Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Held on Wed 17th May 2017 at the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm
Planning Committee Members: | Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Murray Harlow, Andrew Savage and Laura Walkingshaw (Clerk) | Next meeting:
Wed 21st Jun 2017, J L Hall at 7.30pm |
Apologies: | Chris Stevenson, Brian Butcher | |
Members of the public present: | 0 | |
Declarations of Interest: | Bob Tyrrell declared an interest in Item 1, pre-application representation and took no part in the discussion. |
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village .
Item 1: To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications
8 Colchester Road, West Bergholt – a pre-application representation was made by Bob Tyrrell. There are plans to add a two-bedroom bungalow at the end of the garden for the use of invalid parents. It has a very shallow pitch roof, of 25o, at the front and a flat roof at the back in order to keep in line with the neighbouring hedge. The Planning Committee reviewed the drawings and looked forward to the application being made.
Item 2: Current planning applications:
Location | Proposal | Application No. and link to CBC planning website | Object / Support / Observations | Decision or Recommendation | Comments by Planning Committee |
Roundwood, 48 Lexden Road, West Bergholt CO6 3BX | Demolition of existing dwelling and associated outbuildings, to allow for the erection of 2 no. new dwellings and garages together with 1 no. new vehicular access, 1 no. improved vehicular access and the ‘stopping up’ of 1 no. vehicular access and additional parking and manoeuvring facilities. | 170994 | Object | Decision | The Parish Council has no objection in principle to two properties on this site. However it was felt that the current proposals are overpowering as they stretch boundary to boundary and look very ‘housing estate’ in appearance. The site is sandwiched between two traditional and attractive properties. We are of the view the houses should be narrower and maybe 1.5 storey creating a feeling of more space on the site edges, and the adjacent public footpath.
The elevational treatment is very urban in appearance. Lexden Road contains an eclectic mix of properties and the proposals should reflect this or be contemporary, like the new houses further down Lexden Road. The proposals are not in keeping with the Village Design Statement. |
Alcrofts Farm, Bures Road, West Bergholt Colchester, CO6 3DW | Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of new outbuilding into two bedroom building for self catering holiday let purposes. | 171197 | Support | Decision | Whilst there is no objection in principle the Parish Council would like to see a condition of approval attached so that the building cannot be sold as a separate, permanent dwelling at any time in the future. |
Alcrofts Farm, Bures Road, West Bergholt Colchester, CO6 3DW |
Listed building application for demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of new outbuilding into two bedroom building for self catering holiday let purposes. |
171199 | Support | Decision | With regards to the listed building application, the Parish Council would defer to the Borough Council’s Conservation Officers opinion on the design of the building due to its proximity to the adjacent Listed Building. |
Item 3. Other matters:
a. Review Planning Decisions:
- 170693 – 115 Chapel Road – Approved Conditional
- 170469 – Land North of Spring Cottage – Approved Conditional
- 170854 – 39 Lexden Road – Approved Conditional
- 170200 – Land off Bakers Lane, Colchester
- 170664 – 6 Heathside
- 170924 – Newbridge Hill
- 170839 – Land north of The White Hart, Nayland Road
Planning Inspectorate Appeal – 162249 Whitehouse Farm, Whitehouse Lane – Appeal Allowed 16/05/17