Minutes of Parish Council 26th March 2014

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the John Lampon Hall on 26th March 2014 at 7.30p.m.

Chair John Gili-Ross
Parish Councillors Present Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Rachel Howard, Rosemary James, David Short, Chris Stevenson, Harry Stone and Bob Tyrrell,
Parish Clerk Val Walsom
Borough Councillors Councillor Harrington, Councillor Willetts
Present: Brian Butcher and 4 Members of the Public

Part I – Public

1.   Receive Apologies

Apologies were received from Andrew Savage

2.   Questions from registered electors

Residents concerned about the Kebab van on the Queen’s Head car park would like the Parish Council to monitor cars parked in dangerous places around the pub.  There are concerns about litter encouraging vermin.  The residents believe the planning application is riddled with inaccuracies.  Some local residents were not aware of the planning application so may miss the deadline to comment.

John Gili-Ross advised that the Parish Council’s response to the application must respond to issues within its remit as a statutory body.

Chris Stevenson advised that the Parish Council will object to the planning application.  The response is simple; that it is against the Village Design Statement policy and not appropriate in this village.  The issues raised by residents will be added as additional comments as a reflection of the concerns raised.

Marcus Harrington commented that this issue has caused a lot of interest with strong feelings on both sides, some in support.  In pursuit of fairness this application has been called in to the Borough Council Planning Department allowing a representative from both sides to comment on the application.

A resident advised that there are 32 comments for the proposal none of which, he believed, would be personally affected by the location of the Kebab van.

3.   Receive items for information not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council

No items were received.

4.   Declarations of Interest

Chris Stevenson declared an interest in Items 8 and 12 relating to Highways.

Bob Tyrrell has an interest in a Planning Issue in item 11.

5.   Minutes

Minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 26th February 2014 were approved and signed.

6.   Report for Colchester Borough Councillors

Councillor Willetts gave the following report:

The Locality budget allocation of £2000 has been received by the Parish Council.

Refuse sacks supply to be delivered w/c 26th April and 7th May.  Borough Councillors will be checking that they are being delivered.  There is a 4 week window to complain if they are not received.

County Broadband briefing about improvements received.  Has the Parish Council received the same briefing?

We have received correspondence indicating how we can upgrade.  We have asked Councillor Ann Brown to intercede with ECC to help with funding.  We don’t know the time frames for delivery of superfast broadband.

Councillor Harrington gave the following report:

Mr and Mrs Geddes’ High Trees Farm Barn planning application was recommended for approval which is considered a triumph.

Contextual elevations – Councillor Harrington had asked Bob Tyrrell to pick out a special application which he will call in to make a strong case to CBC.

John Gili-Ross thanked both Councillors for their contribution of the Locality Budget.

7.   Finance

a)  Statement of Accounts for February 2014

The accounts for February 2014 were presented as follows:

The General Account showed 101% income, 63% general expenditure, 85% environment expenditure and 71% expenditure overall.

The Hall Account showed 86% income and 87% expenditure.

b)  Draw cheques

It was proposed by JC and seconded by CS to make the following payments:

Payment Details Expense Purpose Amount
General Account
Mail Boxes Etc Village Bulletin 640.00
Val Walsom Domain renewal 14.28
RCCE Annual membership 96.00
CBC Donation for SOS Bus 200.00
Brian Butcher Neighbourhood Plan 13.32
Inland Revenue Tax/NI 221.00
T Claydon Allotments 70.99
John Gili-Ross Expenses 135.20
Orpen Hall Account
Mike’s Cleaning Cleaning 525.00
Elanar Technical Boiler repairs 293.76
STC Contracts Roof repairs 480.00

Salary payments were made to Val Walsom, Gary Walls and Stephen Cook from the General Account and Vicky Beckwith-Cole from the Hall Account.

[Click to view Summary Accounts – Summary Accounts February 2014]

c)  County Broadband update

See Item 6 above. CS will be writing to County Broadband.

d)  Scout Hut Licence and rent update

A response from the Charity Commission (CC) has been received which confirmed the instruction received in 2002 remains the same with regard to a Licence being the appropriate agreement for use of the scout hut.  The CC advised that it remains ultimately for the Trustees to decide what type of agreement should be offered but if a lease is considered then the CC need to be consulted on content.  The CC suggests that if a Licence is not acceptable to the Scouts then 3 months’ notice for the Scouts to quit the premises is an option.

It was agreed to formally ask the Scouts to sign the Licence without delay.  The Scouts will be given 4 weeks to sign the Licence and make the outstanding payment, and failing this they will be given 3 months to quit the premises effective from 27/03/14.

8.   Traffic Safety Plan

Chris Stevenson declared an interest in this item.

Work is moving forward.  Signs are going up and work is currently being carried out on the new surface around the junction of New Church Road/Lexden Road.  We are still awaiting the outcome of the 20mph speed survey.  Awaiting the yellow lines and response from Essex Highways as to when this work will be carried out.

9.   Update on Orpen Memorial car park project

The project is being put back until the summer holiday because of additional drainage work which will need to be carried out.  This needs to be investigated further to ensure a satisfactory outcome.  Further tenders may be sought to ensure best value.   We are not in danger of losing the grant which will be rolled over to the new financial year.

