Upcoming diary highlights

A number of calendar events have been highlighted for the upcoming period as follows:

Harvest Festival

On Sunday 20 September the Methodist church’s Harvest Festival service is at 11am with the church being decorated from 9.30 am on 19th. Afterwards gifts of fruit, vegetables, packets and tinned food will be distributed to Colchester Night Shelter and Women’s Refuge.

All About Garden Herbs

The village Gardeners Association begins the new season of meetings on Monday 21 in the Orpen Hall at 7.30pm. The club welcomes the return of Matthew Tanton Brown who will talk about Garden Herbs – their cultivation and uses. The AGM will follow. Everyone welcome.

World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

As part of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning to raise funds for MacMillan cancer support the above takes place in St.Mary the Virgin church, New Church Road from 9am to 12 noon on Thursday 24 September.

Many more events and activities, of course, are always available on the village diary.

(Image above copyright D Kingaby – reproduction permitted only with credit)

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at http://www.westbergholt.net
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