Planning & Development Committee – 17th January 2018

Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Held on Wed 17th January 2018 at the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm

Planning Committee Members:  

Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Brian Butcher (Vice Chair), Murray Harlow, Andrew Savage and Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk)

Next meeting:

Wed 21st Feb 2018, J L Hall at 7.30pm

Apologies: Chris Stevenson
Members of the public present: 1
Declarations of Interest: Cllr Tyrrell declared an interest in Item 2, Planning Application 180065

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

Item 1: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications

A resident of Albany Road wished to consult the Planning Committee on the three options which he has submitted to Colchester’s Planning Department as a pre-application. The Committee found Option 1 the most preferable of the three options but thought that the first-floor windows should be centered a little more by say 250mm/500mm each side. Overall, they were happy with the pitch roof and have no objection to another floor. However, the committee did advise that none of the options show a street scene providing very little context to the planner, but the resident did report that photographs of neighbouring properties have been sent with the pre-application. The committee will await the Borough Council’s decision.

Item 2: Current planning applications:

Location Proposal Application No. and link to CBC planning website Object / Support / Observations Decision or Recommendation Comments by Planning Committee
9 Chapel Road, West Bergholt


Rear and side extension for rear bathroom, extended flat roof single rear extension (previous permission 170141 180028 Observation Decision The Parish Council has no comment. But are very concerned at the very poor quality of the drawings submitted and the difficulty determining the extent of the application.
Cooks Hall Farm, Cooks Hall Road, West Bergholt


Application for prior approval for a proposed change of use of 2 agricultural buildings to 2 dwellings. 173369 Observation Decision The Parish Council would defer to the greater knowledge of the Borough Council’s Planning Department with regards this application.
48 Chapel Road, West Bergholt


Two storey side and rear extension 180065 Support Recommendation Cllr Tyrrell re-declared an interest in Planning Application 180065 and took no further part in the discussion.

The Parish Council has no comment.

49 Mumford Road, West Bergholt


Variation of condition 5 on planning approval 171635 180083 Observation Recommendation The Parish Council would deter to the greater knowledge of the Borough Council’s Planning Department with regards this application.
Lortay Cottage,

2 Armoury Farm Cottages


Resubmission of 172655 Single storey extension to form granny annex 180110 Support Recommendation The Parish Council has no comment.
Patterns Yard Nayland Road, West Bergholt


Proposed new storage building (Resubmission of planning application 172970) 173276 Observation Recommendation The Parish Council are minded to support, however are concerned about the proximity of three established trees, the dimensions of which are not shown on the drawings.

Item 3: Other matters:

a. Review Planning Decisions:

CBC Decision Date CBC Decision WBPC Decision Date Object / Support / Observ. Application No. Location
O/S 12/12/2017 Support 172947 6 Lodge Court
O/S 12/12/2017 Support 173073 Church Cottage, Hall Road
O/S 12/12/2017 Support 173094 12 Albany Rd
O/S 12/12/2017 Object 173127 Land adj. to Hill House Farm
O/S 20/09/2017 Support 172310 Little Priors, Hall Road
05/01/2018 Approve 16/08/2017 Support 172038 8 Colchester Road
03/01/2018 Approve 12/12/2017 Object 173062 1-2 Dunedin Cottage, Bures Rd
21/12/2017 Withdrawn 12/12/2017 Support 172970 Pattern’s Yard, Nayland Rd
18/12/2017 Approve 15/11/2017 Support 172928 4 Heathside
14/12/2017 Approve 15/11/2017 Support 172653 21 Armoury Road
04/12/2017 Refuse 15/11/2017 Support 172655 Lortay Cottage, 2 Armoury Farm Cottages


Clerk to copy the objections to the Gladman Homes application onto a Word document.

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