10.  Clerk’s Items to Note

a)  Review of Standing Orders
The Standing Orders have been drafted.  Once the Financial Regulations have been agreed the Standing Orders will be amended in line with these and approved.

b)  RCCE Village Hall management committee training event – 24/04/14

c)  RCCE Village Hall management committee training event – 14/05/14

d)  Local Government Boundary Commission – Electoral review of Colchester

e)  Annual Parish Meeting – To discuss date and format
It was agreed to hold the meeting on 21/05/14 and to invite volunteers to the meeting as last year.

f)  A request for permission to use the Lorkin Daniell field for a family day on 25/05/14 in aid of the East Anglian Children’s Hospice had been received.
This was agreed and a donation will be made by the Parish Council to the cost of the hiring the field.

g)  An invitation to a special preview of the refurbishment of Colchester Castle on 14/04/14 will be taken up by Chris Stevenson and Bob Tyrrell to attend.

11)  Planning

a)  To approve comments and decisions for Planning Applications (Reports from the Planning Committee’s meetings on 19th March 2014 were received):

To approve comments for Planning Applications:

140381 – Delmont, Hall Road – the application was supported with no comments.

142468 – 44 New Church Road – The application was supported with the following comments:

The PC is impressed with the quality of this planning application especially the illustration which clearly shows how the new dwellings would feature and integrate into the street scene. VDS Policy DG3 has been fulfilled in this respect. The PC would draw CBC’s attention to the side windows of the proposed houses at the boundary and suggests that those to the first floor be constructed/ positioned so that they would not overlook the gardens adjacent.

142481 – Queens Head Public House – the application was objected with the following comments: The proposed mobile trailer is sited in an attractive part of the village with its pleasing pub frontage and opposite the village duck pond. The presence of the trailer does not enhance the environment in this sensitive location and runs contrary to VDS Policy DG34 and is not an acceptable proposition for this reason.
Further comments will be added to reflect the comments made by local residents.

142144 – 7 Albany Road – Observations were made as follows: This proposal may be acceptable but it is impossible to tell from the drawing supplied. The PC is concerned at the very poor quality of information provided and would see CBC request further details as a condition of any approval. VDS Policies DG3, 7 and 8 are important in this regard and it is difficult to gauge whether these have been achieved.  We are specifically concerned how the front elevation will look.  With the existing garage opening being filled with brickwork, matching brickwork and mortar is almost impossible, and we are concerned as to the final appearance. Therefore we would like to suggest the garage walls are smooth rendered to avoid this problem.
Bob Tyrrell declared an interest in this application.

142518 – Barn House, 9 Lexden Road – The application was supported with no comments.

142851 – 13 Church Close – The application was supported with no comments.

b)  Neighbourhood Plan – Report

Following the successful meeting in February the Steering group will be looking at three areas:

  • Futures of the village
  • Evidence base for building up information of the village
  • Environment protection

A number of people have expressed an interest in being kept informed.

Chris Stevenson will do a short report after future meeting.

c)  Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference have been drafted.

12.  Environment and Highways

Chris Stevenson declared an interest in any items relating to Highways

a)  Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference have been drafted.

b)  Open Gardens event

The Gardeners Association has formed a sub-committee and would like to hold an Open Gardens Event on 22nd June 2014.

c)  Gary Walls’ leaving ‘do’

Parish Councillors are invited for a lunch time drink in the White Hart on 1st April at 1pm.  All welcome.

Other Issues

John Gili-Ross suggested additional planting areas at entrances to the village.  Village volunteers could be asked if they would like to be involved with planning and implementing this work.  Essex County Councillor Anne Brown has been asked to explore ownership of the areas to be considered.

13.  Premises and Recreation

a)  Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference have been drafted.

All Terms of Reference will be written in the same format for approval at the next Parish Council meeting.

b)  Play area

Matting around the roundabout needs attention and posts allowing access onto the Lorkin Daniell Field have been renewed.  The cost for both items is £260.

14.  War Memorial

Report from Working Party

The working party had a meeting with OM which was not very conclusive.  Ownership of the wall needs to be ascertained.  The wall is a party wall and nobody appears to know who is responsible for paying for what.  Boydens has advised that OM is not interested in doing anything.  Boydens has looked into the position and has convinced their management party that funding should be released.  We are awaiting the identity of Trustee directors from OM to find out if they will be contributing to the cost.

Ideally, we would like to have this work done by 4th August.

Poppy seeds – It was agreed to purchase 10 packets of poppy seeds available through Kelvedon Parish Council to be used on part of the green space between the Truman’s war memorial and Colchester Road.

15.  Emergency Planning

Harry Stone has produced an Emergency Plan document in consultation with the CBC emergency officer.  It will be brought to a future meeting for discussion.

Items to Note

  1. RCCE – Village Halls and Community Buildings Update
  2. Lock Lintel – River Stour Trust
  3. Clerks and Councils Direct
  4. Local Council Review

Part II – In Committee

Matters taken in the absence of Press and Public (Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the item contains exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (1).

There were no matters to discuss.

Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 23rd April 2014 at 7.30p.m.

The meeting closed at 9:20p.m.


Signed:Position on Parish Council: Date:
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