to Colchester Road, West Bergholt |
18 dwellings including affordable housing, 36 retirement living/sheltered accommodation units, 60 bed care home, vehicular and pedestrian access from Colchester Road, public open space and structural landscaping | 180732 | Object | Decision | This application is in the wrong location and at the wrong time. It is outside of the settlement boundary, both as is and as proposed. It is premature and contrary to Colchester Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan and West Bergholt’s draft Neighbourhood Plan.
Aside from the principle objections, strong arguments can also be made that, as it is not part of integrated planning over the course of the next 15 years, there is not the infrastructure or facilities, such as capacity of the existing surgery and pharmacy, to support this application. The proposed development, situated outside the Settlement Boundary, is viewed as inappropriately located by a significant number of the residents of West Bergholt and by the Parish Council. Its location exacerbates rather than prevents the coalescence of settlement patterns between Colchester and West Bergholt. There are no exceptional circumstances which would justify any departure from such policies. In addition, it would result in another junction not far from the current Maltings Park, and is a significant distance away from the main village facilities leading to an increase in vehicle use. With regards to the housing, the existing Local Plan is against this location for such development and Colchester Borough Council’s emerging draft Local Plan has already indicated elsewhere a more appropriate and sustainable area for the main housing development in the West Bergholt Parish over the next 15 years. These proposals dovetail into those of the similarly emerging West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan resulting from four years of consultation with residents and local businesses. In both cases, the site continues to be outside the Settlement Boundary. |
26 Bradbrook Cttgs, West Bergholt, CO6 3JW |
Proposed single storey rear extension, two storey side extension, new garage and link building | 180696 | Support | Decision | The Parish Council has no comment. |
1 Lexden Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3BT |
Proposed 4-bedroom house and attached double garage | 180695 | Object | Decision | The Parish Council supports the provision of a dwelling on the plot in principle. However, it is considered that an acceptable proposal should be substantially smaller, lower and relocated so that it neither dominants the corner of Lexden Road (which is the main entrance to the village from the north), nor conflicts with any established building lines of the existing Lexden Road dwellings.
The Council would refer to policies DG7, DG10, DG12, DG13 and DG15 of the CBC adopted Village Design Statement, regarding height, dominance and building lines. |
The Manse, Chapel Lane, West Bergholt, CO6 3EF |
Proposed rear extension with garage conversion and new roof to front elevation. Change of external façade. | 180663 | Support | Decision | The Parish Council has no comment. |
27 Chapel Road, West Bergholt, CO6 3JB |
Removal existing garage window replacement with up & over door, demolition of open porch, rebuilding with enclosed type. Resubmission of 172264 | 180790 | Support | Decision | The Parish Council has no comment. |
Item 2: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications
None were made.
Item 3: Review Planning Decisions:
CBC Decision Date | CBC Decision | WBPC Decision Date | Object / Support / Observ. | Application No. | Location | Additional Inform. |
O/S | 21/03/2018 | Observation | 180549 | Newbridge Mill Farm, Newbridge Hill | ||
O/S | 21/03/2018 | Observation | 180637 | 115 Chapel Road | ||
O/S | 12/12/2017 | Object | 173127 | Land adj. to Hill House Farm | ||
17/04/2018 | Approve | 21/03/2018 | Support | 180515 | Plean Cottage, Chapel Lane | |
16/04/2018 | Approve | 21/03/2018 | Observation | 180473 | High Trees Farm, 2 Lexden Road | |
09/04/2018 | Approve | 21/02/2018 | Support | 180428 | Homecroft, The Avenue | |
05/04/2018 | Approve | 21/03/2018 | Support | 180654 | 61 Pirie Road | |
05/04/2018 | Approve | 21/02/2018 | Observation | 180380 | Pond Farm, Bures Road | |
03/04/2018 | Approve | 21/02/2018 | Object | 180419 | Squirrels, 29b Mumford Close | On revised drawings |
27/03/2018 | Approve | 21/02/2018 | Support | 180274 | 3 Sackville Way |