The president thanked members who have made cakes for the St Helena Hospice. Erika Cole reported on the 90th County Annual Meeting at which a 1,000 delegates attended.
Islington is the latest W I to join Essex complete with its own website. George Mills is hoping to take many birthday cards from Essex W I’s to Dr P who is 70 and runs the Children’s Rehabilitation Centre in Chernigov, Ukraine. The Cuban Cycle Ride raised £3,000 for the W I Denman College. W I volunteers are required to form a team for the Village Quiz on Saturday 19 May. Contact our secretary.
The speaker Mr Brian Piccolo with the aid of slides talked about his sponsored walk from north to south island in New Zealand raising money for charities in Britain and New Zealand. He power-walked 40 miles per day.
As there is only one resolution to be discussed in May, members can enjoy a talk by Mrs Val Carter on Russian Dolls. Competition ‘A Peg Doll’.