Traffic Safety Plan news update

Traffic Safety Plan - Appendix 2a
Overview of measures (click to enlarge)

At a special meeting of the Parish Council held on 6th November, the traffic safety plan designed to help alleviate some of the traffic problems in and around New Church Road, particularly around school times, was approved.

In brief the plan is to put restrictions on parking at the junctions along New Church Road, including the end junctions where inconsiderate parking can cause dangers at any time.  Part of the plan is to raise awareness of the need to take extra care in the vicinity of a school and to achieve this the Parish Council will seek the imposition of a 20mph limit along the road.   Also the part the school can play in influencing drivers’ behaviour was discussed and so it is hoped that working with the Parish Council and local residents a campaign to impact on the problem will be launched as the above measures are put into place.

The full plan is now published on the village web site, also available with the plan is a summary of the way it has been developed and the consultations that have taken place, particularly with local residents.  Links to these are posted below:

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