Essex Waste Strategy

Essex Waste Strategy 2023

Essex Waste Strategy Flyer

If you already know what you want to say then jump to the how to respond section.

Councils across Essex are working together to develop a new Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy for the next 30 years. They developed the previous strategy in 2007, and much has changed since then, including the significant climate change challenge that we now face.

Waste management is a major contributor to climate change, accounting for about 4% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. Improving environmental efficiency by making different choices about how we collect and treat waste will help reduce these emissions. Waste prevention can also deliver benefits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in other sectors, such as agriculture, transport and manufacturing.

New Strategy

The new strategy will focus on the following key elements:

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Cleaner/Caretaker Vacancy & Other News

Other News

The first item is about the Cleaner/Caretaker role but, if other news interests you, skip to it with these links:

Orpen Hall Needs a Cleaner/Caretaker

A Cleaner/Caretaker is required for the Orpen Hall Complex, Lexden Rd, West Bergholt.

This is a permanent position, based at the Orpen Memorial Hall for up to 16 hours a week on average. Exact cleaning times will be agreed with the Hall Administrator but will typically be:

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Day 60 of (is it?) Lockdown – the Elementary edition

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock HolmesDay 60 of (is it?) Lockdown

Day 60 happens to fall on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s birthday.  So we turn to Sherlock Holmes’ for some light relief at the end.  First some Lockdown updates from the Environment Agency and Essex Council, then we have Parish Council updates and finally Sherlock – elementary.

Anyone for boating?

The latest Environment Agency update reports on progress made in preparing their waterways (including the Thames & Anglian waterways) for leisure activities: Continue reading “Day 60 of (is it?) Lockdown – the Elementary edition”

Day 51 of Lockdown – the Monty Python edition

Day 51 and Monty Python

Monty Python kicks us off on day 51.  I’m afraid this video reminded me a little of some of the daily briefings we are getting.

Today sees the first day of softening in England, how was it for you?  We start with a few government updates – quite a lot came out today; those included here are most relevant to members of the public.

More Government Guidance

Some more guidance updates to ease our way into the common-sense world of soft lockdown, apologies if some of these appear repetitive or, at least, covering the same ground: Continue reading “Day 51 of Lockdown – the Monty Python edition”

Day 16 of Lockdown – “There’s a Lot Going On” Edition

Day 16 of Lockdown

Day 16 of Lockdown and there’s definitely a lot going on.   We have updates from the ECC, CBC, Essex Police and more.  Let’s get started:

Residents urged to heed advice and stay at home as weather is set to improve

With the weather expected to turn increasingly Spring-like over the weekend, residents are being reminded to follow advice to stay at home, protect lives and help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Continue reading “Day 16 of Lockdown – “There’s a Lot Going On” Edition”

Day 15 of Lockdown – The Recycling News Edition

Day 15 of Lockdown

Day 15 and after two weeks of lockdown it almost seems like the new normal!  But, things keep changing.  First, there was no recycling, then there was and, the good news, there will be again tomorrow but read on.  Also, there were no council meetings but, watch this space!  And, again, a little light relief at the end.


CSH EnvironmentalColchester Skip Hire (CSH) were very appreciative of residents respectful behaviour during the recycling collection last Wednesday.  Accordingly, they have arranged to collect again tomorrow at Continue reading “Day 15 of Lockdown – The Recycling News Edition”

Day 8 of Lockdown – The Recycling Again Edition

CSH Environmental TruckDay 8 of Lockdown

Day 8, one whole week under our belt, and a lot has happened.  Last week we heard about how recycling was going to be cut back, something the PC were not happy about.  Well, the PC has been in discussions with a local company and they are pleased to announce that you can recycle again starting from tomorrow, 1st April.  After this announcement, a little light relief in the form of a karaoke-style Tom Jones parody on COVID-19 to sing along to.

West Bergholt Recycling

CSH EnvironmentalCSH Environmental Ltd would like to offer a community waste collection service for the recyclable wastes.  You can mix paper, card, glass, tins and plastics in clear recycling bags.   This is not a kerbside collection but a Continue reading “Day 8 of Lockdown – The Recycling Again Edition”

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