Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the John Lampon Hall on 22nd July 2015 at 7.30p.m.
Chair: | Chris Stevenson |
Parish Councillors Present: | Brian Butcher, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Rosemary James, Andrew Savage, Chris Stevenson, Harry Stone, Rachel Howard and Phil Walby |
Parish Clerk: | Laura Walkingshaw |
Borough Councillors: | Councillor Willetts |
Present: | 1 member of the public |
Part I – Public
1. Receive Apologies
Apologies were received from John Gili-Ross, Murray Harlow and Councillor Harrington.
2. Questions from registered electors
The Parish Clerk has received an email from Mr N. Sanders of Heathlands School firework committee containing a series of questions for the Parish Council. AS will work with the PC to write a response to these queries and PW will check the availability of the Poors Land with the Youth Football Club.
3. Receive items for information not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council
No items were brought forward.
4. Declarations of Interest
Chris Stevenson declared an interest in items relating to Essex County Council, particularly Highway issues.
5. Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 24th June 2015 were approved and signed with no amendments.
6. Report for Colchester Borough Councillors
Councillor Willetts gave the following report:
Councillor Willetts advised that although there was nothing to note locally at this time, but the Borough Council as part of its Local Plan preparations is assessing the outcome of its “call for sites” process is of relevance to all local parish councils. Land Owners are being asked to state whether land has the potential for development. At present the Borough Councillors are in an assessment stage, rather than a decision stage, looking at the characteristics of the land which has come forward.
HS asked if any specific sites have been identified for development in our parish. Councillor Willetts stated that a uniform sustainability analysis will be carried out, identifying initially which sites are non-starters and which have potential. Data-gathering at present, rather than decision-making. Once the Borough Council has made its assessment, sites with definite potential may be included in the preferred option, which would be the subject of consultations next year.
7. Finance
a) To note Election of Vice chair
Chris Stevenson was elected as Vice chair.
b) Approval of Terms of Reference
Proposed to accept the Terms of Reference by HS, seconded by JC. All in favour.
c) Sub-Committee expenditure guidance
Proposed to accept the Sub-Committee expenditure guidance by RJ, seconded by PW. All in favour.
Any problems that are ascertained once the document is in use, can be amended accordingly.
Copies of the guidance are to be sent to the Hall Administrator and the Handyman.
d) Statement of Accounts for June 2015
The final accounts for June 2015 were presented as follows:
The General Account showed 47% income, 18% general expenditure, 28% environment expenditure and 21% expenditure overall.
The Hall Account showed 32% income and 18% expenditure.
The Village Beacon will be included in the Village Sign column from now on. BT requested a Social Club forecast sheet, to help identify their payments. PC will check the insurance covering the Social Club with the Premises Committee.
e) Draw cheques
It was proposed by AS and seconded by BB to make the following payments, All in favour:
General Account |
Salary Payments to Mrs Walsom, Mrs Walkingshaw and Steve Cook | ||
L Walkingshaw | Stamps | 19.44 |
A-Z Supplies | Stationery | 1.91 |
Countrywide | Grass Cutting | 145.00 |
CBC | Bin Emptying | 343.20 |
Ernest Doe | Blower | 240.00 |
SLCC | Online New Clerks Training Course | 118.80 |
KingServ | Website Quarterly Bill | 264.00 |
Printerland | Clerk’s Printer | 238.80 |
County Broadband | Clerk’s Broadband Installation | 160.49 |
Andrew Savage | Laptop for Planning Sub-Committee | 429.25 |
Laura Walkingshaw | Black Printer Cartridge | 11.24 |
I M Beckwith | Mowing, Strimming, Hedge Cutting, Beacon | 280.38 |
Orpen Hall Account |
Salary Payment to Mrs Beckwith-Cole | ||
L Walkingshaw | Keys | 50.00 |
Anglian Security & Fire | Fixing Alarm | 108.00 |
GW Commercial Heating | Replacement Disabled WC | 262.16 |
A-Z Supplies | 50m Extension Reel | 49.19 |
Groupbridge | Resurfacing – Vat Payment | 1000.00 |
Salary payments were made to Val Walsom, Laura Walkingshaw and Stephen Cook from the General Account and Vicky Beckwith-Cole from the Hall Account.
PW reminded the PC that the Countrywide payment for grass cutting the Poors Land in June should be charged to Heathlands School. The PC will contact the school’s Financial Officer for reimbursement.
[Click to view: Summary Accounts June 2015]
8. Traffic Safety Plan
Chris Stevenson declared an interest in this item.
Treble Tile Parking – the PC received an email from the Treble Tile withdrawing parking facilities for parents of Heathlands School. HS has spoken to the Landlord of the Treble Time, who is willing to meet and talk with the Parish Council within the next week. HS and CS to attend the meeting. HS is looking into possibility of parking permits. CS stated a meeting was needed with school Headteacher (Mr Hallam) and governors to reiterate the need of a working travel plan. PC will book meeting with Mr Hallam, CS and HS for early in the next academic year. Signage for the 20m/hr zone and yellow lines are things which the PC has initiated, but these need to be set in the context of a combined approach to school travel, which needs the PC and the School to work together.
