Planning and Development Committee – 21st October 2015

Notes & Decisions of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Held on Wed 21st October 2015 at the John Lampon Hall at 7.30pm                     

Planning Committee


Bob Tyrell (Chair), Brian Butcher ( Vice Chair), Andrew Savage, Murray Harlow, Chris Stevenson (Chair of Parish Council) & Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk) Next meeting:

Wed 18th Nov 2015 in the J L Hall

Apologies: None
Members of the public present: None  
Declarations of Interest: None  

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village .

Item 1:         To receive any pre-application representations regarding proposed planning applications

Item 2:         Current planning applications

Location Proposal Application No. and link to CBC planning website Object / Support / Observations Decision or Recommendation Comments by Planning Committee
9 Albany Road, West Bergholt,CO6 3LB Single storey rear, first floor front extensions and alterations. 152147 Observation Decision The planning application supplied no street scene, please refer to DG8 on the Village Design Statement, making it difficult to put the development in context with adjacent properties.

Note: where the reference to the Village Design Statement (VDS) has been made in the above comments. The VDS has been adopted by the Parish Council and Colchester Borough Council.

Item 3: Other matters –

  1. Update on the planting at McNally Mews, former site of village pond.

This is not a planning application, but a private matter between the Parish Council’s Planning Committee and the owner. However, there have recently been two separate enquiries from neighbours, one of whom was provided with a history of the site and the other, who was referred to the Borough Planning portal for information. The owner appears to be carrying out work that he had previously informed the Parish Council of and the Planning Committee would like to note that work has started.

  1. Review Planning Decisions – Planning Decisions reviewed.

  2. Produce an agenda for the meeting with Colchester Borough Planner on Nov 6th.

  • Village Design Statement – how do CBC Planners take this into account?
  • Figures of where Parish objected and Borough supported.
  • Not notified by CBC, e.g. 24 Bradbrook Cottages
  • Need for a street scene – AS to check Chelmsford Council

Donard Drive, good example of this – CS to photograph

Can planners request whether an application can be seen by a public footpath or highway?

  • Poor Quality Drawings, examples of good and bad practice, Homecroft & 45-47 Lexden Road
  • Would like to be appraised of the no. of new houses in West Bergholt since the last Local Plan was adopted.

VDS planning guidance

DG1      Any development that would cause a negative impact on the valley sides will be resisted by the Parish council

DG2      Where it is a planning Issue any remaining hedgerows, native trees and small copses should be retained in the new landscape plans

DG3      General Design – All proposed new build and extensions must enhance the area and make a positive architectural contribution

DG4      Backland and infill proposals will be resisted except in exceptional cases, nuisance of adjacent dwellings will be considered

DG5      Garden sizes may need to be substantially larger than these minimum standards in order that garden sizes reflect the size and shape of gardens in the area

DG6      CBC Sustainable Construction SPD

DG7      Buildings must be in harmony with the surroundings in respect of materials, colour, texture, proportion and scale

DG8      Planning applications must show contextually the impact of their proposals on adjacent buildings by means of adequately detailed plans with a street elevation and appropriate sections and elevations of any other adjacent buildings.

DG9      Building materials – All materials should be selected from those traditionally used within the Village.

DG10    Any infill development should reflect the character of the surrounding area and protect the amenity of neighbours. It should reinforce the uniformity of the street by reflecting the scale, mass, height, form, materials, fenestration and architectural details of its neighbours

DG11    The width of new building plots should be similar to that prevailing in the immediate area

DG12    New development should respect existing building lines of adjacent properties.

DG13    New buildings should respect that height of buildings immediately adjacent.

DG14    Infill Dormers should be used sparingly and be subservient in nature

DG15    Infill Developments should be modest in proportions and in scale with surrounding properties. They should not dominate. Their architectural style and finishes should be compatible and vernacular any infill should comply with Infill SPD

DG16    Roof scape is an important aspect of the village especially in the centre. New or replaced roofs should retain the existing height and pitch

DG17    External finishes should be in keeping with the traditional colours and materials in the village

DG18    Development undertaken should be in keeping with the planned nature of existing buildings

DG19    Careful consideration should be given to the impact of construction on views across the village

DG20    Rainwater goods shall be black an indicated on submitted elevations. All new service intakes to dwellings apart from gas and electricity to be run internally and not visible on the exterior. All soil and waste plumbing shall be run internally and shall not be visible to the exterior

DG21    Balanced flue outlets from central heating boilers and other gas appliances shall not be positioned on street elevations

DG22    Eaves to all roofs shall be open with exposed rafter feet rather than boxed

DG23    Details of all boundary walls, fences and gates around the site shall be as submitted drawing but should not lead to urbanisation

DG24    Any new agricultural buildings should be designed and sited to minimise the effect on the landscape

DG25    Original materials or materials which are sympathetic to the existing buildings should be used

DG26    Details such as windows, doors and roof pitches should reflect those of the original building

DG27    Careful consideration should be given to the visual impact of extensions and particularly conservatories, when they are visible either from the street or from public thoroughfares such as footpaths, bridleways etc.

DG28    There should be no unacceptable adverse impact upon the amenities of adjoining residential properties wherever possible mature trees and shrubs should be conserved

DG29    New buildings, in any area, should respect the scale and design of adjacent buildings

DG30    Building details such as doors, windows and roof pitches should be designed with regard to buildings existing in the vicinity

DG31    Highly reflective solar panels should not be installed if they have a visual impact on neighbouring properties or the roof-scape of the village

DG32    Modern additions such as satellite dishes, wind turbines and flues should be concealed from public

DG33    Alternative use of agricultural buildings must not have any adverse effect or cause any disturbance to any adjacent property Buildings must be of suitable for conversion

DG34    The Parish Council will challenge any changes to this equilibrium.

DG35    New parking in directly front of property should be avoided

DG36    Car parking standards to comply with ECC standards 2010

DG37    General Street-scape Guidance

DG38    The PC will resists any built form that would have a detrimental impact on the street scene by virtue of the proposal being forward of the building line of a small cluster of neighbouring dwellings.

DG39    The Parish Council fully supports CBC policy against new residential development outside the village envelope.

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