Premises & Recreation – 6th November 2017

Premises & Recreation – 6th November 2017

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 6th November when, among other items, they discussed Budget, cleaning, Hall User Group, storage, leasing of fields, Licences & Hiring.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee Meeting held on 6th November 2017 in JL Hall

Sub-committee members present:

Murray Harlow (Acting Chair), Jenny Church, Janet Crichton, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell

Also in attendance:

Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk), Andrew Savage (Parish Councillor – Finance), Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)




Brian Butcher


Minutes of the last meeting on 2nd October 2017 were agreed.


Matters from Last Meeting

3.1 Health and Safety – Fire extinguisher training – training course booked for Monday 27th November – VBC to advise participants. VBC
3.2 Health & Safety Policy (as relates to Hall Administrator) – LW advised that the way forward will be for LW, VBC and handymen to complete the course online. LW


2018/2019 Budget

4.1 Andrew Savage joined the meeting for this item.  AS distributed a spreadsheet showing past actual figures together with the proposed budget figures for 2018/2019.  Receipts eg hire charges will be discussed later but the expenses were addressed and revisions recommended, AS will amend the budget. All


Clerks & Administration’s Report

5.1 Hall Flooring – OH – Zoe is now factoring in an addition clean using the buffing machine and will liaise with me about availability. JL – it was proposed to factor in the budget for 2018/2019 to replace the flooring outside the kitchen and in the JL corridor.
5.2 Hall border tidying – LW met with Ivor Beckwith to obtain a quotation on the borders and plants.  The work can be carried out in stages.  LW will consider a Tesco grant. LW
5.3 Internal Hall – Bluebells requested if hooks could be placed in the JL hall like they have in the Orpen Hall as this has worked well with hirers.  The hooks are to be white so they can be painted over when redecorated.  BT has measured the frames and is looking at aluminum frames to fit in with the noticeboard.  VBC mentioned she had A4 posters which need to be put up and these can be normal frames in silver. BT/VBC
5.4 Roofing – BB would like agreement to appoint DCP to undertake a roof survey, access is available easily via the access hatch in the upstairs meeting room at no cost. BB – Finance
5.5 Hall User Group – Ongoing although the information is now filtering through and a list will be drawn up. VBC/BB
5.6 Handyman Schedule – VBC showed the committee the up to date schedule and VBC will continue to monitor. VBC
5.7 Website – VBC currently in the process of putting the “bits” together for the online hall information & booking.  VBC also looking at other village hall webpages to ensure everything is covered – on going. VBC
5.8 Bluebell’s Blackboards/garage – Chalk on wall behind blackboards are still ongoing.  Bluebells have now changed garages they have found the garage door not to be sturdy and in the past they strengthen their original garage but this door is far too gone.  VBC has been asked to get quotes for a new garage door including roller shutter version and up and over. VBC
5.9 Servery – VBC is collating the quote and will forward the information once all received. VBC
5.10 CCTV – This item will be carried forward to the 2018/2019 financial year.
5.11 Rubbish Bin Area – a discussion was held and BT drew up a sketch to which he will get some pricing. BT
5.12 Woodworm on stage – Suggested that one of the handyman spray the stage with the relevant product. Handyman


Premises Licence

LW reported that CBC were concerned with the process of how the Trustees will control and monitor the sale of alcohol – LW will respond. LW


Conditions of Licence and Hiring

All conditions of licence and hiring have now been sent out to the regular hirers are being returned.  



Communication Officers Report

MH said that he is happy with how Dave Kingaby is reporting village news on “”.


Usage of fields

9.1 WBFC Lease: Ongoing LW
9.2 BHYFC – Ongoing BHYFC/ Heathlands and PC member
9.3 Fireworks – LW asked if happy with the re-turfing after the fireworks display – this is for PS to confirm. Environment Committee
9.4 Agreements to use fields – Draft Agreement – on going. BB/PS


Items to be discussed at next meeting

10.1 Storage within the hall – VBC to carry out an audit of all the storage in the hall and report back at the next meeting. VBC
10.2 Hall hire agreement – VBC to advise hall hirers of sale of alcohol when filling in the forms and to ensure updated forms are being used. VBC
Meeting closed at 8.45 pm
Date of next meeting – 8th January 2018 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall





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