9. Clerk’s Items to Note
a) Hand in Hand Day, West Bergholt
PC received an email stating that the Community Zone Team will be visiting the village on the 11th August to tidy & clean the area. The Orpen Hall has been booked for the workers and volunteers to meet at 9.30am. JG-R has created a draft list of jobs such as cleaning road signs, the bus shelter at the Methodist Church and clearing up litter hotspots. Any problem areas should be emailed to the PC. The PC will advertise the event on the notice boards, Dave Kingaby will do a news item on the website and JC will do a newsletter. PC to email JC Hand in Hand letter.
b) EALC Courses
Latest calendar of events (2015) issued from Essex Association of Local Councils. PC to email to all Councillors.
c) Hedge along Lorkin Daniell Field & Glenmore Developments
PC was contacted by Glenmore Developments asking if they could give the hedge adjacent to their building work a cut. It was agreed by the Parish Council that they could give it a light trim and possibly trim the Lorkin Daniell field as a nice gesture. PC to check advice from DEFRA with regards hedgerow trimming dates and nesting birds.
10. Training Courses
a) ILCA – Introduction to Local Council Administration
PC has just began this online course.
11. Planning
a) Approval of Terms of Reference
Planning Committee agreed to keep current Terms of Reference.
b) To note the decisions made on Planning Applications at the Planning Committee held on 15th July 2015:
- 151196 – 8 Lampon Close – Observation – The Parish Council would refer to the Borough Council Planners for their decision. As there is no section showing adjacent buildings (VDS policy DG8), we are unable to comment further.
- 151244 – 56 Mumford Road – Object – The Parish Council object on the grounds that the first floor extension would appear to infringe the 45sight lines from the adjacent property windows. Unable to comment further in the absence of elevations of adjacent properties (VDS policy DG8).
- 151292 – 66 Lexden Road – Observation – To avoid overlooking the neighbouring property, the Parish Council would suggest obscure glass.
- 151364 – Whitehouse Farm – Object – The property is clearly outside the village envelope. The PC fully supports CBC policy that there should be no additional dwellings outside the village envelope.
- 151430 – 31 Albany Road – Observation – The Parish Council is concerned about the mass of the side elevation in relation to the neighbouring bungalow, please refer to policy DG7 of the Village Design Statement. Also, as there is no street scene (VDS policy DG8), we are unable to comment further.
- 151379 – Wickhams, Bures Road – Support – The Parish Council has no comment.
Other Planning items of note:
- 2 Donard Drive – the development’s extent has been checked by Essex Highways, who are happy with the boundaries.
- Homecroft – passed its target date – it is believed that the developer has been asked to provide further information to the Borough Council before a decision can be made
- Planning Record Sheet – PC keeping a record of CBC Planning Decisions. AS noted that when it comes to CBC going against the Parish Council’s Objections the applicants may have made changes after speaking to the planners.
c) Neighbourhood Plan – Report
BB AS, BT, CS & BB attended a meeting with Rachel Forkin (CBC Planner). They have been advised of the current Local Plan program and where it will be by autumn & spring. A further meeting is to be set up so that the NP representatives can be given further details of the sites which have come forward and how this can dovetail with the NP process. A Site Specific Assessment will be available in draft form in the autumn and then formally issued next March as part of the preferred options consultation on the Local Plan. On other NP matters, CS has met with Eight Ash Green to discuss the progress they have made towards their own NP.
12. Environment and Highways
a) To note Election of Vice Chair
Rosemary James was elected as Vice chair.
b) Approval of Terms of Reference
Proposed to accept Terms of Reference by RJ, seconded by JC. All in favour.
c) Summer Vacation Assistance
Pay and hours agreed, awaiting Environment & Highways committee to advertise.
d) Mower/Strimmer for allotments
Plan for mower/strimmer in its early stages – plan is for main paths to be cut by volunteers, not this year, but in subsequent years. Allotment committee would like a grant from the Parish Council, part of the conditions of which would be that it would be maintained by the Allotment holders, who would also need to take on board insurance and health & safety matters.
12. Premises and Recreation
a) Approval of Terms of Reference
All in favour of some Terms of Reference migrating to the Environment & Highways Committee.
b) PCC Election
Proposed to charge £250.00 for the PCC and other elections held in the Orpen Hall. This is comparable to other halls and the loss of lettings in both halls during the elections. Proposed by CS, seconded by AS, all agreed.
c) Dado rail in JL Hall
Dado rail proposed by PW in the John Lampon Hall to stop the tables from being knocked into the walls and ruining the paintwork. BT proposed painting the bottom section of the wall in a tough eggshell paint. A vote was conducted and the dado rail proposal carried by a majority of 6 to 2. PW to confirm with Bluebells that there is no Health & Safety issue or physical problem with having the rail in the hall. PW will call Jackie (Bluebells), if no objections he will notify the rest of the Premises sub-committee in order to begin work during summer vacation.
d) Football Club mower – grass cutting
Football Club have started using their new mowing equipment on the Lorkin Daniell field. Subject to the whole field being cut and a discussion about other matters such as insurance, the Parish Council may be happy to pay the club for this service rather than pay for the mower. This is work in progress at this stage and no contract has been formally entered into with the football club. Further discussions will be held in August.
Items to Note
a) SLCC – The Clerk – July 2015
b) Clerks & Councils Direct – July 2015
c) Footprints – EACH – Spring/Summer 2015
d) Parkes Wholesale – Autumn 2015
e) CQC – Public Listening Event – 07/09/15
Part II – In Committee
Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1).
Resignation of Rachel Howard from West Bergholt Parish Council. CS thanked Rachel for all of her hard work over her time as a Parish Councillor.
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 23rd September 2015 at 7.30pm
The meeting closed at 9pm.
Signed: Date: Position on Parish Council