Minutes of Parish Council 20th May 2015

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the John Lampon Hall on 20th May 2015 at 7.30p.m.

Chair Chris Stevenson
Parish Councillors Present Brian Butcher, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Rosemary James, Andrew Savage, Chris Stevenson, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell and Phil Walby
Parish Clerk Val Walsom
Borough Councillors Councillor Harrington and Councillor Willetts
Present: 2 members of the public

Part I – Public

1.     Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from John Gili-Ross.

2.     Questions from registered electors

Mr Presland of Heathfields, Queens Road re Planning Application – The Planning Committee at its meeting had commented that the proposed extension was overbearing and had recommended objecting.  The resident explained what he is proposing to do to minimise the overbearing appearance. The PC will put an observation forward to CBC with comments as below in item 10.

3.     Receive items for information not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council

AS would like to discuss an Item relating to the Allotments at Item 7. RH would like to raise an item at item 11.

4.     Declarations of Interest

Chris Stevenson declared an interest in items relating to Essex County Council Highways issues.

Bob Tyrrell declared an interest in 2 planning items.

5.     Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 22nd April 2015 were approved and signed with no amendments.

6.     Report for Colchester Borough Councillors

Councillor Willetts gave the following report:

Congratulations to Councillor Harrington on his re-election.

It is good to see that the roads are finally being repaired around the village.

HS asked why, where the work is taking place seems so ‘bitty’?

We need to ascertain whether or not it is the intention of ECC Highways to surface dress the roads.

Recycling bags are now being delivered.  Any areas not receiving their bags should be reported to CBC.

There have been Planning Applications causing concerns namely Homecroft, Chapel Lane and 91 Chapel Road.

Councillor Harrington gave the following report:

Congratulations to members of the Parish Council on their re-election and to Chris Stevenson on his election as Chair.

Residents are unhappy about proposals for building works at Homecroft, Chapel Lane.  This application has been called in by the Borough Council.

A resubmission of an application for 13 Church Close is giving some concern.  Neighbours appeared not to have received letters of notification of the original Application.

7.     Finance

a)     Statement of Accounts for April 2015

The final accounts for April 2015 were presented as follows:

The General Account showed 47% income, 4% general expenditure, 6% environment expenditure and 5% expenditure overall.

The Hall Account showed 15% income and 7% expenditure.

An invoice has been sent to the Social Club for gas, rates and water rates.  The deadline for payment is 30 days from the date of invoice.  The Social Club is behind with rent payments.

b)     Draw cheques

It was proposed by AS and seconded by BT to make the following payments:

Payment Details Expense Purpose Amount
General Account
Zurich Management Annual membership 123.00
John Gili-Ross Mileage claim   70.20
Countrywide Grass cutting 145.00
David Kingaby Website manager 264.00
Anglian Water Poors Field and Allotments   59.83
Inland Revenue Tax 176.20
Orpen Hall Account
Mike’s Cleaning Cleaning 607.50
S J Andrews Electrical work   90.00
RCCE Membership   48.00

Salary payments were made to Val Walsom and Stephen Cook from the General Account and Vicky Beckwith-Cole from the Hall Account.

[Click to view: Summary Accounts April 2015]

c)     Annual Audit of Accounts

The accounts are still with GP Allen our internal auditor.  The Auditor has given the PC an extension to 29th June 2015 to present the accounts.  This is necessary as the meeting to approve the accounts will take place on 24th June 2015.

A letter has been received from ECC to advise that the ditch on Allotment land opposite the co-op next to the zebra crossing needs clearing.  Norhurst Landscapes has quoted to do the work at a cost of £760.  This cost was approved and the work will go ahead.

8.     Traffic Safety Plan

There is nothing to report other than what has been reported at Item 6 above.

9.     Clerk’s Items to Note

a) Essex County Council – Statement of Community involvement – Update 2015 (draft)
Public Consultation – 14th May to 24th June 2015

10.    Planning

a)    To approve Planning Applications discussed at the Planning Committee meeting held on 13th May 2015:

The following Planning Application comments were approved:

  • 150702 – Homecroft, Chapel Lane – Object – The Parish Council accepts that the site will be developed. However, the information provided is of a very poor quality, so for example it is impossible to determine the relationship of the buildings proposed, on a sloping site.  The house layouts do not respect the site contours, such that some of the buildings are 1.5m out of the ground in places, and there are steps down on the sketch section that do not appear on the site plan.  A street scene plan has not been provided (DG8) and, as a result, it is impossible to tell how the proposal sits within the immediate residential area.  It is not felt that the design complements the neighbourhood (DG3 and DG7) and the level and setting out of the buildings could be improved upon.  We are of the view that, based on the information provided, it is impossible to accurately determine this application.
  • 150677 – 11 Colchester Road – Support with no comments
  • 150744 – 91 Chapel Road – Object – The Parish Council queries whether this can be considered as permitted development. The bungalow is located on a bend in Chapel Road, so the side elevation is also an elevation ‘facing the highway’. Therefore, the extension does not comply with permitted development.  Notwithstanding the issue of permitted development, the proposals do not enhance the immediate built-environment. (DG3 & DG7).
  • 150852 – The Armoury, Armoury Road – Support with no comments
  • 150856 – South Lodge, Cooks Hall Road – Support with no comments
  • 150863 – 45 – 47 Lexden Road – Support with no comments (BT Declared an interest in this application)
  • 150902 – Pattens Yard, Nayland Road – Obervations – The PC notes the information provided in support of a discharge of planning conditions.
  • 150920 – Heathfield, Queens Road – Observations – It is quite difficult from the drawings available to determine the overall ‘look’ of the extension. In particular, the PC is concerned about the potential overpowering effect of the extension on the original house.  It is normal practice that an extension should be subservient to the original building and the design as proposed should be examined carefully so as to achieve this effect.
  • 150967 – 8 Lampon Close – Support with no comments (BT Declared an interest in this application)
  • 150827 – 13 Church Close – Observations – The alterations to the building materials would appear to improve the design but the PC is most concerned that residents in the area did not feel they had been consulted on the original applications.

b)    Neighbourhood Plan – Report

There have been over 200 questionnaires returned and comments are now being analysed.

NP Steering Group representatives are talking with CBC to make sure we have consulted formerly with neighbourhood parishes. A discussion with CBC about the sort of housing the village might be prepared to take will also be held shortly.  In the Autumn a further consultation will take place about the sort of housing proposed for the village.

Eight Ash Green has advertised formerly to form a Neighbourhood Plan and it was suggested that this Parish Council supports them.

There will be no meeting this month.

11.    Environment and Highways

Stinging nettles on the edge of Poors Field need to be cleared up.  The Village Handyman will be   asked to clear the nettles.

Weeds along the bottom of the fence and hedge adjacent to the Allotments on New Church Road and Chapel Road need to be cleared.

No Dogs Allowed signs for the Lorkin Daniell Field need to be made more visible.        

12.    Premises and Recreation

Heathlands PTA has asked for permission to use Poors Land for the Summer Fayre on the 10th July 2015.  This was approved.

Items to Note

  • Clerks and Councils Direct – March 2015
  • LCR – Spring 2015
  • The Essex Playing Field – Spring 2015
  • Plantscape/Urbanscape brochure and CD

Part II – In Committee

Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1).

Appointment of a New Clerk

The process of appointing the new Clerk was approved.

Following interviews a suitable candidate was put forward and accepted by the PC.  The individual will be offered the position and an announcement made through the website in due course.

Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 24th June 2015 at 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 9:25pm.

Signed:                            Date:                              Position on Parish Council


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