Planning & Development Committee – 16th May 2018

Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Held on Wed 16th May 2018 at the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm

Planning Committee Members: Bob Tyrrell (Chairman), Brian Butcher (Vice Chair), Chris Stevenson, Andrew Savage, Murray Harlow Next meeting:

Wed 20th June 2018, John Lampon Hall, Lexden Rd at 7.30pm

Apologies:  None
Members of the public present: None
Declarations of Interest: None

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

Item 1:         To elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman

Cllr Savage proposed Cllr Tyrrell for Chairman, seconded by Cllr Harlow, all in favour. Bob Tyrrell remains Chairman of the Planning Committee.

Cllr Stevenson proposed Cllr Butcher for Vice Chair, seconded by Cllr Savage, all in favour. Brian Butcher remains Vice chair of the Planning Committee.

Item 2:            To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications

The applicant has sent 21 drawings depicting various options for design of a replacement building at 149 Chapel Road. The Planning Committee were anticipating being able to discuss the matter with the applicant or his agent, but neither attended the committee meeting.

However, the following comments were considered relevant:

  • The site is within the West Bergholt Area of Special Character.
  • The Parish Council are not town planners and our views are on appearance, physical massing and local context.
  • We are of the view that a sympathetic new building would be considered an improvement to the existing dwelling.
  • We are of the view that the height of the proposed dwelling should be similar to the adjacent bungalow’s height.
  • The urban grain, i.e. the width and roof profile, should also be similar to the neighbouring property.
  • The site is small, only 285m2. The minimum garden under the Essex Design Guide is 100m2 of usable space.
  • A minimum of 2 onsite parking spaces are required plus circulation space.
  • Based on regular feedback from CBC planners, the site is small and any building footprint should reflect this or any redevelopment could be considered overdevelopment.
  • Taking into account the potential for overdevelopment and the above comments, we are of the view that a single storey building with a footprint of some 70m2 would probably be more appropriate, allowing for a setback from Chapel Road, The Avenue and the property called Frimley and more in keeping with the Area of Special Character.

Two google photos were sent to the applicant showing the site and a red outline indicating the extent of the massing that could be acceptable and what the Planning Committee may consider able to support.

Item 3:            Current planning applications:

There were no new planning applications

Item 4:            Review Planning Decisions:

CBC Decision Date CBC Decision WBPC Decision Date Object / Support / Observ. Application No. Location Additional Inform.
O/S 18/04/2018 Object 180733 Land adj. to Armoury Road
O/S 18/04/2018 Object 180732 Land adj. to Colchester Road
O/S 18/04/2018 Object 180695 1 Lexden Road
O/S 18/04/2018 Support 180663 The Manse, Chapel Lane
O/S 18/04/2018 Support 180790 27 Chapel Road
O/S 12/12/2017 Object 173127 Land adj. to Hill House Farm
08/05/2018 Approved 21/03/2018 Observation 180549 Newbridge Mill Farm, Newbridge Hill
30/04/2018 Approved 18/04/2018 Support 180696 26 Bradbrook Cottages
25/04/2018 Approved 21/03/2018 Observation 180637 115 Chapel Road


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