Heathlands Calls for Your Help

Your Help is Needed to Raise Funds

Like most schools today, fundraising is essential to Heathlands. Whilst they have done well despite COVID-19 (see their end-of-year update), the PTA needs your help once again and it couldn’t be at a more convenient time.

Perfect Time for a Clear Out

As we are easing out of Lockdown the time is perfect for you to be checking your wardrobe to make sure you are ready to be set free. Heathlands PTA have arranged for a Bag2School collection on Thursday 13th May. So, with rain forecast this weekend, why not get out your plastic sacks and fill them with:

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WI meetings and outings

Van Dal - History of shoe production in Norwich

The president Susan Leng welcomed members and thanked all who brought cakes as our annual contribution to St Helena Hospice Colchester.

The July outing will visit the Van-Dal factory and shop in Norwich with free time to follow. Contact 01206 240854 to book a place on the coach.

As part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations the W I is organizing a card with verse competition which will be professionally printed and sent to the Queen from the village of West Bergholt. Forms will be available from the Co-op later this month.

Erika Cole presented the completed photograph album recording the W I’s 90th birthday celebrations during 2011.

Mrs Paula Short was welcomed with her talk on The Artists who Painted Horses.

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at http://www.westbergholt.net
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