Safe Crossing for Colchester Road

Join the fight for a safe crossing of Colchester Road!

Banner image for petition to secure a safe crossing at Colchester Road


West Bergholt Parish Council, with the support of its County Councillor Lewis Barber, has been trying since the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan in 2019 to obtain agreement from Essex County Council to provide a crossing, of some sort, across Colchester Road. A crossing and/or traffic calming will allow residents, especially those from the new and proposed housing sites, to safely access all the village’s facilities, including children and families walking to Heathlands School. In fact, a crossing of Colchester Road and/or traffic calming was part of the Neighbourhood Plan proposals which ECC generally endorsed. Money has already been or is being collected by Colchester City Council towards the cost through s106 contributions1 from the developers of Colchester Road.

However, despite reasoned arguments and support from District and County Councillors, our requests have fallen on deaf ears! Hence the need for a petition, which will be presented to a meeting of Essex County Councillors and/or their Cabinet by Cllr. Lewis Barber. We will also be seeking support from our local MP, the MP for Colchester, our City Councillors and all Essex County Councillors in Colchester, as well as the Leader of CCC.

Purpose of the Petition

We the undersigned residents of West Bergholt, and the elected representatives for the village and surrounding areas, request that Essex County Council agree to design and construct both a means of traffic calming and a means of crossing Colchester Road, West Bergholt, to enable it to be crossed safely by all.

By signing you will be agreeing to your details, as part of the petition, being forwarded to ECC as your support for the petition.

If you  would rather “sign” a paper version we are undertaking door-to-door signature collections and forms are also dotted around the village in strategic locations!

I thank you in anticipation of your support.

Brian Butcher
Chair, West Bergholt Parish Council
Lead Petitioner; Cllr Butcher

Contact: [email protected]

  1. Under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended, contributions can be sought from developers towards the costs of providing community and social infrastructure, the need for which has arisen as a result of a new development taking place. This funding is commonly known as ‘Section 106’.
    It is important to note that S106 monies may therefore only be spent on facilities where the new development has, at least in part, contributed to the need for the facilities. S106 funding is available for capital projects only. Revenue funding towards ongoing running costs is not available.
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