Women’s Institute January Update

WI meeting December 2014 with flower arrangements

WI Craft with Flowers

The December meeting took on a craft theme. Members were advised by the Colne Valley Flower Club president, Pat Sharman, and with the aid of greenery, decorations and candles, individual Christmas Rings were made.  It was a great success and even the less ‘green fingered’ ladies were pleased with their results.

Members provided savouries for the supper which followed and the evening concluded with a grand raffle so large that everyone received a prize. A fitting end to another enjoyable year.

St PetersburgSt Petersburg

The president welcomed members and a visitor to the January meeting. Following the business, Susan Leng gave a talk on St Petersburg with slides.

The competition was My New Year’s Resolution, which were read out to great amusement and members voted with coins. These were collected for ACWW.  The evening concluded with slides covering our many WI activities during 2014.

More details about the West Bergholt WI are on our webpage.

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