Urgent Need for Volunteers

Your village needs you - call for vaccine marshals

Volunteers Needed to Support the Local Vaccine Programme

The vaccine programme at the West Bergholt Surgery has so far been highly successful. This is as a result of the NHS staff and the many volunteers and Marshalls who have assisted with traffic flow duties and parking during vaccination sessions. The Marshalls fulfil an important task in minimising inconvenience to the local residences and ensuring those visiting the local surgery are assisted according to their need, particularly those with underlying health issues.

Continuing need

As this vital vaccine programme continues, we are in need of additional volunteers for sessions; mainly on a Saturday between the hours of 8.00am and 5.00pm. Where practical each session is split into two four and a half hours i.e., 8am – 12.30pm and 12.30pm to 5.00pm; the more volunteers that participate, the less time each volunteer has to do.

If you can spare some time to participate and make a difference in this vital national programme at a local level, please contact Mervyn Donnelly. To can email him at [email protected] providing your mobile and land line numbers, postal address, and age. Alternatively, text to 07967731197 providing email address, landline number, postal address and age.

Any personal details provided will not be shared with any other organisation.
Please consider volunteering and help beat this dreadful virus together.

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