Premises & Recreation – 5th September 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 5th September when, among other items, they discussed health & safety, terms of hire, asbestos surveys, social club, Bergholt Heath YFC, Orpen Hall toilets and storage.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 5th September 2016 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Brian Butcher (Chair), Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Jenny Church, Bob Tyrrell.
Apologies Harry Stone (BB accepted)

Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)

BB thanked MH for chairing the last meeting held in July.


Matters from Last Meeting

2.1 Health and Safety Questionnaire

It was agreed for VBC to book a fire extinguish course for her and/or LW to attend and then relay back to the users



Clerks & Administrator’s Report

3.1 Draft T&C for one-off hirers – BB amended and VBC has instigated this into the hirer’s procedure.
3.2 Scouts – Asbestos Survey – LW has created a warning sign for them to put up.
3.3 Social Club – cigarette ends – LW wrote to the Social Club and they have now put a sand bin outside the premises.
3.4 Projector – VBC made it known that it would cost £40 for the projector to be taken down and sent off to see what the issue is compared to £650 + VAT for a new one and  £75 to fit.  VBC has asked for this to be carried out as soon as possible as there tends to be a high usage of the projector in the autumn. VBC


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

VBC confirmed that she had met with all Managers and gave them their individual code, two keys and ran through hall rules.  MH mentioned he had spoken with Gareth Minter and that he is happy with the designated area and that he will be starting on Saturday 10th September.
BB has arranged a meeting with Mick Bell of West Bergholt Football Club on Tuesday 6th September and will briefly report back at the next meeting, hoping to include the café, nets, MUGA, youth teams, lease/licence, memo, litter, container, white lines etc. BB


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

The refurbishment of the toilets is nearly completed. BT met on Bank Holiday Monday and BB/CS on Tuesday morning with Ponder’s and complied a snagging list.  There was overspend which was due to Building Control, new boiler and toilet accessories.  Zoe (the cleaner) is to notify VBC of any graffiti seen in the toilets or anywhere else in the Hall as soon as possible. BB/VBC


Storage Units

BB to chase quote from Ponders to close up opening in the garage.  Once this has been done then the yellow demarcation paint strip will be done. BB



1)   LW to revisit quote from Oakview regarding bark chippings and ascertain the best way forward for the borders outside the Hall. LW
2)   LW to ask Green’s (fish and chip van) to provide their own rubbish bins and take rubbish away. LW
3)   BB will finalise the Terms of Reference – differentiate between Premises and Environment. BB/JGR
4)   BB meeting with Mick Bell – see point 4 – BB to raise the issue of dogs on the field on match days that this is not allowed. BB
5)   It was noted the increase of dogs around the Hall – it was agreed that LW/VBC will look into anti dog signage. VBC/
6)   Corporate signage to be placed on the November Agenda. VBC
7)   VBC advised that there will be no October production by the Orpen Players.
8)   As part of the toilet refurbishment an Asbestos Report was carried out – BB asked for VBC to give the Social Club a copy of the report so they are aware of asbestos in the roof upstairs. There is also a copy of the Asbestos Report in the Hall Office. VBC
9)   BB noted the relocation of the cycle rack adjacent to the John Lampon fire exit.
Meeting closed at 8.20pm



Date of next meeting

10th October 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall

BB sends his apologies in advance for not attending the next meeting – MH to Chair
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